Reeceville Raptor's MMM
November 11, 2024
Important Dates
- November 7: Project Snowflake Begins
- November 11-15: Art Goes To School
- November 13: World Kindness Day
- November 13: NED Assembly-Order your Yo-Yo!
- November 14-15: School Store Open
- November 21: Picture Re-takes
- November 25-26: Parent/Teacher Conferences
Reading Olympics
📖REECEVILLE'S READING OLYMPICS TEAM- open for 4th and 5th Grade Students📖
The Chester County Reading Olympics is an exciting, county-wide event that encourages students to read more and enjoy it! The program helps students develop strong reading habits, which are key to a successful life.
Designed to inspire a love for reading and teach teamwork, students get to discuss books with their peers and prepare for a lively, county-wide competition. Last year, over 1,200 students from various schools formed teams and read 45 books to get ready for the big event.
Reeceville's Reading Specialists visited 4th and 5th grade classrooms to present information on what Reading Olympics is and how to join the team. All 4th and 5th Grade Reeceville Students are welcome to join.
November Literacy Choice Boards
Mrs. Cerra's Class Conducted a Mock Election
We had a mock election; dog, cat or fish, for best pet! Keelin (dog), Riyah (cat), and Da'Marion (fish), all gave reasons why they would make the best pet.
Campaigning for the best pet!
Casting our Vote!
And the winner is...Cat!
CHOP Pajama Day Fundraiser!
Reeceville Raised a total of $650 for CHOP!
Ms. Clark's Class!
Mrs. Gooding's Class!
We celebrated today with PJs for CHOP, birthday cookies from crumble, and Chips and Dip for our 20 talleys. Today was a fun Friday!
PTA Information
Highland Orchards Pie Fundraiser
Orders were due last week
Order pickup: Monday, November 25
PTA meeting on Tuesday @ 7:00 p.m.
School Store - November 14 & 15
Flyers will be sent home this week
Restaurant Night - Wednesday, November 20
Flyers will be sent home this week
The Student Directory is back!
Register online at (tinyurl.com/RVStudentDirectory) or return the registration form
You must register to be included in the student directory
PTA Text Alerts - text "@reeceville" to 81010 to sign up
Questions? Contact president@reecevillepta.org
NED Show Assembly
We are excited to welcome a school-wide assembly called NED's Resiliency Ride on 11/13/24. NED's Resiliency Ride is a character education program that centers around three important messages that have lifelong relevance: Never give up, Encourage others, and Do your best. During the assembly, students will learn about the importance of these three life skills while also enjoying storytelling, magic, humor, and yo-yo tricks.
Today your child will bring home a flyer that allows him/her to purchase a yo-yo after the show. It is optional, so please do not feel obligated to make the purchase. The yo-yo sale will start on Wednesday, 11/13/2024, and end on Thursday 11/21/2024.
To see a sneak peek preview video click the link below: