SGB Counseling Newsletter
January 2025

January SGB Counseling Newsletter
National Thank You Month
Did you know that January marks National Thank You Month? This is a great way to start the new semester and new year off on the right foot! It encourages us to be kind to others and acknowledge someone’s effort to help us. In life, it is not always the big things that make our day, sometimes it’s the small things like saying “thank you” that can make someone smile. This January is the perfect time to make small things count and to go slightly out of your way to help someone, and be appreciative of what others do for you, and say thank you. 😁
Achieve college and career readiness through DE, CTAE and WBL
Interested in Dual Enrollment? Don't delay - this is a great time to learn about this fabulous opportunity! You might be able to start as soon as this summer!
Dual Enrollment (DE) is a program that provides funding for GCA students in grades 10-12 to take approved college-level coursework for credit towards both high school and college graduation requirements. Students can take academic core classes or technical classes through colleges on the approved list. A list of participating colleges can be found below. Students can begin as early as the summer after 9th grade.
Reach out to your Dual Enrollment Counselor! We hope you will take advantage of this AWESOME and FREE opportunity!!
Last name:
A-L Charlotte Byrd cbyrd@georgiacyber.org
M-Z Jolie Ganley jganley@georgiacyber.org
What is a CTAE Pathway?
Career, Technical and Agricultural Education (CTAE) is preparing Georgia’s students for their next step after high school. A CTAE pathway is a group of 3 courses related to a student’s area of study (there are currently 197 courses). Courses can be taken at the high school level or through Dual Enrollment. Students may also take the End of Pathway Assessment (EOPA), which is a credentialing exam in their field of interest. Students will earn an additional elective credit.
CTAE Delivers!
The CTAE Department would like to wish you all a great school year!!! Our CTSOs (Career Technical Student Organizations) are gearing up for their annual membership drive. From Fall leadership rallies, state conferences and Leadership conferences you're certain to have a blast while being involved with CGAs CTSOs. FBLA, DECA, HOSA, TSA, FCCLA and First Robotics are amongst the CTSOs we have this year. Please stay tuned for the announcement to join. Remember, CTAE Delivers!!!!
Work-Based Learning (WBL) is an opportunity to receive high school course credit through job placement while working in an environment related to your Career/CTAE pathway.
- You must be at least 16 years old
- You must have reliable transportation
- You must have at least a 2.2 rolling GPA and a 2.0 from the previous semester
- Complete application packet
• Gain experience in your desired career field
• Develop employability skills including positive work habits and attitudes.
• Improve your job prospects after graduation and gain a competitive advantage.
• Make professional connections that will help you in the future.
• Earn elective credit and a paycheck! (if placed in a paid position)
• Opportunities available across Georgia
WBL Application Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd0kJzuqVRl0rukYK_Rqk_BdEjB4T6HJCpzksiD30pe_rDgGg/viewform
For More Information Contact: Erica Butts ebutts@georgiacyber.org (Last Name A-M) or Tricia McCoy tmccoy@georgiacyber.org (Last Name N-Z)
In Search of ==> Coding Interns
Do you love to create and want to level up your coding skills? Or do you love using your coding skills to design and build your own video games?
Code Ninjas is offering internships in these locations:
- Atlanta
- Smyrna
- Cumming
- Snellville
- Marietta
https://www.codeninjas.com/Links to an external site.
Feel free to contact one of our work-based learning coordinators for further assistance, Erica Butts at ebutts@georgiacyber.org or Tricia McCoy at tmccoy@georgiacyber.org
Senior Corner
Opportunity to earn a diploma seal and graduation cord
This is a friendly reminder that the 2025 Georgia Scholar Program application window opened on January 8 and will close on March 1. Georgia public—and private-school seniors who meet the program's criteria are eligible to apply.
Through the Georgia Scholar program, GaDOE recognizes high school seniors who have demonstrated excellence in both school and community life. Awardees will receive a diploma seal and, new this year, a graduation cord. Please note that this is a recognition-only program and does not provide scholarship funds.
Applications are due by 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 1, 2025.
For your convenience, please find the relevant links below:
Application: Links to an external site.2025 Georgia Scholar ApplicationLinks to an external site.
