GEARS Kids Center February News
February 2025
Welcome to GEARS Kids Center!
Happy February!
January went by so quickly! Please read and scroll to learn of all the wonderful things happening in this month!
Reminder that our Gym Floor Project will begin on February 3rd. We will not be available to offer "Non-School Day" care for grades first to fifth grade on February 14th and February 17th. We will be open for Preschool and Kindergarten Wrap Around care since they have access to their own classrooms. March 14th is the other "Non-School Day" , where we again will not be able provide care to 1st to 5th grade students; only Preschool and Kindergarten. The hope is that the gym floor will be completed by the end of March.
Please check our Activity Calendar and Menu for the month of February. In this newsletter you will also find the links to the sign up your or the upcoming "Early Dismissals" for February and March. Please abide by the deadlines to register your child.
We are currently in the midst of that time of year, where many colds, flu, respiratory illnesses, strep throat and fevers are prevalent. Here is a reminder of our GEARS Kids Center protocol. If your child has a fever of 100 degrees or more your child must go home or stay home until symptoms subside, regardless if the child had fever reducing meds before coming to GEARS. If your child has vomited, had diarrhea, strep throat, flu, COVID, severe symptoms, etc. the child will need to go home. Administration understands that staying home with your child can affect parent's work schedules, however sending children to the classrooms or to the Before and After sites when these symptoms are present causes our staff and other children to be exposed. We do ask that we receive a doctor's note if your child has visited a health provider sharing when the child can resume coming to child care at GEARS. We ask these notes from our staff when they visit health providers as well. We simply want to lessen the spread of germs. Scroll down the newsletter for an informative link concerning wellness of children.
A reminder to please make sure your children (ages 3 to 11 years) have a warm coat, gloves and hat; as we go outside if the temperature is 25 degrees and above. We go outside for 15 minutes or less to breath in fresh air. This includes all sites. We have recently discovered that a few of our children did not have the appropriate clothes, the staff must go outside with the children to maintain ratios.
On those days where the school calls a delay for inclement weather, please check the Bright Wheel app, WGAL Closings, and the School District Website. We are not allowed to be inside the elementary school sites until they open. (example: two hour delay, school will open at 8:30 am. Kelly and I communicate in the early mornings and try to alert all families as soon as possible.
Please feel free to contact me at 717-367-0119, email or drop by the office. I also monitor the messages on Bright Wheel as well.
Warmly, Wendy Musser, Kids Center Director
February Activity Calendar 2025
February Menu 2025
Preschool News
Kindergarten News
Bainbridge News
Bear Creek News
East High News
Teachers of the Month
Our Teachers for the Month of January are Ms. Caitlin, Mrs. Sally and Mr. Alex. Thank you for all you do for the children in your care. We appreciate the time you take to get to know the students in your midst and build long lasting relationships with them. Congratulations!
Ms. Caitlin, Kindergarten Teacher
Ms. Sally, Bainbridge Teacher
Mr. Alex, College Student, Before and After School
During the month our staff will be attend the ECE Summit provided by the Catherine Hershey School. The Keynote speaker will be Jon Gordon, author of many motivational stories and books. Some of our staff will be reading one of his books: The Shark and the Goldfish. This book will enhance their view of their jobs and personal outlook. Will they choose to be a shark or a goldfish?