CN Weekly

RHS Color Guard Visits Crusader Nation
Reuther PROUD Unity Quilts
Dorothy visits Mrs. Duff's class
Maker Space Monday
8th Grade Volleyball ties with Hart. Great game!
7th Grade Community Service Project presents Heavenly Paws with a check
Congratulations to 7th Grade Band
Division 1 - Superior
RCS Charity Week 2024-2025
Charity Week
Dear RCS Families,
This year the RCS high schools will be hosting our second annual RCS Charity Week Dinner and Auction Night on Friday, February 28th from 6-8 pm at Rochester Adams High School.
Please join us for a night of doing good, meeting new people, and enjoying yourself—we will have dinner, and mocktails, along with a silent auction. Additionally, you'll have the opportunity to hear from representatives at Camp Kesem, who will share information about their impact and work in our community. Last year, this event raised a large amount of money for Humble Design Detroit, changing the lives of many homeless community members for the better. This year, Camp Kesem will be able to support many families battling cancer.
All proceeds from this event will go to Camp Kesem and our 2025 Charity Week, so please join us for this event. Tickets can be purchased online for $25 using the link.
If you'd like to learn more about the event, visit https://sites.google.com/rcs-k12.us/2025charitygala/home
We hope you can join us, and we can't wait to see you there for a night of good for our community.
Warm regards,
The RCS High School Student Councils
Reuther Green Schools
Check out the info below!!
AIA Banquet
Ticket sales have opened for the Author’s in April Banquet! The banquet will be held on Monday, April 28th at the Palazzo Grande with a family style dinner served at 6:45, ticket prices starting at $55. Click here to purchase tickets and for more details or go to www.authorsinapril.org. If you would like to purchase a gift certificate for someone else, please contact Jamie Rawcliffe at jamie.rawcliffe@gmail.com. There is also a silent auction that will go live about a week before the banquet. Reuther’s basket is themed Movie Night. If you would like to donate, please signup by March 21. Thank you so much for supporting this amazing program for our students.
Book orders are open until April 17th, prices will increase slightly March 1st. Order online, or ask your child’s teacher or Mrs. Lin for an order sheet. We will collect books in April for Jennifer Nielsen and Kelly Baptist to autograph.
Jennifer Nielsen will be visiting Reuther on Wednesday, April 30. If you would like to volunteer to help make the day a success, please contact mariah.oleszkowicz@gmail.com. Jennifer will give a presentation to each class in the morning and parents are welcome to attend! The schedule will be finalized closer to the event. There will be an application sent out for students who wish to eat lunch with her and attend her afternoon writer’s workshop.
Reuther Counselors for 2024-25
Kristin Daugherty, MA
7th Grade
Jill Suhajda, MA
8th Grade
Ann Kast, MA
6th Grade
Author's in April
Authors in April seems like it's far off, but it will be here before you know it! Some classes will be reading their books in November so they need to be ordered by the beginning of October. You can order here. The 6th grade classes are reading The False Prince. The 7th and 8th grade classes have two books to choose from: historical fiction or fantasy. The ELL classes each have a book chosen. You only NEED to order one book however, you can order as many additional books as you want! They will be delivered to the classroom. Mrs. Cottone's class will be reading in November so please order soon! If you have any questions about AIA or the books the kids are reading, please email me at mariah.oleszkowicz@gmail.com.
Happy Reading!
Mariah Oleszkowicz
Reuther PTSA Authors in April Representative
Homeroom is CNAT Time
CNAT - Crusader Nation Advisory Time
Homeroom is called CNAT (Crusader Nation Advisory Time)
CNAT will focus on helping students to monitor their grades, missing work, and to develop a plan to help them improve their organization.
CNAT will take place every day before first hour (like the old homeroom time), but will now have intentional activities built around improving student's executive functioning skills.
Lessons will also be centered around our pillars of Reuther P. R. O. U. D.
It is important for students to start their day being involved and included in these discussions. Please make every effort to have your student to school on time.
