English Village Family Edition
September 2023 Week 4
Hello, EV Families! We hope that everyone is healthy at this busy time of year. We are now into the month of October. This is an exciting time of year as we transition into the Fall season. It is most definitely a time of change. The temperatures are cooling, the leaves are changing color, and we are getting into holiday mode.
It is most definitely an exciting time packed with lots of fun events and activities. Here at EV we have our Open House as well as our Book Fair, School Fundraiser, Picture Day, and Parent/Teacher Conferences coming up! And that's just to name a few things.
So...let's enjoy these exciting events together, but not forget the main goal of our work, which is to support the development, growth, and success of our students/your children, both academically and socially/emotionally. We continue to ask for your support at home with the following daily activities : making sure that your child is reading, practicing Math facts, eating well, getting exercise, getting lots of sleep, and attending school regularly. More now than ever it truly takes a village to ensure the success of our children! Thank you for your ongoing partnership and collaboration. Please remember that we are here for you and don't hesitate to contact us if we can be of any support. Thank you very much, take care, and have a great week!
Jason Lewis
Rosa Bellone
English Village Updates
Car Loop pickup reminder
SIP (School Improvement Plan) Information
Last week, we gave an introduction to our SIP. This week, we will look at our SIP focus group. Schools are charged with reviewing data to identify a group of students that has been under served or underrepresented , where gaps in academic and social/emotional data exist. For us here at EV, we have found that our Black students are under performing our student population in general.
The idea is to close these gaps and ensure that all of our students receive what they need to be successful in school and life, both academically and socially/emotionally. Our SIP guides us as a staff to work through creating SMART goals and to utilize action steps to close these gaps. We utilize CRE (Culturally Responsive Education) research and other methods to accomplish this work. These Best Practices help us to ensure that our instruction is responsive to all students.
More information on our goals to come next week.
English Village is proud to Partner with Scholastic to have our annual Book Fair. The fair will be open during school for students to shop and will be open in the evening at Open House on October 4th. Additional information will be coming home soon.
The Book Fair is coming. Click Here to learn more.
Setup e-wallet here
Looking to get move involved in our building - Volunteers are needed to make this a success. Click here to sign up:
Alma De Mexico Assembly
Hello from your school counselor, Mrs. Small! I hope all of our EV families had a restful, fun and safe summer! I am so excited to be able to work with you and your students this year! I enjoy the summer months for some much needed fun in the sun, however, I miss my students so much so to say I am feeling happy to see all of our kiddos is an understatement!
Back to school time can come with excitement often mixed with nerves and anxiety. In alignment with Habit 1 (Be Proactive) of Leader In Me, I wanted to share some helpful tips beginning the 2023-2024 school year with success.
Reading books about starting school can be quite helpful in eliminating some of a child’s nerves.
Talk with your child about their feelings about school, friends, teachers, etc.
A consistent bedtime routine is very important for our children. Although they themselves may disagree, children thrive on structured routines.
Try to limit your child’s screen time, especially at night as it can interfere with their sleep schedule. Try putting your devices to bed for the night :)
Students can also be proactive by putting clothes out the night before. It is also helpful to have their backpacks packed and ready to go.
Eating a healthy and filling breakfast is very important. Here at English Village students are welcome to enjoy a free breakfast upon arrival.
Help with being proactive with your child’s attendance. Please help your child understand the importance of attending school regularly. Attendance is extremely important in a child’s academic and social development.
Did you know?
-Missing 10% (about 2 days a month) over the course of the school year, can make it more difficult for a child to learn to read
-Students can fall behind if they miss just 1 or 2 days of school every few weeks
-Being late to school can lead to poor attendance
Community Schools Corner
Neighborhood Navigation Center - Click here to learn how our GCSD Navigation Center can provide support and services to your family
Elementary and Early Childhood updates for families
Mindful Walk and Nature Scavenger Hunt
PTA Updates
We are so excited that our "Get your 'Paws' Moving!" Fundraiser is off to a great start. We have raised over $2000 so far.
PTA's mission with this fundraiser is to encourage families to be active and live a healthy lifestyle. Please register to utilize our get moving fund hub website to log your walking or active minutes daily as well as to share and request donations.
Students will participate in a fun Walk-athon on 10/13/23 to celebrate. We are offering great individual student incentives and full class goals to encourage participation. Also Big NEWS! if we reach our goal of $7000 we will PIE Mr. Lewis! All the raised money will be used to pay for every student to get an EV T-shirt, Family Events, fully funding field trips, a book for each child and much more.
Updated info this week - we are looking for families who want to make inspirational posters to encourage the students to walk during the walk-athon - please email evpta800@gmail.com if you are interested in helping.
Please follow the link here: Getmovinghub.com and register with the school identifier: 6047a6e06195a
Here is a list of all the upcoming meetings.
Nov 15th
Jan 11th
March 18th
May 2nd
June 5th
Any questions/concerns can be emailed to evpta800@gmail.com
October 4th: English Village Open House - 6pm-7pm
October 6th: Superintendent's Conference Day No School PreK-12
October 9th: Columbus/Indigenous People Day No School PreK-12
October 18th: Picture Day
October 27th: Parent Teacher Conference Day No School PreK-12
October 31st: Parent Teacher Conference Day Half Day K-8th, No PM PREK
November 4th: Community Schools Fall Festival
November 15th: PTA Meeting In Person and Virtual 6:30pm
November 29th: Picture Retake Day
Useful Links
Virtual Backpack - contains flyers for events
Reading Resources for Families - Book Lists by IRLA level available here