Swinefleet Primary School
16th September 2024
Contact us
Email: swinefleet.primary@eastriding.gov.uk
Website: www.swinefleetprimaryschool.co.uk
Location: Swinefleet Primary School, Low Street, Swinefleet, Goole, UK
Phone: 01405 704386
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/SwinefleetPrimary
Instagram: Swinefleet Primary (@swinefleet_pr) • Instagram photos and videos
We hope that you will enjoy reading about what we have been up to and seeing some of the great work we have been up to.
There is currently a fault on our Facebook and a number of our posts are not loading from Instagram - we hope to have this sorted soon but in the meantime check out our Instagram.
Have a lovely weekend.
Our Learning
The Pearl’s children have settled into School life extremely well. Over the last two weeks we have focused on settling in; making new friends, learning where our resources are kept and remembering how to tidy up too!
Our theme for this half term is ‘Growth, Change and Me’. We have been learning about ourselves, focusing on learning our names and describing how we look. We have also been learning about our School and knowing the names of all the adults who look after us. We have read ‘I like it when..’ ‘Starting School’ and ‘Harry and the Dinosaurs go to School’ we have been talking about our likes and dislikes and how we share our toys. We have had a walk around our School, learning how to get to the office and the hall. In our provision we have been using our observational skills to paint and we have been using playdough and spaghetti to make faces. We have been talking about objects found in school (eg. Jumpers, lanyards, pens and pencils) in our new ‘Talking Tub’. We have also been singing counting songs and songs related to the days of the week and months of the year.
Over the next few weeks, we will be learning about our classroom rules, parts of our bodies and how we grow and change over time. We will also be learning about Harvest and why it is an important time of the year.
(Please could we ask Mums and Dads to make sure all our clothing and belongings are named, as we will be trying to be a little more independent by looking after our belongings, thank you.)
Exploring the different room around school
Exploring provision
Water fun
Filling and emptying in provision
Puddle jumping
Finding images in the sand
This week we have worked on a number of different activities all based around some wonderful texts including Aliens love underpants, Dinosaurs love underpants, The Selfish Crocodile and many more. Children have created their own alien, and have written some beautiful sentences using adjectives to describe their aliens.
Rubies have been very excited about this half terms role play area, our class hospital. We have worked together to make our own medicine bottles, first aid kits and doctors equipment. All the children have spent time in our role play area and some have even dressed up as doctors and Florence Nightingale. Our role play area links with our topic of ‘Real Superheroes’ this half term, focusing on Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole. The children have shown great interest in who Florence Nightingale was and how hospitals were many years ago. We look forward to continuing our learning on this topic and are lucky enough to have ‘Hands on History’ coming into school to deliver a workshop for us.
Today we have all enjoyed a day as Rockstars, check out the photos for all the amazing outfits, what rockers we have! We loved working with the older children to complete some maths work and share our learning together. We spent all day completing maths activities and challenges and worked our socks off! What a great way to end our first full week!
Rubies were very excited when they arrived on Thursday and found that the classroom was now a Superheroes Headquarters. We all became superheroes for the day, completing lots of fun activities, making our own superheroes, having superpowers and designing our own masks. Next week we look forward to starting our guided reading text, A Squash and a Squeeze and our writing text, Supertato.
Finally, we would like to say well done to our Star of the week and Writer of the week, superb effort shown this week and great role models in school. Superstars.
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend with your families,
The Rubies Team
Superhero start to the year
Exploring shape and pattern
Exploring shapes
What a fantastic start to the new term Diamonds class have had! The children look wonderful in their uniforms and are eager to learn – what more could Mrs Moffat and myself ask for?! As a class, we are learning new routines, have appointed classroom jobs and created our own class charter.
Our topic for the term is ‘Vikings’ and we have researched and learnt lots of brilliant facts already. During Guided Reading, we are reading our text: Arthur and the Golden Rope, all about a little boy who is the unlikeliest of Viking heroes, yet goes on to surprise everybody. Within English, we are using the same text in order to write a diary entry. The children have come up with some fantastic words to describe emotions and feelings, which will help with our writing. The amazing news is that we have planned a trip to the Jorvik Centre and Dig, both in York, on Wednesday, 23rd October 2024 (more details to follow).
Knowledge organisers, books warmers and medium-term plans, have now been added to the Diamonds class page on the school website. Details regarding homework is on there also. We will keep you updated via the newsletter and Seesaw with any information. Please could children upload reads to Seesaw in the format of a video, this will count towards their reads for the Reading Reward at the end of the half-term. Children can add any pictures from home of events, clubs, awards or anything outside of school which they would like to share with the class.
Spelling tests for this half-term will be on a Monday afternoon. All spelling groups have now been added to Seesaw. PE is every Monday and Tuesday (until half-term) however, please keep PE kits in school all week. The poetry, knowledge and sports book bags will be handed out to select children on a Friday, please could they be returned by the following Wednesday - Children will then share their efforts during the Celebration Assembly, on a Friday afternoon. Year 3 children have now received their TT Rockstars username and password – let the competition commence!
