Believe and Achieve Times
Student and Parent Edition: August 28, 2023

July 8, 2024: Student and Parent Edition
Fleischhacker and Worden shine at the Speech and Debate Nationals Tournament!
CHS seniors Emily Fleischhacker and Sophia Worden shine at National Speech and Debate tourney in Iowa
Two CHS seniors, Emily Fleischhacker and Sophia Worden—along with three Penn juniors, Noah Shafer, Chris Chen, and Stanley Liew—placed in the Top 4 in World Schools Debate at the National Speech and Debate Tournament in Des Moines, Iowa, June 16-21.
Their team, Northwest Indiana Gold, competed against 198 other teams from seven countries in World Schools Debate to take a spot in the Top 4. Northwest Indiana Gold was coached by CHS Coach Aaron Drew, Bishop Knoll Coach Anekah Fish, and Penn Coach Jeremy Starkweather.
The National Speech and Debate Association’s national tournament is the largest in the country, with 6,700 students from 1,500 different schools from nearly every state and nine countries competing in their respective events.
During the awards ceremony, hosted at the Iowa Event Center, Oprah, a National Speech and Debate Association (NSDA) alum, appeared in a televised message to the speakers and debaters congratulating them on their hard work and praising the NSDA program for the invaluable skills learned in forensics competition. David Begnaud of CBS Mornings was also there to emcee the awards ceremony.
Fleischacker will attend Purdue University in the fall on the pre-veterinary track, while Sophia will study economics on a pre-law track at Ball State University.
UCA Indiana Masters Cheer Camp
Chesterton Coed Cheer is heading home with some new hardware after spending four days at the UCA Masters Cheer Camp, taking home the Camp Wide Leadership Award. Chesterton had two of the 30 teams in attendance at the UCA Cheer Camp at Indiana University, June 17-20. This was our second year attending the Indiana Masters and we are very proud our student athletes resilience, commitment to progress, and enthusiasm.
JV: Adriana Gorbea, Adriana Perez, Andie Kollar, Canon Surane, Carly Decker, Gaby Alvarado, Isabella Witt, Kyliann Hill,
Varsity: Aubrey Schilla, Ava Casselman, Bayli Stills, Bobby Spencer, Brendan Brady, Cole Gilbert, Emma Gilbert, Ethan Wood, Gaby Dunlap, Gionna Pinkston, Grace Miller, Jori Higdon, Kate Cichocki, Lauren Koonce, Levi Swart, Maddie Lyons, Mady Novak, Nicole Marcinaik, Niko Monaco, Olivia Papp, Veronica Perez, and Vincent Casselman
We had six seniors, four juniors, and one freshman make the UCA All-American Team. This award provides them the opportunity to go cheer at one of the Major Varsity events in London, Rome, Hawaii, or Orlando, FL this year.
All-American Award Winners: Ava Casselman, Bayli Stills, Gaby Dunlap, Jori Higdon, Lauren Koonce, Nicole Marciniak, Bobby Spencer, Levi Swart, Niko Monaco, Vince Casselman, and Carly Decker
UCA also has a special award called “Pin It Forward” that recognizes athletes who stand out to the UCA staff members for going above and beyond when being helpful to them or others. They also may be pinned by another award winner. Both Gaby Alvarado and Jori Higdon were chosen by the staff as a “Pin It Forward ” award winner. Aubrey Schilla and Brendan Brady received the “Pin It Forward” from an other Pin it Forward athlete.
Chesterton earned the following awards while at Masters camp:
- 11 All-Americans
- 4 Pin It Forward Awards
- 3 seniors invited to tryout for UCA staff
Varsity earned the following awards:
Blue Ribbon for Cheer
- Gold Ribbon for Stunting sequence
- Blue Ribbon for Camp Dance
- Camp Wide Leadership Award
Junior Varsity earned the following awards:
Gold Ribbon for Cheer
- Blue Ribbon for Stunt Sequence
- Blue Ribbon for Camp Dance
- Voice and flow in the JV Cheer Award
We are proud of our athlete’s dedication to learning and growing in their sport and we are very proud of the entire team!
CHS Swim Team members named All Americans!
Congratulations to 200 Medley Relay and 400 Free Relay teams for being recently named to the All American Swim Team. The 200 Medley Relay team consisted of Adalyn Laughner, Annmarie Easter, Anna Wheele and Peyton Ostertag. The 400 Free Relay team consisted of Peyton Ostertag, Tegan Werner, Anna Wheele and Adalyn Laughner. These ladies had an outstanding season and other credentials that met the criteria for selection to the National Interscholastic Swimming Coaches Association of America, Inc. All America Team. Over 353,936 students are involved in aquatics at the high school level in over 17,454 programs for boys’ and girls’. Approximately 2% of these students are recognized as high school All Americans, so it is a great accomplishment for these Chesterton High School student athletes. Congratulations to all of these outstanding ladies for their dedication to their sport all year as well as their hard work and dedication in the classroom as well. Chesterton High School is extremely proud of your accomplishments!
