Davis Richmond E-News
August 11, 2020
A Message From Your Principals
Dear Davis and Richmond families,
The District will continue to update the D303 Reopen School Plan, which may help answer some of your questions. Please continue to check your email for communication and the D303 website for all the latest updates.
Thank you very much for your cooperation and partnership this year. Please know we are here to answer your questions. Please reach out, we are happy to help.
Gina Shaw
Davis Principal
(331) 228-2881
Lisa Simoncelli-Bulak
Richmond Principal
(331) 228-5470
The First Few Days of School - Staggered Entry
Face Coverings
Please make sure your child is prepared for in-person learning by ensuring that he or she has an approved mask. You can access the D303 Mask Requirements for details regarding what they can wear. Here is a great resource to help your child wear a mask HERE.
Attention Davis/Richmond Remote Learners
If you chose remote learning for your child a remote teacher will communicate with you about the virtual welcome that will be planned for your child.
Students who have chosen the remote learning option will also have the opportunity to pick up curriculum materials (assignment notebook, math workbooks, handwriting book, and a math toolkit). Detailed information will be sent soon!
Breakfast, Lunch and Snack
School supplies needed the first day
Since we will not have a traditional school supply drop off this year. Students will only need the following items on the first day of school. Other items on the supply list can be brought in slowly over the first few days of school.
Kinder Meet and Greet
Our kindergarten teachers are excited to meet their in person students. We understand that our new kindergarteners will need a little more to help with the transition to a new school. Our teachers will guide 10 minute mini-tours of the building on Monday, August 17th in the afternoon and evening. Only students will be allowed into the building with a mask. I will be sending out more information and times for the tours on Wednesday, August 12th.
1st and 2nd Grade Communication
Since we cannot have our usual “Meet the Teacher”, our first and second grade teachers will be contacting you before the first week of school to introduce themselves and get to know your child better. They will also be creating videos of their classrooms so your family can “meet” your child’s teacher and get a tour of the classroom.
Arrival and Dismissal at Davis
Please click HERE for specific information about dropping off and picking up your child at Davis.
School Supply Lists
We understand the availability of disinfectant wipes is scarce, and we are removing that item from our school supplies list. The district will provide sanitizing spray for classrooms. Other items on the list will remain the same. Please click here for the 20-21 School Supply list.
School supplies needed the first day
Since we will not have a traditional school supply drop off this year, teachers are asking that you send your child to school on the first day with all of their supplies. If items cannot fit in your child’s backpack, you may bring them over the first few days. As a reminder, Clorox wipes are no longer needed. Instead of sending in the box of Kleenex, please send in a baggie of tissues (or travel tissues) for your child’s individual use.
Virtual Meet and Greet
Our classroom teachers are in the works in setting up a virtual meet and greet. Please look out for an email from your child’s teacher on Friday, August 14th to join a virtual meeting on Tuesday, August 18th. The chart below indicates the times that the meetings will take place. We are looking forward to meeting all of you!
3rd grade: 1:00
4th grade: 1:30
5th grade: 2:00
Class Assignments Through Home Access Center (HAC)
All active HAC accounts will be accessible as of 8:00 AM, on Friday, August 14th to view class assignments. At that time, you will be able to view your child’s classroom assignment and teacher, by following the included steps:
- Go to the district website at www.d303.org and click Parent Login near the upper-right corner. On a mobile device, open the navigation menu by clicking the menu icon in the upper-right, then scroll down and tap Parent Login
- Log in to the HAC by entering your registered username and password
- Select Registration from the menu on the left; You should then see the classroom assignment and teacher, which are labeled Homeroom and Homeroom Teacher on the right hand side of the screen.
Please note that we have not yet scheduled in special programming into HAC, therefore assignments for foreign language, Academically Talented (AT), band, or orchestra will not appear.
We will still offer the Davis/Richmond shuttle this year, however you MUST register to use this service. Please call the school’s main office to sign-up.
Who is available for the Davis/Richmond shuttle?
- Students who live in walking distance to Davis walk to Davis Primary.
- Richmond students walk to Davis Primary and board a shuttle at 7:45 am and are dropped off at Richmond by the 8:00 am start time.
- Students who live in walking distance to Richmond walk to Richmond Intermediate.
- Davis students walk to Richmond and board a shuttle at 7:45 am and are dropped off at Davis by the 8:00 am start time.
Notification of Transportation Routes
Students living 1.5 miles or more from their school (Davis or Richmond), or in an area designated as hazardous by the State of Illinois, may ride the school bus. Students living 1.5 miles or less from their school (Davis or Richmond) walk to school and/or use the shuttle service. Transportation route information will be available on-line (https://district.d303.org/tools/bus-routes) beginning at noon on Wed. the 12th when the routes are finalized.
Transportation route information will NOT be sent home through the mail and can only be accessed online. Please note that for the first two weeks of the school year, the district will not make adjustments to the transportation routes. Our transportation department will collect suggestions about the routes and will make adjustments where necessary after the first two weeks of classes.
Foreign Language for Elementary Students (FLES)
Our 3rd-5th grade FLES program is dedicated to providing your child a successful start to learning a new language. We focus on the different modes of communication: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and conversation.
Our FLES classrooms are based on the 90/10 immersion model in which 90 percent of instruction is given in French or Spanish. At the beginning of the year, students focus on the different methods the teacher uses to help students bridge understanding between what they are hearing or reading. This may include the use of visuals, gestures, prior knowledge, cognate words, and questioning techniques.
FLES is offered as an enrichment during the school day to students who are at or above grade level. Incoming third graders will have the opportunity to enroll in Spanish. Fourth and Fifth graders will continue in the language they were previously enrolled in. Richmond students choosing remote will still be offered FLES remotely. Ms. O’Reilly and Ms. Benedik are our FLES teachers who will deliver both in person and remote instruction this year.