Tofield School Titan News
March 2023
Treaty 6 Acknowledgement
Administrators' Message
As the saying goes, March comes in either as a lamb or a lion and leaves accordingly. At Tofield School March came in with basketball and continues with more basketball! The Junior girls and boys basketball teams made it to regionals this year and Tofield school hosted the Junior boys basketball on March 3 and 4th. Mr. Flasha organized an excellent regional event! A big thank you to the staff who assisted in supervision, bringing in food for the referees and coach room, and to those coaching our teams. We recognize the Junior Girls Coaches: Mrs. Tanis Miller & Mrs. Val Rickett, and the Junior Boys Coaches: Mr. John Blades & Mrs. Jenn Hill. Thank you as well to the parents for the many hours spent traveling to games and tournaments and for also supporting regionals with food donations and clean up. And thanks also go out to Mrs. Lisa Koloski and family for running a very organized concession. Good Luck to our Senior Girls and Boys at Zones on March 10 and 11th at David Thompson School in Rocky Mountain House, and OLMP in Camrose. Basketball Provincials are March 16 to 18th. Thank you to our Senior High coaches: Mr. Aaron Holba, Mr. Tobias Schumaker and Mrs. Val Rickett. At Tofield School we offer a variety of learning opportunities, both within the school or those provided outside of the school, such as guest speakers, workshops and field trips. We want our parents/guardians to know that when we have a sporting event, presentation or field trip and your child is not given permission to attend or the child does not want to participate, they should still be coming to school. Parents/guardians need to know that our staff do provide learning during these events for tutoring or review of material for upcoming assessment, and we ask that you have your child stay in school instead of going home so that their learning can be supported. Tofield/Beaver County West FCSS was successful in applying for a Youth Engagement Grant through Alberta Health Services called SOARING. The aim of this work is to: Providing funding for youth led initiatives to identify and address risk protective factors to help youth live healthy, safe, and active lives. Support youth to bring ideas to live and benefit the community. Strengthen partnerships and support new collaboration among community partners to build youth capacity. Our student representatives are Grade 7 - Sophie Kroecker Grade 8 - Evan Woode Grade 9 - Gabriel Hall and Erika Swedberg Grade 10 - Madison Zemlak Grade 11 - Louis Dumont Powder Grade 12 - Jordyn Charlesworth Spring is around the corner and we wish everyone a wonderful spring break from March 27 to March 31. School resumes on April 3, 2023.
Upcoming Events
March 14: Pi Day
March 14 & 15: Jr. High Badminton Tryouts
March 17: Subway Hot Lunch (orders due March 10)
March 17-18: Senior High Boys & Girls Basketball Provincials
March 20: Staff Collaboration Day (No School for students)
March 21: Live Different Presentation
March 27-April 2: Spring Break (School resumes April 3)
International Student Program
Hello BRSD families!
Students from across the world want to join us in Battle River School Division. Are you able to help welcome them?
We are seeking caring families to host students in their home during the 2023-2024 school year. International Student placements can range from one month to the full school year in duration, so you can choose an option that works for your family.
Right now, we have students who will be joining us from Germany, Belgium, Spain and other European countries, as well as from Asia and South America. Hosting an International Student can change their life for the better and will give your family the chance to learn more about other cultures and countries as well. Lifelong connections and friendships can be made.
There is a $700 per month stipend provided to help offset costs.
To find out more about the International Student Homestay Program, please contact Gail Rombough by email at or by phone at 780-781-0615.
Thank you for considering this opportunity!
Pink Shirt Day
Little Caesars Pizza Kit Fundraiser
The Senior Drama class is running a Little Caesar pizza kit fundraiser from now until March 19.
To order online:
Go to
Click on Products, then Shop
Select Ship My Order to the Group
Enter the Fundraiser ID# 422020, set up your
account, and place your order!
The pizza kits will be delivered to the school on April 3. You can pick up your order from 1:30-5:00 PM.
The Senior Drama class thanks you for your support!
Hockey Hookey!
Elementary Math League
1st Place: Elizabeth P.
2nd Place: Aiden Z.
3rd Place: Desmond F. and Kennedy B.
Basketball Regionals
Jr. Boys:
On March 3 and 4th, Tofield School hosted the Junior High Boys Basketball Regional Tournament. A total of 8 teams participated from around our school division and Junior High leagues.
1. Tofield 2. Hay Lakes 3. Forestburg 4. Ecole Charlie Killam 5. OLMP 6. New Norway 7. Cornerstone 8. Daysland.
Thank you to all the students, parents and staff who helped to supervise, brought food for the coaches and refs room, set-up and cleaned up. It was a great weekend. Thank you to the Koloski family and their helpers for running a fantastic concession for the duration of the weekend.
Our Junior High boys played Forestburg in their first game and won advancing to the Semi finals. In the semis they played OLMP and lost by 1 point with 3 seconds left. In the bronze medal game they lost to New Norway and finished Fourth. These boys had had a great season, and learned so much with Coach Blades.
Jr. Girls:
Our Junior High Girls participated in the Regional Tournament hosted by Bawlf. The girls competed hard and lost their last game by only 5 points. Their last game of the weekend was their best ever, and if there had been five extra minutes in the game, they would have had it. Great work, girls!
Congratulations to both teams as the Jr. High basketball season comes to a close! Thank you to our Junior High Coaches:
Junior High Girls: Tanis Miller and Val Rickett
Junior High Boys: Jenn Hill and John Blades
Our Senior High Basketball Teams are off to Zones on March 10 and 11.
The Boys are coached by Aaron Holba and Dennis Didusenko and they will be playing in Camrose. Good luck boys!
The Girls are coached by Val Rickett and Tobias Schmuecker and they will be playing in David Thompson. Good luck girls!
Badminton season will be starting soon! Please see Mr. Holba and Mr. Daigle for more information!
Minor Soccer
Co-Ed Adult Basketball Nights
Tofield School
4824 58ave, Tofield
Tuesday March 21
Anyone who has graduated high school is welcome to join a weekly basketball night. Gender and skill level doesn’t matter; everyone is welcome. There is no fee, just show up and have some fun.
As of right now, the plan is to get together once a week on alternating Tuesdays and Thursdays. After the first Tuesday get together, the next night would be Thursday March 30 from 5:00pm-6:30pm.
If you have any questions or if other nights/times work better for you, please email Tobias Schmuecker or Valerie Rickett at:
Grade 5 and 6 Skating
Career Counselling Newsletter
Connect With Us!
Phone Number: 780-662-3133
Email: (only for absences)
Facebook: Tofield School BRSD
Twitter: @TofieldTitans
Instagram: tofield_school