CHS School Counselors will be on campus on Wednesday's during the summer!
The CHS counselors will be on campus on most Wednesday's this summer. If you have a need to speak with one of our school counselors you can call our main office to schedule an appointment. Below are the dates when a school counselor will be available.
July 17
July 24
July 31
Online Registration is now open!
Registration for the 2024-2025 school year is open now for all families. Please log into your Skyward Parent Access to complete the registration process. Our goal is to have registration completed by the last day of school, May 30, 2024.
This is a change for our Duneland families who typically have completed this process in the summer months right before the start of school. By shifting to now, families will have access to school personnel to assist, and our schools have more time to prepare for the upcoming school year. We hope this change will benefit everyone.
For more information about registration and reminders about how to use the Skyward Parent Access please check out our registration website: Duneland 2024-2025 Registration
INSERT LINK/BUTTON TO SKYWARD https://skyward.duneland.k12.in.us/scripts/wsisa.dll/WService=wsEAplus/seplog01.w
INSERT LINK/BUTTON TO REGISTRATION WEBSITE https://www.duneland.k12.in.us/domain/28
Duneland School Corporation - IDOE High School Diploma Redesign
This Spring, the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) released a proposal to streamline the number of high school diplomas, while maximizing flexibility for students to personalize learning pathways and experiences. This is part of the state’s ongoing, collaborative effort to rethink the high school experience, making it more learner-centric and career-relevant, and kicks off four months of public feedback to enhance the proposed plan. Please review the 20-minute presentation from DSC Assistant Superintendent, Robert McDermott, outlining the changes proposed for the new high school diploma requirement. A link to provide feedback to the IDOE is included at the end of the presentation.
Dual Credit Opportunities at CHS!!!!
Dual Credit at CHS
CHS currently offers 52 Dual Credit courses! Our goal at CHS is for 80% or more of our students to earn dual credit while they are in high school. We have dual credit partnerships with Ball State University, University of Southern Indiana, and Purdue Northwest. However, Ivy Tech is our main partner for dual credit opportunities. We offer many courses through Ivy Tech that are part of the Indiana College Core (ICC) Transfer Library. This means that students who take these FREE courses through Ivy Tech will be able to transfer those credits to any state funded university. The current cost of a year of college at a state funded school (ex. IU or Purdue) is around $10,000 for tuition plus room and board. By earning these credits at CHS you could save A LOT of money!
To be eligible for dual credit, students need to register with Ivy Tech AND earn a score of 70 or higher on Knowledge Assessments in both English and Math STEM.
Please follow the steps below to register for Dual Credit through Ivy Tech. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Assistant Principal, Tiffany Hawkins at 219-983-3730 or thawkins@duneland.k12.in.us.
Step 1: Dual Credit Registration
Before you can enroll in any dual credit course through Ivy Tech at CHS, you need to register and get a college number (C number). Students will need to have their Social Security Number in order to get a C#. To register with our dual credit partner please click the link below. If you need help, please watch the video below with instructions on how to complete the registration process. It takes up to 24 hours to generate a C# after registering.
Step 2: Setting up your My Ivy account
After you receive your C number (may take up to 24 hours), you need to create a MyIvy Account at the following website:
For instructions on how to setup or access your MyIvy Account please watch the video below. The part about MyIvy begins just after the one minute mark.
Step 3: Taking Knowledge Assessment
To show that students are college ready, they will need to take two Knowledge Assessment (KA) exams. One is KA English and the second is KA Math STEM. Students will need to achieve a score of 70 or higher on both KA's to demonstrate readiness.
If a student does not achieve a 70 or higher on their first attempt they will be provided mastery tasks to complete until their score reaches the 70 threshold. Once a student has reached the mastery threshold they are ready to take almost all the courses CHS has to offer through Ivy Tech!
*Students may have to take additional KA's depending on the course*
(For example: Quantitative Reasoning and Calculus)
Helpful Links
Creating a Dual Enroll Account and Registering for a Dual Credit Course
Registration Guide-Dual Enroll
ICC-Indiana College Core Competencies
Withdrawing from a Dual Credit Course
Course Description Guide
For more information on all courses CHS has to offer, including Dual Credit courses, please read the Course Description Guide.
Community Opportunities and Information
The goal of the Duneland School Corporation district school newsletters is to inform students, parents and the school community about school-related information.
This year, the Duneland Schools will share information that pertains to opportunities our students may be interested in outside of school on a special page on our website. These available opportunities are offered by not-for-profit partnerships and organizations within our school district boundaries and local communities. Follow this link to Community Opportunities.