Finally, we are so lucky to have had our Rockstar Day today, completing lots of maths quizzes and creating a board game for the Pearls children to play. To make the day even better, we’ve had Tina and Trevor, the therapy dogs come to visit. It’s been a busy 2 weeks!! Enjoy your weekend everyone, Mrs Moffat and Miss Chiswell.
Working together to share ideas
Showing off our maths skills
Listening to and sharing ideas
What a wonderful first two weeks in the Sapphires class! It is amazing to see all the children in their smart uniforms working and playing together. Everyone has settled back into the routines of the classroom and it is lovely to see the children collaborating and working as a team. Thank you to those parents who came to the Welcome Night, it was lovely to share our expectations, events and routines with you all.
This term our theme is World Wars, we are starting with studying World War 1 before moving onto World War Two in a couple of weeks. Last week, the children kick started the history topic by creating some excellent double page spreads on the causes of the First World War. They have used our star words – militarism, nationalism, imperialism and alliances within their history work.
In reading, we have started our class text War Horse by Michael Morpurgo and have made comparisons to other texts we’ve read in the past and have looked at other texts by Michael Morpurgo. Next week, the Sapphires will start to write descriptive settings about the atrocities of the trenches, we are excited to see the outcomes. In preparation for this, the children have collected figurative language linked to their senses, enjoyed some drama work pretending to be in a trench and improved their skills for writing expanded noun phrases.
The Sapphires are currently learning all about place value in maths: they can read and write numbers up to 10 million and understand the value of numbers. Our Rockstar Day was a huge success and the children loved having fun with maths and playing on TTRS. This half term, the Sapphires are lucky to have two PE sessions with Hull FC focusing on rugby skills – Tag Rugby and Sky Try. In RE, the children have discussed how they felt when things are not fair. This week in science, the Sapphires enjoyed investigating reversible and irreversible changes and the children discussed their internet addresses in computing this week.
As well as having Golden Time every Friday afternoon, we now have the lovely therapy dogs joining us. All the children have met Trevor and Tina and can’t wait to see them every week. Our celebration Friday assemblies now include a Star of the Week, Mathematician of the Week and Writer of the Week.
This half term, we are looking forward to our trip to Eden Camp. This is on the 16th October where the Sapphires will have the opportunity to find out more about World War Two.
Finally, thank you for your support. Please keep reminding the Sapphires to upload their reads on Seesaw, to practise their spellings and keep playing TTRS. Have a lovely weekend from the Sapphires team.
Imagining life in the trenches
Sharing our ideas
Bikeability training
High quality work
Great example of the effort Sapphires are putting in
Lots of effort being shown
A great start to our theme this term
Maths starting points
What a bunch!
Our Friday Therapy Dogs
We have all loved meeting our new therapy dogs Tina and Trevor who come to visit every Friday with Margaret their owner. It is wonderful to have them join us each week and already Tina and Trevor have enjoyed hearing the children reading to them.
Well done to our first Stars of the Week.
Knowledge Organisers, Medium-Term Plans and Class Welcome Presentations
Click the below buttons which will take you to your child's class page. Here you will find knowledge organisers, medium term plans detailing what they will be learning and welcome presentations. If you require these in a different format or any further information please just let us know.
Nursery and EYFS Information
Have your say
All responses can be anonymous so please let us know your thoughts. If you would prefer a paper copy then these are available already printed at the main entrance.
We are just commencing a project to further improve our Little Pearls provision and the Pearls including the outdoor area which we cannot wait to share when completed.
Little Pearls Nursery
We would love it if you could share our nursery advert as widely as possible and the easiest way to do this is liking our Facebook page and inviting your friends to this. You can also follow the nursery on Instagram.
At a time when we have seen local schools closing their nursery we want to ensure the long-term future of ours by ensuring that numbers remain consistent so that we can also keep costs low to you.
Thank you for your support.
Book Clubs Here
Free Autumn 1 Clubs
Autumn 1 clubs have started.If you still need to book your child into club please use the button below.
Please can I remind parents that if a child misses a club twice and is not ill or at a medical appointment they will be removed from the list. This is to ensure that staff know where children are at all times and to avoid the office chasing up whether children are attending clubs or not. Thank you.
Reading Reward
Reading reward numbers needed for this half-term:
Bronze - 18 reads
Silver - 24 reads
Gold - 36 reads
P.E Kit
Please ensure that P.E kit is in school all week and is named.
Please remember that we are nut free and therefore nut products are not permitted. Thank you for your support in this.
Menu and Diary Dates
Please see the menu below. Children can have a hot dinner on any day and do not need to be hot dinners all week. Dinners do not need to be pre-booked.
Dinners can be paid for via our ParentMail App. Children in Reception, Year One and Year Two are entitled to Universal Free School Meals.
Free School Meals are available to some children dependent on household income. If you think you could be eligible there is more information available via Apply for free school meals - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) or Mrs Risebury will happily give you further information of how to apply.
Future Diary Dates
Term Dates
Below are our term dates up until July 2026.