Verification Forms: Click HereLinks to an external site.
Student Application Guidance: Click HereLinks to an external site.
Georgia Scholar Webpage: Click HereLinks to an external site.
February Senior Shout Out Event-Now Seeking Applications!
Greetings Seniors,
We know the GCA class of 2025 is amazing and we want everyone else to know it too!
The February Senior Shout Out event allows seniors to share if they have applied for college applications or received acceptances, applied for or received military enlistment, completed the FAFSA, applied for or received employment opportunities, and/or identified talents, skills, hobbies, photos/videos to share with their peers and GCA community that have occurred between November 5th up to February 11th. All applicants will also automatically be entered into a drawing for a gift card!
Submission Link: https://forms.gle/brf6z3qjnJUiyRJR7Links to an external site.
The deadline for submissions is February 11th.
Zoom Link to attend:https://www.google.com/url?q=https://georgiacyber.zoom.us/j/99537431144&sa=D&source=calendar&ust=1736698318522718&usg=AOvVaw21BZCDqOM8Zm3V9b9Hndl-Links to an external site.
💸🎓 Let’s Tackle the FAFSA Together with FAFSA Power Hour Week
Hello, Class of 2025 College-Bound Seniors and Families!
Feeling stuck on the FAFSA? Unsure what steps to take next? Want to complete it with the guidance of a counselor who can answer your questions in real time?
We’ve got you covered! Join GCA Counselors for our FAFSA Help Sessions from Monday, January 13th to Friday, January 17th, anytime between 11:30 AM and 12:30 PM. This is your chance to pop in, ask questions, and get the help you need in a relaxed, open-office setting!
Why is the FAFSA important? Completing the FAFSA early unlocks access to federal, state, and school-based financial aid, including grants, scholarships, and work-study opportunities. The sooner you submit, the better your chances of securing funds for college!
Here’s what you need to know:
Dates: Monday, January 13th – Friday, January 17th
Time: Drop in anytime between 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Where: CLASS platform: Join Here https://georgiacyber.class.com/class/a014b905-55fa-433d-9245-3a795e57f13e
REGISTER HERE: Click Here to Register https://forms.gle/fB42i7xUc47e7qHVA
Please register so we can be ready to help you. If you need assistance in a different language, be sure to indicate that on the registration form so we can arrange for an interpreter.
We can’t wait to see you there and help you cross FAFSA off your to-do list!
Friday, Jan 17, 2025, 11:30 AM
Dear Champions and Families,
Are you ready to unlock exclusive scholarship opportunities? Join us on Friday, January 24th for our Scholarship Squad Workshop, where we’ll dive into local scholarships—an essential resource for funding your education!
Session Details:
When: January 24, 2025
11:45 AM – 12:15 PM
Where: CLASS (Open to all 9th-12th grade students and families)
Class Link: https://georgiacyber.class.com/class/a014b905-55fa-433d-9245-3a795e57f13e
Here’s what we’ll cover:
· How to Find Local Scholarships: Tips for identifying local scholarships
· Application Process: What colleges look for and how to stand out.
· How to Inquire About Scholarships: Who to contact and what questions to ask.
· Additional Resources: Tools and strategies to make the most of these opportunities.
This is a fantastic chance to get ahead in your scholarship search. We look forward to seeing you there!
- The Scholarship Squad
SAT/ACT testing opportunities for the 2024-2025 school year
These are optional tests, however, if you are interested in attending a 2 or 4-year college, you should look into taking the SAT/ACT in order to meet admissions criteria. You can check the admissions page of the college(s) you are interested in to see specifically what test scores, if any, are required. Some scholarships also require standardized test scores. If you are not sure which test is right for you, you can always discuss this with your high school counselor.
The SAT is offering test dates on: March 8, May 3 and June 7.
*Please note that registration deadlines usually fall several weeks prior to that month's test date.
Link to SAT website with test dates, deadlines and registration. https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/sat/register/dates-deadlines
The ACT is offering test dates on: February 8, April 5, and June 14.
*Please note that registration deadlines usually fall several weeks prior to that month's test date.
