The Eagle Eye
Children are the heart of Imlay!
Dear Imlay Families,
A Message from Mrs. McCalley, Principal
I am so blessed to be able to work with such an amazing community! Our students are rock stars and are showing daily how we are #growingtogether. Classes are settling in to instruction and students are showing all that they know!
This month, all students at Imlay will take several assessments in their classrooms to help teachers know how to meet each child's individual needs. Each grade level conducts assessments in reading, comprehension, writing and math through out this month. Assessments may be conducted 1:1 with the teacher, in writing or on the computer! It depends on the grade level and subject. Teachers will share with parents at conferences what skills the students will be focusing on.
We do not want our "assessments" to be high anxiety or stressful for our students. Teachers will share with their class that they need to learn more about each child so we can teach them what they need to learn! Please reinforce with your child that this helps us know how to help students.
Have you followed us on social media? We have been posting photos daily of Imlay classes hard at work!
We had a great turn out for the first Muffins with Principal McCalley. Save the date for our next one on November 5th.
Important Upcoming Dates:
September 15-October 15: Hispanic Heritage Month
In October sometime: Fire Drill & Earthquake Drill
October 6th: Early Release
October 8th: Statewide Inservice Day for Teachers, No School for students
October 13th: Early Release
October 19th: Imlay Fall Event with PTA Meeting (evening, more info to come)
October 20th: Early Release
October 27th: Early Release
October 29th: PBIS Assembly (virtual)
October 29th: Dress Like Your Favorite Book Character Day
TBD October's virtual Muffins with Principal McCalley
If you ever have a question, please do not hesitate to reach out to your classroom teacher, the office or myself! We would love to help out!
Thank you for sharing your children with us!
Mrs. McCalley
Too Sick For School or COVID Symptoms?
Do you have other COVID related questions?
Voluntary Student COVID Screening Testing Program at Imlay
Hello Imlay Families,
Information about the voluntary COVID screening testing program for students will be sent home via email on Friday, October 1st. This information will also be sent home with your child in hard copy on Monday, October 4th. If you would like your child to participate, please complete and return the General Consent form and Authorization form as soon as possible.
Testing will begin on Tuesday, Oct. 12, at our school. This means that a test kit will be sent home with your child on Monday, Oct. 11, and on each subsequent Monday for collection on Tuesday, Oct. 12, and each subsequent Tuesday (unless there is no school on either the kit distribution or collection day).
Please note that negative screening testing results cannot be used to avoid quarantine if a child subsequently develops primary symptoms of COVID or is determined to have been in close contact with someone who has COVID.
Please read the information carefully and contact our office if you have any questions.
Thank you!
Jen McCalley
Family Outreach Support
October 2021
Dear parents and guardians,
It is with great pleasure that I introduce myself. My name is Yazmin Gamez. This year I will be the Family and Community Outreach Liaison at your student School. My work will be focused on making sure that you all, the families, feel supported and included in our school & community.
My responsibilities include: Be a cultural agent and advocate for families, access and provide school and community resources to families, promote and encourage parent / family participation in events and activities in schools and the district, and coordinate family or training events. My goal is for each of you to feel included, supported and most of all comfortable with getting involved in the education of your children during their academic experience.
I invite you to call or email me for any questions you may have. This is a team effort, so it is important that there is communication between us to be able to assist you and your families in the best way possible. I am extremely excited about working with you all this year.
Sincerely, Yazmin Gamez
Family Outreach Liaison
(971) 231-4424
Talented and Gifted Information
Parents are welcome to refer their child for services designed for students identified as talented and gifted. Students who score at or above the 97th percentile on a nationally standardized, norm-referenced test of overall reading or math or on a mental abilities test, and have other confirming evidence that they learn at a rapid rate and advanced level, are identified as TAG students. With parent input, individual plans are made to adjust the rate and level of the student’s instruction to meet his or her specific needs.
If you think your child may qualify for TAG services and want information about the referral and identification process, please contact: Arianna Siegfried 503-844-1090
Time to Verify Your Student's Records!
Online Verification is open!
What is Online Verification?
Parents/Guardians review and update information for students currently attending Hillsboro School District. Having accurate contact information for parents is critical for communicating school and district news, as well as attendance and emergency notifications. Only one parent/guardian can complete the verification process.
How do I access Online Verification?
You will need a ParentVUE account and access to a computer or mobile device.
From a Desktop Computer:
Open ParentVUE. Login to your ParentVUE account. Click on the Online Registration tab in the top right hand corner. Select the 2021-2022 Verification option and select Start.
From the ParentVUE App:
Login to the ParentVUE mobile application. ParentVUE mobile app download instructions: ENGLISH SPANISH
Click Online Registration, then select Open Online Registration. Choose the 2021-2022 Verification option and select Start.
After School Care
Does Your Child Have a Health Need?
Dear Parent/Guardian:
If your child has a Health Management Plan (HMP), it is uploaded into their document section in Synergy to give teachers important health information access. Please review your child’s HMP on ParentVUE in the document section. Also, check that the information listed in the health portion of ParentVUE is still accurate. (Contact your child’s school if you need an activation key or a printed copy.)
⮚ If there is a change on the HMP or updates in the ParentVUE health section needed, please contact HSD District Nurse assigned to your child’s school.
⮚ If nursing is not notified of any changes, the uploaded HMP will be implemented as is.
It is important that school staff have the most up to date information to ensure your child’s health and safety at school. Contact your District Nurse throughout the school year with any changes in your child’s condition.
Hillsboro School District Nurse Team