Eagle Flyer
A newsletter for Walnut Hills High School
August 23, 2024
Dear Walnut Hills High School Families:
The first full week of school has wrapped up. It has been wonderful to see the hallways bustling once again and our students eagerly diving into their courses. Last week students attended homeroom sessions and were able to receive important information regarding School Counselors, academic supports, campus life, and how to get involved in the Walnut community. Our students were impressive in their respect and attentiveness. We appreciate your support with morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up. Please remind your students that prior to 7:50 AM, they must report to the cafeteria, senior high gym, junior high gym or library. We are so excited to host our first home football game and can’t wait to see our entire community wearing blue and gold! Thank you all for a fantastic start to the year. We look forward to keeping the positive momentum going. Let's rise to the highest!
Ashley Morgan
Interim Principal
Sursum ad summum
Go Eagles!
2 Labor Day Holiday - Schools Closed
3 College Rep Visits begin during Junior/Senior lunch
4 Club Fair during lunch (Bell 4)
6 Jr. High Tailgate
16 Midterm Week
23 Staff PD Day - No School for Students
27 College Fair during lunch (Bell 4)
30 College Fair during lunch (Bell 4)
3 Schools Closed
11 End of 1st quarter
ACT & SAT test prep for Juniors and Seniors
Juniors and Seniors: Spend your lunch bell in room 1109 any Tuesday or Thursday for help preparing for the ACT and SAT. Each session will dive into one of the most commonly tested topics in math, English, reading, and science. Join Mrs. Lee for any and all topics you need to review! Topics will be announced weekly. Bring your lunch!
Upcoming topics:
8/27 English: subject-verb agreement; pronoun-antecedent agreement; verb tense
8/29 Math: Triangle rules
9/3 Math: Exterior angle theorem
9/5 Science: States of matter
CIC August and September Wednesday Topics for Seniors
Sponsored by the CIC and led by Mrs. Whited in room 1109 during Senior Lunch on Wednesdays.
The following sessions are for seniors only.
August 28 - How to write the "Why Us?" Supplemental Essay
September 4 - How to write the "Why X Major?" Supplemental Essay
September 11 - How to write the "Community" Supplemental Essay
September 18 - How to write the "Diversity" Supplemental Essay
September 25 - How to write the "Creative and Identity" Supplemental Essay
College Rep Visits at Walnut
Hey Seniors & Juniors! Starting September 3, join us in the Conference Room during 1st lunch for College Rep Visits. College Reps will be available to answer questions and talk to you about their school. Be on the lookout for weekly emails regarding who is coming to visit. Information will also be available on Naviance and our website Counseling page.
Club Fair - 9/4/24
Club Fair will take place on Wednesday, September 4 during all lunches in the JUNIOR HIGH GYM. This is a great opportunity for students to learn about many of the student clubs and activities here. HERE is a list of all of our clubs for this school year! Go Eagles!
Junior High Tailgate - 9/6/24
The JH Tailgate is upon us! It's Friday, Sept. 6th from 4:30-6:30 on the patio overlooking Marx. Food, music, and fun! Tickets are $5 and will be sold in the cafeteria during 3rd lunch ONLY on the 4th, 5th, and 6th. There will also be after-school sales on Thursday, the 5th ONLY in room 2310! Tickets for the tailgate will also get the student into the football game!
Student Drop off/Pick-up Directions
Attention Families: Please click on this LINK to review Drop off/Pick-up directions
Blair Circle Traffic Info for Drop Off and Pick-Up
Attention Families: Please click on this LINK to review Blair Circle Traffic Info for drop off and pick-up
Student Parking Permit Registration
Cost of permit is $30.00 for the year. The cost will be reduced to $15.00 at the beginning of second semester.
New Club Membership Fee
Please click here to learn about the WHHS Club Membership Fee along with instructions for registering your student for their activities in Final Forms.
**Please note that students who are new to Walnut may not yet be loaded into Final Forms. Students may participate in clubs in the meantime by keeping in direct contact with the advisor, paying the Membership Fee once the student information has populated.**
Class of 2025 Senior Portrait Information
It's time to start thinking about your Senior Portrait. Click on the link below for details. All portraits must be taken by one of the approved photographers by Oct. 14, 2024.
New Counselor Breakout
Welcome back! Please use the link below to see the School Counselor breakout and contact info. for 24/25.
Graduation Requirements
All Students:
Ohio has new graduation requirements that took effect in 2022. Please make yourselves familiar with them. Direct any questions regarding graduation requirements to your school counselor.
Meetings with your School Counselor
Click HERE to access School Counselor Meeting LINKS.
If you have any issues making an appointment, email your counselor.
Crisis Help and Support
Children's Mental Health
NPR's A Martinez talks to Dr. Pamela Cantor, founder of Turnaround for Children, about a Pew report that finds U.S. parents' biggest concern is the mental health of their children.
Too Sick for School Policy
Please keep in mind, illness is an excused absence and students will be able to make up work they will miss. Please do not send ill students to school because they have a quiz or test.
Family Technology Support Center
For CPS students and their families, help is a phone call away by dialing the Family Technology Support Center, (513) 363-0688 or emailing fts@cps-k12.org. Tech support is available in English and Spanish from 7:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday when school is in session.
Get Involved - Walnut Hills Parent Association
The Parent Association communicates using a system called Constant Contact, so join our mailing list using the attached link and get up-to-date information about what's happening at Walnut Hills! Get Connected
Reporting Absences and Dismissals
Grades 7-9 Information Google Site
Grades 10-12 Information Google Site
Our community communicates using a system called Constant Contact, so join our mailing list using the link above and get up-to-date information about what's happening at Walnut Hills!
Walnut Hills High School
Email: whhsattendance@cpsboe.k12.oh.us
Website: walnuthillseagles.com
Location: 3250 Victory Parkway, Cincinnati, OH, USA
Phone: 513-363-8400
Twitter: @high_walnut