Link to ACT website with test dates, deadlines and registration. https://www.act.org/content/act/en/products-and-services/the-act/registration.html
If you would like to see if you are eligible for a fee waiver for the SAT/ACT. Please fill out this survey. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfTYh-ShOrpkQ-3qHl1UEJ1kvgCWYKG3pl5FCgdEK3PJr-zqA/viewform
Or you can scan the QR code above for quick and easy access to the survey. You can click the link below for quick and easy access to the SAT and ACT dates in one place.
February Accuplacer Testing Opportunity at GCA
If you feel that the SAT or ACT are not for you but would like to take the Accuplacer exam that is administered at the GCA office, you will have several opportunities to do so throughout this school year. What is the Accuplacer? The Accuplacer is a series of tests that evaluate students’ skills in reading, writing, and math to help college administrators place them in courses that match their skills,
February 6th is our first Accuplacer testing opportunity of the new semester. You can also choose to take the Accuplacer exam at your local technical college.
Click HERE to register for the Accuplacer at GCA.
Other testing dates:
March 13, 2025
Sunday, Jun 1, 2025, 09:00 AM
1745 Phoenix Boulevard, College Park, GA, USA
Face-to-Face College Visit Opportunities for January
The GCA Counseling Department is conducting an In-Person College Tour at Georgia Southern University on Saturday, January 18th, 2025. This is not a virtual tour, so please do not register if you are not able to attend in person. Georgia Southern University is providing complimentary Bus Transportation from the Community Achievement Center in Decatur, GA at 6am to the Statesboro, GA campus. The tour begins at 10am, will end at 3pm, and the bus will return to the Community Achievement Center by 6pm. The bus is for students only.
Students, please consult with your parents or legal guardians before completing the registration form to ensure you will ride the complimentary bus or drive to the campus in Statesboro, Georgia. You and your parent/guardian, if they are planning to drive, will meet us at the campus (the itinerary with all relevant information will be sent after registering). We will tour the campus, receive information about their collegiate programs and majors, housing, meal plans, admission requirements, tuition, and scholarships. There are 30 reserved slots for this tour. Sign up today! The deadline to register is Wednesday January 15th, 2025. *Update, all slots are reserved!
Click here to view the flyer: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ED_FNxdeHPJloI2306LSkaL6kgLKV8sS/view?usp=sharing
To learn more about Georgia Southern University: https://www.georgiasouthern.edu/
To see other upcoming events, click here: https://sites.google.com/georgiacyber.org/virtualcollegeandcareercenter/updates/upcoming-events
The GCA Counseling Department is conducting an In-Person College Tour the University of Georgia (UGA) on Thursday January 16th, 2025 from 2pm to 4pm. This is not a virtual tour, so please do not register if you are not able to attend in person.
Students, please consult with your parents or legal guardians before completing the registration form to ensure you will make it to the campus in Athens, Georgia. You and your parent/guardian, if they are planning to attend, will drive and meet us at the campus (the itinerary with all relevant information will be sent after registering). We will tour the campus, receive information about their collegiate programs and majors, housing, meal plans, admission requirements, tuition, and scholarships. There are 50 reserved slots for this tour. Sign up today! The deadline to register is Tuesday, January 14th, 2025. *Update, all slots are filled!
Click here to view the flyer: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1v7Slli8VJFrzqwmXKyCzmquQJulYFLum/view?usp=sharing
To learn more about UGA: https://www.uga.edu/
Click here to register to attend the IN PERSON tour: https://forms.gle/JjAUH7cTizq9GoEh8
To see other upcoming events, click here: https://sites.google.com/georgiacyber.org/virtualcollegeandcareercenter/updates/upcoming-events
The GCA Counseling Department is conducting an In-Person Campus Tour at Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University (FAMU) & Florida State University on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. The Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University (FAMU) In-Person Campus Tour will take place at 10 am and the Florida State University In-Person Campus Tour at 1:30pm.
