Gower 62 Community Newsletter
October 17, 2024
We are off to a great start!!!
Simon Says - Thoughts from your superintendent 😊
In the last couple of Community Updates, I've mentioned the strategic planning process that is underway this year. The last time a formal, community wide mission and vision exercise was completed was just about 20 years ago, so this is timely work. Our first Community Stakeholder Team meeting was held Tuesday evening and I was happy to take part and work with a group of nearly 50 parents, community members, Board members, staff and administrators to discuss what we mean when we say 'Children at their Best!' This motto has proven to hold high value in the Gower Community for a generation and was just as recognizable to the group assembled as Apple's 'Think Different', or Disneyland's 'Happiest Place on Earth'. What does this slogan mean now, 20 years later? And how will it guide our mission and vision as we head into the next quarter of the 21st century? Those are the important questions our Core Stakeholder Team is working together to answer. I look forward to sharing their progress and final work in the months ahead.
Recently, our schools sent home information that provides parents with insight into what 'Children at their Best!' might look like on the academic front. Individual 3rd - 8th grade student reports from the Illinois Assessment of Readiness were sent home along with Fall NWEA/MAP reports; a separate assessment used from grades 1-8 as a way to benchmark current student performance and measure growth in the winter and again in the spring. It is a lot of information:) As a parent, I've always tried to keep a healthy perspective on 'balance' as it applies to the overall student experience. As much as I found the data reports for my own children informative, I was always cautious to avoid putting too much stock into these 'snapshots' of performance. Answers to questions such as, 'How did your day go?' or, 'Did you enjoy school today?' always meant more to me than norm-referenced scores and/or percentile rankings. But again, balance.
I encourage parents to dig into these reports if you haven't done so already and be sure to reach out to your child's teacher with any questions you may have. I also encourage you to keep asking those important 'How was your day?' questions and to reach out to us the moment you get an answer that just doesn't sit right. And keep in mind, as the 1st Quarter comes to an end at Gower Middle next week and the 1st Trimester at Gower West will end just a few weeks later, this is a perfect time to review those report cards ahead of Parent Teacher conferences on Nov. 25th. Our conferences have always been well-attended and provide an opportunity to discuss the ongoing changes, growth, and development taking place in your child's learning or in areas that may be impacting your child's learning.
If you are interested in a district-wide perspective on student performance, you may find some value in visiting our Academic Performance webpage. The Beginning-of-Year Student Performance Data presentation that was discussed in last night's Board meeting is on this page and you will see that our students are performing remarkably well. The annual IL School Report Cards for schools are expected to be published by the Illinois State Board of Education on Oct. 30th and will be linked to our Academic Performance webpage accordingly.
Thank you for your ongoing support of our school district and, as always, if you have any questions, or would like to discuss any other Gower Community topic further, please reach out to me directly at vsimon@gower62.com.
Dr. Victor Simon
Superintendent of Schools
Board of Education Meeting - Regular Meeting 10/16/2024
Regular Board Meeting Summary: The meeting was called to order and there was no public comment offered from those in attendance. October is National Principals Month and the Board saluted our wonderful principals who make Gower a better place every day! For more information on National Principals Month and the upcoming Principal Appreciation Week, read the Board Salute below.
The meeting continued with the monthly Superintendent's Report which included separate reviews of the Beginning of the Year (BOY) and Fall Data Presentation (Appendix A) and the 2024-2025 Principal Evaluation Model (Appendix B). The report also included Gower West and Gower Middle presentations on their 2024-25 School Improvement Goals. The Board reviewed a series of monthly reports, approved a number of Board policy revisions as part of a 4-year revision cycle, and also took action to approve a matching School Maintenance Project Grant that, if approved, will result in an additional $50,000 to our Operations and Maintenance Budget for the school year.
The Board did not enter Executive (closed) session. The meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
The next regularly scheduled Board of Education meeting is scheduled for November 20, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. in the Gower School District Board Room, Gower West, south end of campus Door #B22. As always, you are invited to attend and share your thoughts and feedback with the Board.
Board Salute - Principal Appreciation Week!
Lifetouch and the Illinois Principals Association (IPA) encourage all communities in Illinois to celebrate Principal Appreciation Week October 20-26, 2024, and Principal Appreciation Day on Friday, October 25th. This state-endorsed recognition was first approved by the Governor of Illinois in 1990 and is celebrated annually. The IPA also joins the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP), the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP), and the American Federation of School Administrators (AFSA) to recognition October as National Principals Month.
Principal Appreciation Day provides learning communities an opportunity to publicly recognize the work, commitment and importance of principals, assistant principals, and deans throughout the state. Lifetouch and the IPA invite all teachers, students, parents, and community members to perform some act of appreciation on Friday, October 25th to acknowledge the leadership of building administrators in Illinois' public and private schools.
A special 'thank you' to Principals Capizzi and Murphy and Assistant Principals Hoff and Schiffler for their hard work and dedication to the Gower community!
Public Notice
The Gower School District 62 Board of Education will hold a public hearing on the proposal to renew our district’s current eLearning program for continuation district-wide in accordance with Illinois State Board of Education rules and regulations that call for renewal of the program at least once every three years. To learn more about the e-Learning program in Gower which has served as an effective model to preserve the continuity of learning within the approved school calendar and in lieu of what would otherwise be Emergency School Closure Days since 2019, please visit the eLearning page under the Parent tab on our district website at www.gower62.com or by using this direct link. The public hearing will take place at the beginning of the regularly scheduled Board meeting at 7:00 p.m. on November 20, 2024 and will be held in the Gower School District Board Room, located at 7700 Clarendon Hills Rd., Willowbrook, IL 60527. Enter at the south end of campus, Door #B22.
Mark Your Calendars!
Thursday, October 31 - Early Dismissal Day - Happy Halloween!
Tuesday, November 5 - NO SCHOOL - Election Day