Weekly Update
September 20, 2024

We are looking forward to seeing our Oak Brook Singing Eagles perform before the Cardinal game on Sunday afternoon. This is always a fun event for our students, and we know we will see many of you at the game.
As you may have read in the memo from Dr. Marty on Sunday, there have been a number of recent threats against schools nation wide. We do take these very seriously when they occur. We ask that you help your child understand the severity of these threats. Dr. Marty shared a number of things in his email you could share with your child (in an age appropriate manner of course).
Our top priority is the safety of our students and staff. We keep our exterior doors closed and locked, check each visitor in to our school using our visitor management systems, Parkway has a security department staffed 24 hours a day we work with when needed and Officer Greg Jansen is our School Resource Officer (we consult with him as needed).
We hope you and your family have a great weekend!
Katie & Chris
Focus on Character
This week we will focus on resilience/persistence. We define resilience as the ability to recover after something doesn't go your way. Our K-2 teachers have been given a copy of the book The Magical Yet. This book focuses on the fact that new things can be tricky, but with the power of "yet" you'll be able to do things in the future you can't do today.
One activity you could do at home with your family is make a list of times at home where things might not go the way you hoped they would. After you list those things, add possible next steps you could take to show resilience and overcome times when things don't go your way.
Early Dismissal Reminder
If you are picking your child up from an appointment, please keep in mind we do not pull students out of class until you arrive at school. We do this so students do not miss more classroom time than needed for their appointment. In the past when we have pulled students out early, they have sat by the front office for up to 20 minutes. Thank you for understanding.
PTO Fundraisers
Upcoming Events
Friday, September 20 - Oak Brook Night at Ballwin Sno-Cone (5:00-9:00)
Sunday, September 22 - Singing Eagles perform at the Cardinal Game
Monday, September 23 - Garden Club (2:30-3:15) and Singing Eagles (2:30-3:15)
Tuesday, September 24 - Papa John's Pizza Night
Wednesday, September 25 - OBPCL Soccer
Thursday, September 26 - Read, Right, Run
Monday, September 30- Singing Eagles (2:30-3:15) & Let Me Run
Wednesday, October 2 - OBPCL Soccer
Thursday, October 3 - Read, Right, Run & Let Me Run
South Area Information
Parkway Nutrition Services
Includes Menus, Free/Reduced Lunch Application and other items
Contact Us
Mrs. Terbrock - kterbrock@parkwayschools.net
Dr. Shirley - cshirley@parkwayschools.net