August 2024
Charla Wilson
Dr. Heather Lord
Lisa Schrock
Facebook: www.facebook.com/MahaffeyKISD/
School Website: https://mahaffey.kleinisd.net/
*Meet the Teacher- Monday, August 12th from 4:30-6:00 pm
*First Day of School- Wednesday, August 14th (PLEASE SEE BELOW FOR DETAILS)
*Fall Open House- Wednesday, September 18th 5:00-6:30 pm
More details to come in the September Newsletter
Message from Principal Wilson
Hello Mahaffey Families!
We can't wait to see you all at Meet the Teacher Monday, August 12th from 4:30-6:00 pm.
If you are new to Mahaffey please make sure you have completed your enrollment online (here). If you are a returning Scottie don't forget to complete the REQUIRED Annual Student Information update by Friday, August 9th. Click http://www.kleinisd.net/update to start the process.
We have a few upcoming ways you can support our Scotties starting out the year. The first is volunteering for our Bus Buddies for the first week of school. Bus Buddies is a partnership between volunteers and Klein ISD to provide assistance to elementary students to help them get off of the bus at the correct location. This program requires one "Bus Buddy" per elementary bus the first three days of school (August 14 - 16, 2024). This approximate time commitment is from 2:45 - 5:00 PM. You will need to complete your KISD Volunteer Application the process typically takes 5-7 business days. Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up. Thank you!
Bus Buddies
If you are interested in joining the PTO Board, please email ptomahaffeypres@gmail.com.
If you'd like to volunteer please email volunteermahaffey@gmail.com and we'll get you set up!
KISD Volunteer Application Annual approval is required each year. Process typically takes 5-7 business days.
PTO Mahaffey
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ptomahaffey/
*Stock the Clinic Drive
*PTO Membership Drive Starts August 19th-September 6th
*September 10th (5:00-6:30 pm): Volunteer/WATCH DOG Kickoff
We want YOU for our Mahaffey PTO!
We have many opportunities throughout the school year to help out our school and our PTO. From donations for teacher luncheons, volunteer opportunities, being a board member, and everything in between! Please give your information below so that we may contact you whenever needs arise.
Back-to-School Prep
Meet the Teacher
Meet the Teacher will be held on Monday, August 12th 4:30-6:00pm
- Class list will be posted outside each grade level area for you to find your child's teacher.
- Parking will be in the front and back parking lot. You will enter through the cafeteria or main front doors. For safety purposes and to prevent blocking traffic flow, parking will not be permitted on the opposite side of the street in front of the school (see signs).
- Fill out the Car Tag form by August 9th 8:00am to have your child’s car tag delivered to your child's classroom at Meet the Teacher.
- If you pre-ordered school supplies from EPI, your students packet will be in their classroom already at Meet the Teacher.
- Meet the Teacher CheckList Below
Classes begin August 14th!
Please note the following start times:
*Please note that prior to 7:40 car riders must be either waiting in the car or accompanied by an adult outside.
7:40 Klein breakfast is available in the cafeteria & Students may enter the building
7:45 Students may enter classrooms
8:10 Tardy Bell/Instruction begins
3:25 Dismissal
Please be sure you communicate with your child's teacher the way your student will go home DAY 1, WEEK 1 and then normal transportation for the year.
On Wednesday August 14th, Thursday August 15th and Friday August 16th, we will allow parents to walk students to their rooms in the morning.
Beginning Monday August 19th, students must walk themselves to class. Parents will not be permitted in the building, unless needing to handle business in the office/clinic.
If your student will be dropped off after 8:10, parents will need to park and walk their student across the street and to the door. Students should not cross alone or be in parking lot without an adult.
Morning Arrival
Carpool Morning Arrival Procedures: (Request a Car Tag Here)
- Vehicles coming out of the neighborhood near the school will not be able to turn left into our parking lot. We ask that you maintain the flow of traffic and turn into the lane using the medians closer to 2920 for a safe U-Turn when there are two lanes for thru traffic to pass on Mahaffey Rd.
- Using the right turn into the car line, our morning carpool has a single line along the curb for safe exiting of students. We ask that you pull all the way up (first car starting at the bike rack). Once the line stops, any car that is stopped along the front sidewalk should have their child exit the car. We ask that your child be ready to exit the car with all their belongings to keep the line moving.
- Parents must stay in their vehicle at all times while in the car rider line. If your child needs assistance getting out of the car, please park and walk them across at the cross walk by the main doors.
- The parking lot is not a drop-off location due to safety concerns.
- Students will enter the main front doors.
Bus/Day Care Riders:
- Find your bus route here
You can track your child while on the bus using the Parent Smart Tag Portal. (Now available in an APP)
- All bus and day care riders are dropped off in the back of the school along the curb. They enter through the cafeteria doors.
