4J Educator
May 2024, Volume 3

In this message
• Golden Apple Awards: Meet the winners announced during May 30's big celebration
• School Schedules: Middle and high schools will see changes starting this fall
• Work Calendars: Learn specific dates for holiday, non-work days during coming school year
• Mental Health Month: Learn how connecting with nature can improve sense of well-being
• Labor Negotiations: 4J, EEA will hold next bargaining session for new contract next week
• Upcoming Events: Learn about First Friday gathering, Unified Kickball games
• The Water Cooler: Check out the latest district-level staff newsletters
Winners Recognized During Golden Apple Awards Celebration
We had so much fun celebrating 4J excellence in education during the Golden Apple Awards and Retiree Appreciation Celebration last night, Thursday, May 30 at Arts & Technology Academy.
The 2024 Golden Apple Award winners are Vanessa Crane (teacher/licensed staff), Denisa Taylor (administrator/ supervisor), Corey Rusco (classified staff) and April Colgrove (volunteer). Judy Davies, a longtime second-grade teacher at McCornack Elementary School, was honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award. Michelle Dunn, 4J's adapted physical education specialist, received the inaugural 4J Spotlight Award. All 191 Golden Apple Award nominees as well as members of this year's class of retirees also was recognized during the hour-long program.
Thank you, Principal Dana Brummett (McCornack Elementary) and Principal Sun Saeteurn (Monroe Middle) for being excellent masters of ceremonies! Special thanks also to Arts & Technology Academy for hosting, select members of ATA's Advanced Band for their opening performance and our Nutrition Services staff for providing delicious treats.
Middle & High School Schedule Changes Coming
Middle and high schools are revising their school schedules starting this fall.
The new middle school schedule will expand to seven class periods from the current six-period school day, while retaining the advisory/flex period. The start and end times of each school day will not change, including the early release time on Wednesdays. Driving this change is our goal to make sure students continue to have access to a variety of supports, including academic interventions, clubs and activities, while also meeting state requirements for physical education.
The new high school schedule will eliminate the C day on early-release Wednesdays, returning to alternating block periods of 75 and 90 minutes. The advisory/flex period will be retained. Start and end times, including early release on Wednesdays, will remain the same. By eliminating the C days, schools will have created longer class periods, reduced transitions, and ensured a more balanced and reliable schedule throughout the year.
2024–25 Work Calendars Now Available Online
Our district has posted calendars for the 2024–25 work year for each of 4J's three employee groups, following approval by the school board of the new two-year school calendar. The calendars, which are posted on 4J's website, provide employees a quick reference guide for holidays and non-work days.
2024–25 Work Calendars: Licensed | Classified | MAPS
Want to Improve Mental Health? Step Outdoors
May marks Mental Health Awareness Month, a time dedicated to recognizing the importance of mental well-being. Our district understands that promoting mental health goes beyond a single month—it's a daily commitment -- so we're highlighting resources and initiatives aimed at fostering positive mental health.
This week, we focus on the importance of Mother Nature to reduce stress, improve mood and boost resilience. There's more than one reason it's called the Great Outdoors. To help get outside more, start small (even a short walk is beneficial); block out time for outdoor activities; and leave behind your phone, smart watch or other technology to immerse yourself in the experience. More tips can be found on 4J website.
Labor Negotiations to Continue with EEA
Negotiators with the district and Eugene Education Association are holding the next bargaining session on Thursday, June 6, starting at 4 p.m., at the Ed Center, 200 N. Monroe St. Sessions will be live-streamed on Zoom at the following link.
Recordings of prior sessions and the schedule of upcoming meetings are posted on this 4J webpage. The current contract is set to expire on June 30, 2024.
Join Us on June 1 for Unified Kickball Event
Our district will hold its first-ever Unified Kickball event this Saturday, June 1, starting at 9 a.m, at Sheldon High School's football field. Unified teams from each of 4J's four high schools will play at least two games, followed by a pizza lunch. All fans who attend will have the chance to take pictures of the players and teams after the game.
Teams consist of athletes (students experiencing intellectual and developmental disabilities) and partners (students who are neurotypical) to create a genuine inclusion opportunity for all players on the team to play together.The event is free. Can't wait to see you there!
First Friday: Socialize and Network on June 7
Join us at North Eugene High School on June 7, starting at 4:30 p.m., for First Friday. The goal of the event, made possible through 4J's involvement with the Equity and Community Consortium, is to create a safe space that fosters friendships and networks for people of color, social justice allies, and equity workers in the local area. There will be free food, kids activities and opportunities to network with community leaders. All are welcome!
The Water Cooler
District-level newsletters:
- NEW! Eco Experience with Eco Chick (eco tips and more)
- Hadley Herald (tech tips for 4J educators)
- NATIVES Program
- The Library Lowdown
- Student Services Department Newsletter
- EdTech (technology tips, teaching strategies and more!
- Equity Extra
Coming Up in 4J
6/7 No School (Elementary): Grading Day
6/7 International High School Graduation
6/8 North Eugene High School Graduation
6/8 South Eugene High School Graduation
6/10 Sheldon High School Graduation
6/11 Churchill High School Graduation
6/12 ECCO High School Graduation
6/14 School Make-Up Day; Last Day of School
(Half day for elementary students; full day for middle and high students)