Perseverance - Respect - Optimism - Unity - Diversity
Back Parking Lot Morning and Afternoon Drop-Off
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Arrival and Dismissal - Drop off Loop ONLY
Please NEVER drop off or have your student get into your vehicle while you are on Auburn Road.
The map above is detailed with information to show where students should be dropped off in the morning. Please follow the directions below so that we can move traffic efficiently while keeping our students safe!
Parent Loop Drop Off Directions: To drop off your student from school, you will access the Parent Loop (in bright pink above) from Culbertson Road. Please continue to pull forward all the way to the drop off sign and have your child exit your vehicle. Please encourage your child to be ready with their belongings so we can keep the line moving.
Please note:
1. Students should not be exiting vehicles on Auburn Road, Culbertson Road or in the Reuther Staff/Visitor Parking Lot. The only place students should be exiting a vehicle is in the drop off loop which is accessed off of Culbertson Road.
2. Students who are walking or riding bikes must remain on sidewalks at all times. They should not be walking in the roadway or cutting through roadways for any reason.
3. If students need to cross Auburn or Culbertson, please remind them to cross at the intersection of Auburn & Culbertson where the crossing guard is there to assist.
When your student arrives at Reuther they will enter the building and remain in their grade level lobby until 7:15 a.m. At 7:15 a.m. students are directed to walk to their lockers and begin getting for the day.
The first bell of the day will ring at 7:20 a.m. This will indicate that the students have 5 minutes to gather their belongings and be seated in their CNAT Homeroom class by 7:25 a.m.
Students who eat breakfast at school are welcome to walk to the cafeteria at 7:00 a.m. All breakfast food is to remain in the cafeteria. Once students are finished with breakfast they are to walk back to their grade level lobby and remain there until 7:15 a.m.
Late Arrivals / Early Dismissals
Parents do not need to come into the school to sign in/out your student (s) if they will arrive late to school in the morning or leave early.
Students will check-in/out through the main office using our new automated
If a student is leaving early they will remain in the front office until you pull your car to the
front of the main entrance.
Please call the attendance line and leave a detailed message as early as possible, if you are
dropping off your student(s) late to school or picking them up early within the school day. We suggest that you call as early as possible. Many telephone calls come in between 7:00 and 7:45 a.m.
· Partial day absence attendance line 248-726-4710 option #1.
· Full-day absence attendance line 248-726-4710 option #2.
Dropping off forgotten student items i.e.: Chromebook, backpack, lunch, etc…may be left on the table inside the vestibule. Please label the item with your student’s name. It is not necessary to ring the bell. Office staff checks the table regularly. If your child is expecting you to drop off an item they are welcome to check the office in between classes.
*If you have medical forms or money please ring the buzzer to have staff come and collect those items immediately.
We appreciate your partnership as we streamline this process. If you need immediate assistance for unplanned early dismissals please call the main office line at 248-726-4700.
Student Item Drop Off
In the event that you need to drop off an item for your student – a forgotten lunch, gym shoes, assignment, etc. – there is a district wide procedure to follow. In the secure entrance lobby, you will find a table with post-it-notes. Please label student items with your student’s name. You do not need to buzz the main office – the drop table will be checked each class period.
Thank you for your cooperation in helping us to maintain our secure learning environment!
Volunteer - I-CHAT
If you plan on attending field trips this school year you must complete the volunteer forms located at the link below. Please allow up to 30 days for your application to be processed.
Good afternoon Reuther Crusader Families,
The 2024-2025 athletic season is upon us. There are some important RCS district changes for athletics that will take place that are NOW required for all student-athletes to participate.
First of all, the district is requiring ALL student-athletes to be registered in FINAL FORMS. Many of our families did this during the 2023-2024 school year. IF you have already done this, then you do not have to do this again. You are all set as this will carry on through middle school and high school as well.
If you do NOT have an account in FINAL FORMS you will NOT be allowed to participate until this has been taken care of.
Here is the link from the RCS District Athletic Web page regarding FINAL FORMS…
You will see that this link will be for both Middle School and High School. You will see the instructions on the screen to the right on HOW to set up the account.