These are not virtual tours, so please do not register if you are not able to attend in person. Students, please consult with your parents or legal guardians before completing the registration form to ensure you will make it to their campus in Tallahassee, Florida. You and your parent/guardian, if they are planning to attend, will drive and meet us at the campus (the itinerary with all relevant information will be sent after registering). We will tour the campus, receive information about their collegiate programs and majors, housing, meal plans, admission requirements, tuition, and scholarships. There are 50 reserved slots for each tour and you are welcome to sign up for both since they are in the same area. Sign up today! The deadline to register is Monday, January 20, 2025.
Click here to view the flyer for Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University (FAMU): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1m6e-_cIAqeiZVknNkPX2E35v3gOcjMNl/view?usp=sharing
Click here to view the flyer for Florida State University (FSU): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MG4zJ9qlRlk7l5j1B49-9sanX8ftpwg9/view?usp=sharing
To learn more about FAMU: https://www.famu.edu/index.php
To learn more about Florida State University: https://www.fsu.edu/
"This is FSU": https://visit.fsu.edu/video
Click here to register to attend the Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University (FAMU) IN PERSON tour: https://forms.gle/Kn7PGZYEoXQJnY7o9
Click here to register to attend the Florida State University (FSU) IN PERSON tour: https://forms.gle/UyZ13yyMgt9uqxgQ6
To see other upcoming events, click here: https://sites.google.com/georgiacyber.org/virtualcollegeandcareercenter/updates/upcoming-events
The GCA Counseling Department is conducting an In-Person College Tour to Georgia College and State University on Friday, January 31, 2025 from 1pm to 2:30pm. You and your parent/guardian, if they are planning to attend, will drive and meet us at the campus (itinerary with all relevant information will be sent after registering).
This is not a virtual tour and please do not register if you are not able to attend in person. Students, please consult with your parents or legal guardians before completing the registration form to ensure you will make it to the campus in Milledgeville, Georgia. We will tour the campus, receive information about their collegiate programs and majors, housing, meal plans, admission requirements, tuition, and scholarships. Review the college website and video below and use the sign up link at the bottom if you are interested in viewing what GCSU can offer for your academic future. There are 50 reserved slots for this tour. Sign up today! The deadline to register is Wednesday, January 29, 2025.
To learn more about GCSU: https://www.gcsu.edu/
"GCSU is for YOU": https://vimeo.com/883366242
GCSU Campus Tour Registration Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe9o9wn0jelEf8wwicqwUzM5RQg_VgpJKn1vMUtDbZZGeVurQ/viewform
Virtual College Visits
We are excited to announce that a representative from Central GA Tech College will be joining us for a Virtual College Visit in CLASS. This is a fantastic opportunity for students and families to learn more about their school, programs, organizations, and the admissions process. The session will provide valuable insights and allow you to ask any questions you might have about these schools.
The visit will take place on Thursday, January 16th at 11:30am, and everyone is welcome to attend. If you are unable to join live, don't worry-the meeting will be recorded, and a link to watch the session will be sent out afterward. Be sure to mark your calendars and join us using the CLASS link provided...
Click here to join the meeting: https://georgiacyber.class.com/class/00b60cf7-01d9-469a-a6fe-4d66cc5a57da .
We will also have a virtual college visit with The University of Central Florida on January 31, 2025 at 11:30 am. Click here to join the meeting: https://georgiacyber.class.com/class/00b60cf7-01d9-469a-a6fe-4d66cc5a57da .
To see other upcoming events, click here: https://sites.google.com/georgiacyber.org/virtualcollegeandcareercenter/updates/upcoming-events
Please continue to visit our Virtual College and Career Center. It has most of the same information as this newsletter in one easy to find location. as well as additional pages and resources such as our Student Shout Out page, recordings from previous events and more. Be sure to check it out!
Thank you for reading! We will be back with a brand new edition of this newsletter next month, until then, be sure to be thinking about what post-secondary plan is right for you! You can begin meeting with your school counselor to develop the best plan for your future.😀
GCA SGB Counseling Department
Stay in the know! Follow us on X@gcacounseling or on Instagram @gcacounseling
Website: https://www.georgiacyber.org/school-life/counseling
Location: 1745 Phoenix Boulevard, College Park, GA, USA
Phone: 404-334-4790
Twitter (X): @gcacounseling