RES Weekly Buzz
It was a great first week!
What a great start to the school year! We were excited to welcome returning and new students to Rockport Elementary School this week. It was wonderful to have our school full of students. Seeing their excitement when meeting their teachers and classmates was a joy for all RES staff.
We'd like to acknowledge our incredible custodial staff once more; their work over the summer ensured that our entire building is clean, providing a safe and healthy learning environment. The crew worked through very hot and humid days; we are incredibly grateful for all of their efforts!
Our school community thrives on positive energy, which our staff certainly encompasses. We are all looking forward to a fun, engaging year of learning, with a focus on ensuring that your child feels safe and accepted, and that they develop valued friendships. Both staff and students will respect and appreciate our similarities and differences as we to grow and flourish as a community.
Here’s to a fantastic year of working together to build positive relationships. We know this caring community will continue to foster our students' curiosity for learning in fun and creative ways. Have a wonderful holiday weekend, and see you all next week!
Important Dates
- September 1st & September 4th: No School
- September 14th: RES Open House, 6:00 pm
- September 26th: 1/2 Day of School (Pre-K 11:30 dismissal,K-5-Noon dismissal)
Rockport Vikings Water Bottle
This year the District is providing each student with a welcome back-to-school gift of a Rockport Vikings water bottle. Students will receive their bottles one day next week in their classrooms. We encourage students to label their bottles and to stay hydrated throughout the day.
RES STAFF 2023-2024
In case you missed our last weekly buzz, we would once again like to introduce our new staff to the Rockport community! Joining us this year at Rockport Elementary are:
- Madison Wynbeek, Grade 1 Teacher
- Peter Sorkin, Grade 5 Special Education Liaison
- Kara Hersey, School Adjustment Counselor
- Adam Reardon, RPS Board Certified Behavior Analyst
- Liz Luster, Kindergarten Paraprofessional
- Jaclyn Connelly, Grade 1 Paraprofessional
We are also pleased to announce that a veteran staff member has taken on a role change to support our special education staff and students.
- Bridget O'Connell, RES Team Chair
All staff assignments at RES are included here: RES Staff 2023-2024.
Drop-Off and Pick-Up Reminders
Students should be dropped off at 8:45 am, when they can proceed to their classrooms. Students are able to enjoy breakfast in the cafeteria beginning at 8:30 am. Students are only permitted to enter the building at 7:30 for the YMCA before school program or at 8:00 am to attend any RES before school programming.
RES Drop Off Procedures
Parents/guardians should drop students off in the “drop-off lane” located on the right, curbside, at the front of the elementary school. Pull your vehicle up as far as possible, so other vehicles are able to join the drop off line. Please pull over to the right and allow a staff member to assist your child in exiting your vehicle. Stay to the right, as traffic may be passing you in the left hand lane. Please remain in your car when dropping off your child; there is no parking in the drop off zone. When pulling away from the school, please look to your left, as other cars may be in the traveling lane already.
RES Pick Up Procedures
Students who take the bus will be dismissed immediately at 3:00 pm. The buses will be in front of the school, please do not idle, park, or block the pick up lane as buses have the right of way at school dismissal time.
Students who are “walkers” who walk home or are being picked up at school will be dismissed at 3:03 pm from the following areas:
Kindergarten and Grade 1:
East side doors (F3) near the RES gymnasium.
Grades 2 and 3:
East side recess doors (F8) near the basketball court and the school playground, closest to the 2nd grade classrooms.
Grades 4 and 5:
North side doors (H2) at the rear of the building, closest to the 5th grade classrooms.
For safety reasons, staff are ONLY allowed to dismiss students to individuals who are on the approved dismissal list documented in ASPEN. If you have any changes in dismissal, even for one day, you must contact the main office and/or classroom teacher with written documentation indicating who will be picking up your child in advance.
Need to get a bus pass? Please see the following link to sign your student(s) up for the school bus for school year 2023-2024. Students must be signed up BEFORE school starts on August 30. Bus Routes will be sent out to families via email and are posted on our website. Bus passes will be distributed to students at school. Thank you!
Safety Tips from the Rockport Police Department
New School Visitor Procedures
All school entrance doors will remain locked during the school day.
The main entrances of the buildings will be open in the morning for students attending before school programming and clubs and will be locked promptly at 9:00 a.m. when classroom instruction begins.
Elementary visitors must be buzzed into the front door and check in with office staff at the main office.
All visitors, including parents/guardians, will be required to provide a valid picture ID, such as a driver’s license in order to enter the building. After this, they will receive a Visitor’s Badge, which must be worn while in the building. Should any staff member not recognize an individual or see a visitor without a badge, they will inquire about the visitor’s presence in the building and direct them to the office. Visitors must return to the main office prior to leaving the building to check out with staff. We appreciate your understanding of these important security protocols.
All volunteers must complete a CORI check at least every three years and the school may issue fingerprint background checks per M. G. L. c. 71, § 38R.
5th Grade Science Lessons
Notes from Nurse Wagner
Please remember to turn in a copy of your child's latest physical before or by the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year.
If your child will need any medication, inhaler, or Epi-Pen for the 2023-2024 school year, new forms are required. The Medication Administration form (or a physician's order) and Authorization To Treat form will need to be filled out. Doctors should also fill out an Asthma Action Plan for any students who need an inhaler at school. These forms are available under the Health Services link on the website.
The RES school nurse will be periodically checking email over the summer and can be reached at
Please reach out to the nurse's office with any questions at 978-546-1223.
September Breakfast and Lunch Menus
RPS Employment Opportunities
- Multiple positions have been posted for the elementary, middle, and high schools in Rockport.
- Click here or scan our QR code to see all available positions.