Second of all, the district always requires that a physical for the current school year MUST be completed in order for an athlete to participate. The physical exam MUST be dated April 16, 2024 or later in order for this form to be eligible for the 2024-2025 school year.
Here is the link for the 2 page MHSAA physical form… You will find this form on the same page as the Athlete Registration for FINAL FORMS on the RCS District Athletics Web page
PLEASE print off the 2 page MHSAA form. PLEASE fill out the Medical History portion on Page 1 and the emergency contact information at the bottom of Page 1. The doctor will fill out the exam portion which is located in the middle of Page 1.
PLEASE fill out on Page 2 the entire box of information which includes student name, grade, birthplace, birthdate, address, city, zip code, phone numbers, email addresses, etc…
After that box on Page 2, PLEASE have the student sign and date the form. PARENTS/GUARDIANS…PLEASE fill out and SIGN and DATE the 3 spots required for CONSENT.
We are asking that you use this MHSAA physical form and NOT a form provided by your doctor/physician’s office.
ONCE you have completed the 2 page MHSAA physical form…PLEASE download the 2 page form into FINAL FORMS. You can download it onto FINAL FORMS by scanning it in to a PDF file or taking a really good picture of each of the 2 pages and downloading it that way.
Athletic Directors and Coaches have been asked to NOT collect a hard copy of the physical form beginning with the 2024-2025 school year.
Finally, the district is requiring pay to participate fees to be done through ELEYO and have the receipt downloaded into FINAL FORMS.
Here is the link for pay to participate for RCS…
Sport #1 and Sport #2--$100 each season. DO NOT PAY the fee if the sport is a TRYOUT sport. Pay as soon as you are selected for the team. Non-tryout sports you can pay immediately.
What if I am unable to afford the pay to participate fee?
We realize that the State of Michigan government has for the past few years granted that ALL students regardless of family income level are able to have FREE BREAKFAST AND FREE LUNCH. However, you MUST fill out the REDUCED FEE APPLICATION form for athletics in order to qualify for either FREE ($0.00) or REDUCED (Pay 25% of the $100 fee for Sport 1 and 2 or 25% of the $55 fee for Sport 3).
Sport #4 is FREE for any student-athlete regardless of family income level.
When do practices begin, when are the games, how do I get ahold of the coaches…Below is all of the information…
***CONTEST SCHEDULES for the 2024-2025 school will be posted by July 1, 2024.
Click on the logo for either ROCHESTER HS or REUTHER MS. We are a feeder school for RHS. Click on VIEW SCHEDULES that you will see in the lower right hand corner of the screen and then click on the grade level/sport that you are searching for.
There is a SUMMER optional football camp that Coach Gross and Coach Peklo will be taking the students to. Contact the coaches regarding that. Football Conditioning for incoming boys and girls 7th and 8th graders begins the Week of August 19, 2024. Practice begins the Week of August 26, 2024.
Contact the coaches (Calvin Gross (8th) and Shawn Peklo (7th) for more information…
Cross Country for all boys/girls incoming in grades 6-8 begins the Week of August 26, 2024. Coach Laura Duff will be running optional practices throughout the summer. Contact Coach Duff for more information…
Sideline Cheer for girls incoming grades 7 and 8 will be going to camp this summer and will begin practice the Week of August 26, 2024. Contact Coach Michelle Wesner (8th grade) and Coach Alyssa Hall (7th grade). THERE IS A SUMMER CAMP THAT IS OPTIONAL IF GIRLS ARE INTERESTED. Please contact the coaches immediately regarding this.
For more information…
Girls Basketball for girls incoming grades 7 and 8 will begin tryouts the Week of August 26, 2024. Contact Jarrod Rice (8th grade) and Tori Hawkins (7th grade)
For more information…
Winter I Sports will have tryouts the Week of October 28, 2024. Contact the coaches for more information.
Nick Klak—Boys 8 Basketball: nklak@rochester.k12.mi.us
Shawn Peklo—Boys 7 Basketball: speklo@rochester.k12.mi.us
Michelle Wesner—Girls 8 Competitive Cheer wesner@umich.edu
Alyssa Hall—Girls 7 Competitive Cheer ahall@rochester.k12.mi.us
Winter II Sport will have tryouts (Volleyball only) the Week of January 27, 2025. Wrestling will start conditioning the Week of January 20, 2025 and start practice the Week of January 27, 2025.