- Students riding Klein ISD transportation will begin using the SMART Tag system to scan on and off the bus for accurate rosters and better safety measures for all.
- Once the SMART Tag has been issued to each student, it is very important to make sure it is on their backpacks each day.
One of our main goals is to get your students back to you at the end of the day safely.
We are a very large campus and work to get all students home very quickly. The end of the day can get hectic, so we ask for your help, cooperation and understanding.
If your child will be going home a different way, please let the FRONT OFFICE and your child's TEACHER know right away. Telling the teacher is wonderful, but sometimes they can't check voicemail or email until it is after school-so your best option is always the main front office. (832-375-8300)
We ask that you have arrive by 2:45pm. If messages are not cleared or given in time, please know the teachers are trained to send kids home their regular way unless cleared by administration. If running late, please call the front office. We CANNOT take a child's word for it when it comes to leaving school safely.
Car riders will be given a car rider number for parents to display on their rearview mirror during pick-up. If you are sending someone different to pick up your child, please alert the front office and be sure that person brings their driver's license for us to check. We will not release students to any person not on emergency card or approved pick-up list unless authorization is given by the primary custodial parent.
All car riders will be picked up in the front parking lot. Two lines will form in front of the school. It is imperative that you follow all Mahaffey employee instructions for efficiency and safety purposes.
Bus riders and day cares are dismissed in the back of the school and loaded with teacher supervision. Please note that once children are on the bus, they must follow the bus route to the designated drop off assigned by Klein Transportation.
Bus Information: Find your bus route here
Before and After School Day Care: If you are interested in Campus Kids for before or after school, please visit this link for more information. Please note Campus Kids is not Klein ISD sponsored and is a 3rd party business who rents our facilities.
There are also several other day care facilities who drop off/pick up from Mahaffey. For a complete list of options, please see our front office.
Campus Kids is picked up in the back of the school at the cafeteria entrance. A Campus Kids employee will greet you and follow their sign out procedures. Campus Kids students must wait until all Klein ISD buses and dismissal traffic is finished before being released to the cafeteria or signed out.
Walkers/Bikers will be escorted to the end of Mahaffey property by our first crossing guard. Students are encouraged to walk straight home. PreK and Kinder students must have a adult present at pick up or an assigned adult or older sibling escort noted at the front office and with the teacher.
We encourage you to talk with your students about the safety and responsibility of walking to/from school.
Visitors are required to present a valid ID before entering our schools and district facilities. You will see this sign on all our front doors.
Please make sure to have you license ready to show the camera when you ring the door bell.
Once admitted in, you will let the door close behind you not holding the door open for anyone behind you.
In Klein ISD we use the Standard Response Protocol in case of emergencies. We review these items with the students throughout the school year.
- All exterior doors require a keycard to enter
- Our resource officer along with administration conduct door checks throughout the door
- Our students are taught to NEVER open the door (this includes for fellow students or staff members).
Application for Free & Reduced Meals:
We encourage all families to apply electronically at kisd.us/frmealapp to see if your student(s) qualify for free or reduced-priced meals.
School Cafe Account:
Please use the link to set up an account, view the breakfast/lunch menu, and add money
Visitor Lunch days will begin on Tuesday, September 3rd
Monday: 2nd Grade
Tuesday: EC/PreK/3rd grade
Wednesday: Kindergarten & 4th grade
Thursday: 1st Grade & 5th Grade
Friday: Special Request
*ACCESS follow grade level schedule
- Parents are only allowed to bring and have lunch with their own child/children.
- You may only have lunch with your student on their designated day. If you would like to have lunch with your child on their birthday that falls on a day outside of the designated grade level day, please contact the grade level assistant principal for approval.
Before enrolling at Mahaffey, your student must be up to date on ALL vaccinations OR have an up-to-date exemption from the State of Texas. No student will be assigned a homeroom teacher if ANY medical information or immunization record is incomplete and will be unable to start class until cleared by administration.
Please be sure to disclose any medical history, medications, and allergies to our nurse so we can keep your child's safety and health at the front of our decisions. Know that we follow all FERPA and HIPPA guidelines and this information is confidential. The more we know about your child, the better we can serve them!
Technology Safety for Students
Early Childhood Family Engagement Events
In Klein ISD, EVERY student enters with a PROMISE and exits with a PURPOSE.
To help achieve this goal, our district has created the resources at the link below.
Mahaffey Scotties help bring our Promise2Purpose to life through our PLAID values: Positive Purpose, Learners Leading, Aspiring Academics, Innovative Ideas and Dedicated Discipline.
Mahaffey Elementary
Website: https://mahaffey.kleinisd.net/
Location: 10255 Mahaffey Road, Tomball, TX, USA
Phone: 832-375-8300
Twitter: @MahaffeyKISD