February Newsletter
Kiddie Academy of Middletown
Happenings at Kiddie Academy
We are heading into February!
- Friday 2/14 is our Valentine's Parties: Please keep an eye for a sign up sheet located outside your child's classroom for items to help celebrate!
- Tuesday 2/18 we are celebrating Random Acts of Kindness: There will be a basket and cards up front in the lobby if you wish to leave a note for your child's teacher in their mailbox that day!
- February is National Children's Dental Health Month: Children will be learning all about the importance of taking care of your teeth with fun and creative activities.
- February is Black History Month: Children will be learning about influential African American individuals throughout history.
Important Reminder
Staff Birthdays
Character Essentials
We Are Unique
Young children are learning about themselves, their bodies, and abilities at all stages of infancy. Babies begin to respond to seeing themselves in mirrors and are able to differentiate themselves from others. Infants begin to recognize basic body parts and will be able to identify their own. Children will respond to hearing their names and will seek eye contact and make social gestures. Infants also begin to develop preferences for items and people. Babies learn to express their wants, needs, and feelings through a range of sounds, facial expressions, and movements.
Children at this age are developing self-awareness by naming body parts, recognizing images of themselves, and learning to speak their names. Toddlers can compare their physical features to others and recognize similarities and differences. These young children are beginning to develop independence and show pride in their accomplishments.
At this stage a two-year-old’s personality is shining through. Every child is a unique individual. Children are beginning to discover their likes and dislikes, creativity, curiosity, fears, talents, and sense of humor. Teachers can encourage a child’s individuality through his or her interactions and by listening to each child and supporting the child’s interests. Children at this stage need the support of trusted adults to nurture and encourage the development of their unique qualities.
The goal for this month is to provide an environment where children can express their creativity and showcase their talents. The focus is to create a warm, supportive, and inviting space for children to be themselves. During this unit, the children will be given the opportunity to share ideas, talents, and abilities with one another.
- Individuality: the qualities that make someone or something different from all others
- Creativity: the ability to develop and express ourselves and our ideas in new ways
- Talent: a special ability that allows someone to do something well
- Humor: the ability to express and understand what is funny or amusing
The goal this month is to help the children realize how they are each unique individuals with different abilities and personalities. We want to help them develop a sense of self, build their self-esteem, and encourage them to feel comfortable expressing themselves. We will focus on individuality and creativity. We will recognize each other’s talents and sense of humor.
- Individuality: having qualities that make someone or something different from all others
- Creativity: developing and expressing one’s self and ideas in new ways
- Talent: having a special ability that allows someone to do something well
- Humor: expressing and understanding what is funny or amusing
Save the Date
Extend the Learning at Home
Heart Lava Lamps
- Cooking Oil (or Baby Oil)
- Water
- Food Coloring
- Alka Seltzer Type Tablets (generic brand is fine)
- Glitter and Confetti (optional)
- Jars, Vases, or Water Bottles
STEP 1. Fill your jar(s) about 2/3 of the way will oil.
STEP 2. Next, you want to fill your jar(s) the rest of the way with water. Make sure to observe what happens to the oil and water in your jars.
STEP 3. Add drops of red food coloring to your oil and water and watch what happens. You can also sprinkle in glitter and confetti.
STEP 4. Now it’s time for the grand finale of your homemade lava lamp activity! It’s time to drop in a tablet of Alka Seltzer or its generic equivalent. Make sure to watch closely as the magic starts to happen!
Check out Little Bins for Little Hands for more fuc science acitvities!