The Hive
October 4th
Happy Friday!
Dear HMS Families,
We hope this newsletter finds all of you ready for the weekend. We cannot believe it's already October! We are looking forward to supporting HHS tonight at the football game, please stop by and say hello if you see us.
Last week, our spirit week was a huge success! We had the best time and we hope your kids and families enjoyed it as well. It is so important to us to continue to create a spirited community where kids feel like they belong. We hope you were able to look at our Facebook and Instagram pages to see how creative our students are with our spirit days. Our student body participation for each day ranged from 47%-94%, which is amazing!!! Our biggest participation day was color wars, and our second biggest was Nike vs. Adidas.
This week, we were excited for HMS to be officially given our Schools on the Rise banner and our certificate. We are thrilled that you can now see our banner hanging at the front entrance of our building.
We hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
With Kindness,
Picture Make-Ups: Wednesday, October 9th
Our first picture day was during Hornet Academy for 6th graders and Orientation Day for 7th & 8th.
For those students who didn't get their pictures taken on that day or you would like retakes, we have make-ups on Wednesday, October 9th. You can order pictures using the link below.
No School: Friday, October 11th
Unity Day
We have our annual Unity Day celebration on Wednesday, October 16th. At HMS Unity Day is about building a sense of belonging in our community for all of our students. We do this through being kind, accountable for our actions, and working together for a common purpose.
All students are encouraged to wear orange to celebrate this day. We will be having an afternoon assembly on Wednesday to celebrate Unity Day.
8th grade HMS Band @ HHS Football Game
Our 8th grade HMS band will be joining the HHS band at the football game on Friday, October 18th. We are excited for our students and this opportunity. This is such a great experience for our band students and they have been working really hard to prepare for it. We hope you will consider joining us!
HHES Halloween Carnival
The PWT is preparing for our annual Halloween carnival at the elementary school. It is being held on Saturday, October 26, from 4:30-7 pm. We are looking for student volunteers to help with games and handing out candy at different doors. If you are interested, please use the Google Form linked below for more information. More details will be sent to those who sign up.
Athletic Director's Corner
We hope that you will have an opportunity to support our programs this season.
Upcoming Games -
Volleyball - 7th Grade, 8th Grade, Blended
10/7 HOME vs. Woodland
10/9 HOME vs. Canyon Creek
10/14 HOME vs. La Center
10/16 HOME vs. TBD
Cross Country -
10/9 HOME vs. Woodland
10/15 District Championship MeetSave the Date: Volleyball & Cross Country athletes, we will have our fall sports awards on Monday, October 21st at 5:00 pm in the HMS gym.
Registration is open...
Winter I sports registration opened October 1st and the season will begin Oct. 24th. Please make sure that your athlete has a current physical on file, and all forms are signed through FinalForms. All athletes must complete 8 practices prior to competing in their first competition.
Boys Basketball is open to 7th and 8th graders. We will have 3 teams and not all athletes who tryout will make a team. Tryouts will be 10/24 & 10/25.
Boys and Girls Wrestling is open to 6th - 8th grade boys and girls.We hope you will consider joining us for this event!
Yearbook 2024-2025
We are excited to be using a new vendor for our yearbooks this year. This new vendor gives us more flexibility with creating, ordering, and documenting the year in pictures. What this means is that you won't be ordering a yearbook through Intouch this year, you will order it through Treering.
Please see the flier below for instructions on how to order your Yearbook.
Upcoming Dates!
October 6th Coach Appreciation Day
October 9th Picture Day Make-Up
October 11th In-Service Day: No School
October 16th PM Assembly: Unity Day (wear orange)
October 18th HMS Band @ HHS Football game
October 22nd Vision & Hearing screening
October 24th Fall band concert
October 30th-November 1st Conferences, 3-hour Early Release
November 8th Veteran's Day Assembly
November 11th Veteran's Day: No School
November 27th-29th Thanksgiving Break: No School
Please follow us on Instagram!
We have had requests to create an Instagram account so families can follow us on that platform because they don't use Facebook. So, we are excited to share with you all that we created an Instagram account that is connected to our Facebook page! We are looking forward to connecting with our families using both platforms.
Please follow us on Facebook!
Hockinson Middle School
We teach, guide, and support students and our community by creating a safe environment where we learn and grow together.
Wednesdays: 1 Hour Early Release
Office Hours: 8:00am - 3:45am
Email: bess.colpron@hocksd.org
Website: https://hms.hocksd.org/
Location: 15916 NE 182nd Ave, Brush Prairie, WA, USA
Phone: 360-448-6440
Facebook: facebook.com/HockinsonMS/