Elmdale School
End of Year Newsletter
Principal's Message
Well, I can truly say it has been a pleasure! Six years ago I walked through the doors of Elmdale School as Principal for the first time. I had walked through these doors many times as a child, never even guessing that one day I would be the principal here.
Some memories that I will cherish over my time at Elmdale:
- Opening up the Library Pit and arranging Colleen Watchorn to paint the beautiful mural in there
- Surviving the craziness of lockdowns, home learning, and so many more aspects of COVID and how it affected learning
- Seeing so many students grow up over the years, from shy, little kindergartners to confident (and tall!) grade 4 students and beyond
- Working with a staff that truly (and I'm definitely not just saying this!), truly cares about every single child that walks through the doors of Elmdale School
- Cheering on the Piston's along Main Street as they headed for Play-offs
- Skating!
- Field Trips
- Getting to know many amazing families and interacting with parents, grandparents, neighbors and many Elmdale Alumni
- Princi-Pals! (Thanks A&W!!)
I want to thank you all for making my time at Elmdale a positive, enriching and learning experience. I wish nothing but good things for this school moving forward and will look back fondly on my time here!
Mr. Vince Hiebert
Principal: Elmdale School
Email: vhiebert@hsd.ca
Instagram: elmdalehsd
Coming and Going
Each year there are changes to staffing - both people leaving and new people coming. Please note the following:
We want to thank the following teachers for their contribution to Elmdale over the past few years. Mr. Vince Hiebert (6 years), Mrs Tara Klassen (7 years), Ms. Allison Turton (2 years) will all be moving on to different schools next year. We wish you all the best in your new endeavours!
The following EA's will be moving on - Mrs. Gabriela Dueck, Ms. Isabella Harder, Ms. Kaitlyn Neufeld, Mrs Annie Wall, as well as our Health Care Worker, Mrs. Julie Herrington-Jules. Thank you for all that you have contributed to Elmdale over the past months and years.
Ms. Jennifer Mutter and Ms. Pamela Reimer will be on leave next year. We wish them both all the best and look forward to their return after next school year.
Finally, We want to welcome Mrs. Gabriela Gallo (Music), Mrs. Sheena Rohne (Grade 3), Mrs. Aundrea Wallace to Elmdale
June Princi-Pals
Report Cards
Class placements for the 2024-2025 school year will be included in the June Report Card for students going into grade 1-4. Students going into grade 5 can access their teacher information on Parent Portal starting on August 30, 2024. Please contact the middle school if you have any questions regarding your child's placement for grade 5.
Elmdale Community Report 2023-2024
CLICK HERE to access our 2023-2024 Community Report.
Summer Reading Bingo Sheet - CLICK HERE
Meet the Teacher
Please note that our annual Meet The Teacher event will take place on Tuesday, September 3 from 3:30-5:30pm. Grade 1 Meet the Teacher will be by appointment while grade 2-4 are drop in (no appointment needed). Classes for grade 1-4 students begin again on Wednesday, September 4. Kindergarten staggered entry dates have been emailed out.
Information for signing up for Meet The Teacher appointments will be sent out by email in late August.
Hanover Parent-Child Community Program
We are so excited to be coming over to Elmdale School for the 2024/2025 year! We are the Hanover Parent Child Community Program: a play based program for parents and their children (ages 0-5) to come, play, enjoy a snack, and learn through a variety of experiences with a trained Early Childhood Educator (ECE)! Keep your eyes on the student services website for a blog post about our program that we are so excited to share with you! It’ll be posted in early June. For the 2024/2025 school year we will be at Elmdale on Mondays from 9:00 to 11:30 am and Wednesdays from 1:00 to 3:30 pm. We will also be at Woodlawn on Tuesdays from 9:00 to 11:30 am and Thursdays 1:00 to 3:30 pm. We look forward to seeing you next year. Wishing you and your families an incredible summer!
Moving? Please let us know!
If you are moving during the summer, please call our office at 204-326-3325 as soon as possible or the school division at 204-326-6471 after June 30th.
It is also important that you contact the transportation department at hsdtransportation@hsd.ca or 204-320-2347 so that they can ensure your child is assigned to the correct bus for next year.
Thank you!
Bus Times, Routes & Address Changes
Please check our website for information about bus transportation.
If your address has changed, please call transportation at 204-320-2347 to make sure that your children are riding the correct bus to and from school.
Nutrition Bits and Bites - Eating During Summer Vacation
Steinbach Arts Council Day Camps
Elmdale School
Publisher: Mr. Hiebert
Email: elmdale@hsd.ca
Website: http://elmdale.hsd.ca/
Location: 160 Elmdale Street, Steinbach, MB, Canada
Phone: 204-326-3325
Twitter: @elmdalehsd