Overlook Grizzly Tracks

May 17, 2024
Message from Mr. Ryder
Dear Overlook Elementary Families,
As we approach the end of the 2023-24 school year, it's hard to believe how quickly time has flown by. Witnessing the academic and physical growth of the children has been exciting. With my own son, Luke, graduating this year, and seeing our preschool students in their caps and gowns for their pictures, it serves as a reminder of how quickly time passes. (see the picture of the 1st day/last day of school)
One valuable lesson I've learned as both an educator and a parent working with children is the importance of staying present and cherishing each moment. I am grateful for our Overlook families, staff, and students for contributing to what has been one of the most rewarding years in my career. Our school is a place filled with love, laughter, and learning.
Wishing everyone a safe and enjoyable summer.
Mr. Ryder
Principal, Overlook Elementary
Dear Parent/Guardian,
I am excited to let you know of a program that will be made available to the children here at Overlook Elementary School. The Summer Bag program is made possible through a partnership with Feeding Medina County. Children who are eligible for free and reduced lunch through the National School Lunch Program are also eligible to receive Summer Bags during the break at no cost.
The Summer Bags provide healthy, shelf-stable food
The bag will be discreetly delivered to your home OR can be picked up at the Charles Parsons Administration Building, 524 Broad Street, each Wednesday, beginning June 12 and ending on August 14 from 11am-1pm.
Your child will receive a bag every Wednesday during the summer break, June 12 - August 14.
This is a FREE program; there is NO COST to the child, parent/guardian, or school
Please download the pdf below if interested.
1st Day School Supply
Parents, please consider 1st Day School Supplies. I know it seems early, but before you know it, summer will be here. It's important you order your supplies before it's too late or supplies run out. Start the school year with the exact supplies your teacher requested, and give your child the confidence they need to conquer next year! Get them today before it's too late! Order now .
Frontline Mobile App
With the Frontline ProgressBook Parent and Student mobile app, students and their families can track grades, view homework assignments, monitor attendance, and more. For information on how to use the app, watch the video below and read the attached flyer.
Dates to Remember:
- 20th - 3rd and 4th grade Foam Party Testing Reward! 2 p.m.
- 20th PTO Dine to Donate at Swensons in Montrose 5-8 p.m.
- 23rd - 3rd grade end of year picnic at Durling Park
- 23rd - PreSchool Graduation 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.
- 24th - K-4 Yes Day Carnival (during school)
- 28th - Overlook Field Day
- 30th - 4th Grade Class Recognition 2:00 in the gym - Parents are welcome to attend
- 30th - 4th grade Luau 6-8 p.m. Overlook Cafeteria
- 31st - 4th grade Clap Out 3:00 p.m. Parents Welcome to attend
- 31st - Last Day of School-End of 3rd Trimester
- 11th Overlook Kindergarten Mingle 6:00 p.m. Overlook Playground
- 20th Open House Grades 1-4 6:00-7:30 p.m.
- 22nd 1st day of school grades 1-4
- 22nd KRA Kindergarten Assessments
- 23rd KRA Kindergarten Assessments
- 26th Preschool open House 6:00-7:00 p.m.
- 26th KRA Kindergarten Assessments
- 27th Open House Kindergarten 6:00-7:00 p.m.
- 28th 1st day of kindergarten and preschool
Counselor's Corner with Mrs. Laino
Classroom Guidance Lessons
All kindergarten through 4th grade students received their last classroom guidance lesson for this school year. Each grade level had a lesson on careers as it is never too early for students to start identifying their interests and thinking about what kind of career they may want to pursue.
Kindergarten students read When I Grow Up by Bob Holt, Clothesline Clues to Jobs People Do by Kathryn Heling & Deborah Hembrook and Whose Hat is This by Sharon Katz Cooper. Then each child chose a hat that goes with a career they may be interested in. They got to color, cut and wear their hats at the end of the lesson.
1st graders got to read When I Grow Up by Julie Chen & Maybe You Should Fly a Jet! Maybe You Should Be a Vet! by Dr. Seuss. Next, we played a guessing/matching game where I shared a character’s interests and your children guessed which career would match. Lastly, they filled out a job application for a future job they’d like to have.
2nd graders read When I Grow Up by Al Yankovich and rotated through several career based stations:
Clip It- Look at the pictures on the clip. Notice what they are doing, what tools they are using, and where they are doing it. Clip the picture on the card of the career cluster it belongs to. (Some of the classes opted to look through the variety of career books I borrowed from the Wadsworth Public Library instead of doing the clip it activity).
Create It- Use Legos to create a tool for that career
Draw It- Fill out what you want to be when you grow up and why. Draw a picture of you grown up doing that job.
Would You Rather Career Edition- ask each other from the cards which career you’d rather do and why
In 3rd grade students rotated rotated through the following stations:
Read It- Browse through some of the career information cards and find one that might interest you. Fill out the College & Career Exploration Form
A-Z- Think of a Job that starts with each letter of the alphabet, write that job next to the letter. Students used a variety of career books I borrowed from the Wadsworth Public Library to help them come up with some ideas.
Draw It- Think about your future graduation day from high school or even college! What will you look like? Draw your proudest face. Of course they wrote the class of 2033 at the bottom.
4th graders watched a video about “What Kind of Genius Are You” based on what Albert Einstein said about every person being a genius. According to him, a genius is someone who has talents and passions. Everyone has talents and passions, therefore, everyone is a genius. After the video, students completed a survey to explore their talents and passions and graphed the results. Using those results they brainstormed possible career options. Lastly, all students created a pair of sunglasses depicting their future. Why a pair of sunglasses? Simple, because their “future's so bright”.
2023-2024 End-of-Year Comprehensive School Counseling Program Assessment
Please consider completing our K-4 Elementary Counselor Program Assessment. This is a survey completed by parents/families to offer a data-informed direction for a comprehensive school counseling program. This assessment will assist in identifying student needs, informing curriculum development to address those needs, and pinpointing high-needs areas. The data from a needs assessment assists in determining why students may be struggling to succeed, some of the barriers they face, and the student's strengths.
Please note that your information is confidential, if you have a specific concern or need please contact your student's school counselor.
2023-2024 End-of-Year Comprehensive School Counseling Program Assessment
Summer Camps
Please click below for some local Summer Camps. Please note, that these camps are not affiliated with Wadsworth City Schools.
Visitors and Volunteers
- Visitors will be invited to the building for special events.
- Visitors are not permitted to join students for lunch.
- If you are coming to the building to volunteer you must sign this form: Volunteer Release Form. There will be hard copies at the building if needed.
- Tier 1 Volunteer: No unsupervised interaction with students. No board approval or background check required.
- Tier 2 Volunteer: Unsupervised interaction with students. Board Approval and Background Check (BCI & and FBI) required. Please contact Mrs. Jira for more information.
Community Resources
Free Triple P Parenting Classes
These classes are online and can be completed at your own pace! Click the picture to be taken directly to the registration page.
Summer Camps
These camps are not affiliated with Wadsworth City Schools.
Social Media
Overlook PTO:
Facebook- Overlook PTO: Wadsworth, OH
Mr. Ryder:
Instagram: ovprincipal
Mrs. Laino:
Instagram: ovcounselorscorner