Kirk Gibbs—Girls 8 Volleyball falconsvolleyball2018@gmail.com
Emily Victory—Girls 7 Volleyball emilyavictory@gmail.com
Mark Brooks—Boys/Girls 6-8 Wrestling mbrooks@savatree.com
Nick Ontiveros—Boys/Girls 6-8 Wrestling nontiveros@rochester.k12.mi.us
Spring Sports will begin practice the Week of March 31, 2025. Please contact any of the head or associate head coaches of the Boys/Girls 6-8 track team for more information.
Nick Klak—Head Coach—Boys/Girls 6-8 Track nklak@rochester.k12.mi.us
Laura Duff—Associate Head Coach Boys/Girls 6-8 Track lduff@rochester.k12.mi.us
Hannah Schneider—Associate Head Coach Boys/Girls 6-8 Track hschneider@rochester.k12.mi.us
If you have any questions please contact Mr. Nick Klak—Reuther Athletic Director nklak@rochester.k12.mi.us
Help Reuther PTSA and sign up for Kroger Community Rewards
Stay involved in your student's success by joining the PTSA!
- Join the PTSA...Attend a meeting, join and fuel our budget with your membership contribution and a One & Done fundraiser donation!
- Join a Committee...Minimal time commitment and meet new parents! (1-2 hours/month)
- Chair a Committee... Medium time commitment, meet new parents and put those leadership skills to work! (3-4 hours/month)
- Join the PTSA Executive Board...Increased time commitment, meet new parents, and share your leadership at a greater level! (5-7 hours/month)
For more information, email one of our Executive Board Members!
Meet the Reuther PTSA Executive Board!
Erin Diones, Treasurer reutherptsapresident@gmail.com
Imulde Sullivan, VP Membership vpmembershipreutherptsa@gmail.com
Nesreen Sabbagh, Secretary reuthersecretaryptsa@gmail.com
PTSA Meetings 24-25
All meetings begin at 7:00 p.m. in the Media Center unless specified otherwise.
November 14, 2024
January 16, 2025
March 13, 2025
May 15, 2025
Michigan Child Protection Registry
How can we help our families keep their children safe while online?
The Michigan Child Protection Registry has added more apps to keep kids safe from being targeted by adult ads while on their devices.
One resource that is extremely important to make parents aware of is the Michigan Child Protection Registry. This Registry is a do-not-contact service that families can easily and quickly sign up for at www.ProtectMIChild.com in order to keep their children safe while on their devices at school and at home. This is a free Registry offered through the State of Michigan that stops adult advertisements from reaching our kids through e-mail, text, Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Discord, Twitch and TikTok. This Registry is an excellent resource for making sure our kids aren’t being served ads for alcohol, tobacco/vaping, online gambling, pornography or marijuana.
Bike Rider Safety
Follow Crusader Nation on Instagram
Dorothy the Crusader - Crusader Nation's Wellness Dog
Dorothy's Amazon Wishlist
Free and Reduced Lunch
Free and Reduced Lunch Application Form
Even though ALL students are eligible for breakfast and lunch this year through legislation from the state of Michigan, we will still need families to fill out the Free and Reduced Lunch Application Form if you qualify for a discount in pay to participate fees for athletics.
Application for the 2023-24 school year will be available after August 15th. Free and Reduce application
- We support, educate, and advocate for special education families in all 20 SCHOOLS in the district and have and are always looking for more!
- We meet with Special Education Administration monthly to DISCUSS AND SHARE IDEAS THAT SUPPORT OUR FAMILIES
- Click HERE to visit our website
Looking for more resources or archived newsletters?
Follow Us on Social Media
Email: Reuthermiddleschool@rochester.k12.mi.us
Website: https://reuther.rochester.k12.mi.us/
Location: 1430 E Auburn Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48307, USA
Phone: (248) 726-4700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ReutherCrusader
Twitter: @ReutherCrusader