Parent Newsletter
August 14, 2024

From the Principal
Dear Parents,
Fall is here and school is now in full swing! Our year is off to a terrific start and I want to thank each of you for your kind words, patience, and smiling faces. October is a fun but busy month, so take note of the calendar of events below.
Here are a few reminders:
- Homecoming Spirit Week will be so much fun! See the flyer below for our dress up days. Students are not allowed to wear mums or garters to school. Large hair bows are fine. This is a district rule through 6th grade.
- If you are picking your child up from school for an appointment, please do so before 2:40pm. Of course, if you have an emergency you can call the office and we will have your child ready for you at anytime.
- The Canned Food Drive (Oct 8-11) will be a competition between the classes! The winning class in each grade level will get a pizza party with Mrs. Yuhanna. You can send your cans with your child or drop them off in the office.
- Perfect attendance is counted each six weeks, semester, and the year. Students earn this with zero absences and no more than 2 tardies.
- No school on Oct 4 & 7 - Enjoy your 4 day weekend
Lunches are now open for visitors. Please have your ID ready for check-in when you visit our campus. The flyer below states when your child's lunch time is. For security reasons, all visitors are expected to enter through the main entrance and are required to check in at the front office to get a visitorโs badge before going anywhere in the school. This includes visiting at lunch as well. Visitors are also asked to check out in the office as they leave the building.
The APEX fundraiser was a huge success! Thanks to parents, staff members, community members and students, our school raised OVER $40,000 . . . that's incredible! We will use this money for playground improvements, in classrooms, and during our club times on Wednesdays. You guys are the best! Thanks for your support of CSE.
Walking Wednesdays have begun! Students need to wear comfortable clothing and tennis shoes on Wednesdays since they go to the track and walk laps during their PE time. Starting October 2, parents may attend Walking Wednesdays with their child. You can meet your child at the track . . . you will not need to sign in at the office.
Let's have a great year at CSE!
Connie Forsyth
Traffic Request
On the north side of our campus (North St), please leave a gap in the car line in the mornings in front of this teacher parking lot entry way. Some of our teachers park in this back parking lot and they're having to wait a while until someone lets them in. Thank you!!!
Calendar of Events
1-25: Grandparents' month for lunches
3: 2 hour Early Release / Parent:Teacher conferences
4: No School
7: No School
8-11: Canned Food Drive
10: Flannel Thursdays begin (see flyer)
21-25: Spirit Week (see flyer)
25: Kona Ice (pay online only before 8am) / PTP Tailgate Lunch - THANK YOU!!!
7: Fall Picture retakes / Report Cards & College Shirts with jeans
14: Third grade music program at PAC 6:30pm
15: Career Day - students can dress up to show what they want to be when they grow up
18 - 22: Feathers for Friends (fundraiser for Lindale students in need at Christmas time)
19: PTP Thankful Luncheon for the staff- THANK YOU!!!
20: Camo Day & Turkey Trot during Walking Wednesday
21: Flannel Thursdays end
6: Kona Ice (pay online before 8am)
9-19: Polar Express Reading Challenge (more info to come)
10: First grade music program at the PAC at 6:30
19: Polar Express Day
20: Christmas Parties / Early release
October Kone Ice payment ๐
Car Line Reminders
- Our car line is a phone-free zone by law. No texting or calling.
- Have your car tag visible the whole time during car line.
- If you do not have your car tag, please park and bring your driver's license to the office.
- Do not get out of your car during car line. This is for safety and to keep the line flowing.
How do I put money on my child's lunch account?
You can put money on your child's lunch account by going to the LISD website and using the Lunch Money NOW! link under QuickLinks.