Bobcat Bulletin
Beech Street School believes in the power of a growth mindset. We are committed to our education, and we demonstrate resilience by persevering through our mistakes. With an optimistic outlook and consistent effort, we understand that with practice, we can overcome challenges. We take responsibility for our actions and learning, and treat one another with respect, to foster a caring and safe environment for all. As a community, we take pride in being Bobcat PROUD together!
What's Happening This Week?
December 18th - Popcorn Day
December 19th - Winter Concert 1:20
December 20th - Early Release Day at 11:15 (Elementary School only)
December 21st - Basketball games
- 11:20 Boys vs. Weston at Southside
- 12:30 Girls vs. Weston at Southside
Winter Spirit Week 12/16-12/20
Guest Performers this week
This Wednesday morning, our students are in for a real treat as they get to witness a delightful circus act performed by Jacob, Mrs. Crow's son, along with one of his classmates. Jacob's incredible performance beautifully highlights the strength of a growth mindset, reflecting years of dedication and training in the circus arts. Their show is a wonderful reminder that with hard work and perseverance, anyone can achieve their dreams and become who they truly aspire to be.
We are excited to see you on Thursday for our Winter Concert, which will showcase the students' hard work in music class throughout the first trimester of school. If you plan on attending, please note that the school doors will not open until 1:20. If you arrive early, please wait outside and do not block the doorbell or the first door to the building. The concert should conclude around 2:30. If you plan to dismiss your child when the concert is over, you must send a note to the school in the morning so we can have their things prepared. It takes our students a lot of time to transition out of an assembly, and they will not be ready before normal dismissal time if you don't send in a note. Thank you for your cooperation.
Report Cards go home Thursday
The Manchester School District utilizes a standards-based report card. Standards-based grading is an effective method for assessing your child's understanding of specific learning targets, referred to as standards. With this approach, scores are not simply averaged over the grading period. Instead, it identifies what your child has mastered or can demonstrate in relation to these standards. Various tools are used throughout the year to provide an accurate picture of their learning progress. Please keep in mind that at this point in the school year, it may be typical for students to be progressing towards a standard. If you have any questions regarding your child's report card, please do not hesitate to contact their teacher.
Friday's early release applies only to elementary students. If your middle or high school student typically picks up their sibling, you will need to make alternative arrangements. All students must be picked up at 11:15.
Winter Weather - Closures and Delayed Openings
Last week, we had our first winter weather and a two-hour delayed opening. A significant number of students arrived on the school grounds very early. We kindly encourage you to review the resources provided by the district, detailed below, pertaining to closures and delays. During delayed openings, students will not be permitted access to the building until 10:00 AM for students eating breakfast and 10:15 AM for those not eating breakfast. Students who arrive early are required to wait outside, as staff members are not expected to arrive in the building until 10:15 AM.
Show Up Manchester
December has brought some challenges for attendance, especially with the delayed opening and the wave of winter illnesses that seems to be making its rounds at school. We completely understand how important attendance is, but we also want to emphasize that it’s equally essential to keep your child at home if they have a fever, have vomited, or if they’re dealing with diarrhea for 24 hours after the symptoms have resolved. You can support your child's attendance by reaching out to the school via phone or email to excuse absences if they’ve missed fewer than ten days. Additionally, a doctor's note will excuse absences!
December Class Challenge!
For December, we will continue to focus on students being at school daily or having their absence excused by a family member calling the school. This month, the winner of the class challenge will be the class with the most improvement from November.
December School Challenge
This month, we are adding a school challenge to further incentivize meeting our attendance goals. In November, eight classes improved their attendance. If 15 classes can improve their percentage this month, all of the students will receive a special treat the Friday before the December break.
Dental Van at Beech 1/6/25
Contacting your child's teacher
Ways to contact your child's teacher:
- Call (603)624-6314 and leave them a message
- School Status Connect App (Coming Soon)
School Breakfast and Lunch
You may be eligible for free or reduced-cost school breakfast and lunch. You can apply online in as little as 15 minutes – you can get your application started today at
You can find more information on our school meals program at
School meal costs for the 2024-2025 school year:
Full Price: $1.50
Reduced Price: $0.00
- Elementary
- Full Price: $2.70
Reduced Price: $0.40
- All Schools Cold Lunch Milk Prices: $0.70
Daily Bell Schedule
8:00-Doors open for Breakfast only
8:15-Doors open K enters in cafeteria, 1st grade enters the modular classrooms, 2nd+4th grades enter in back library door, and 3rd grade enters in the garden door.
8:30-Doors close and gates are locked. All students must enter the main office and are tardy. You will receive an automated call that your student was late for school.
2:50-Dismissal on the playground.
December 18th - Popcorn Day
December 19th - Winter Concert 1:20
December 20th - Early Release Day at 11:15 (Elementary School only)
December 21st - Basketball games
- 11:20 Boys vs. Weston at Southside
- 12:30 Girls vs. Weston at Southside
December 23-January 2nd - December Vacation
December 28th - Basketball games
- 11:20 Boys vs. Parker Varney at Parkside
- 12:30 Girls vs. Parker Varney at Parkside
Popcorn is back!
This Week's Lunch Menu
Hummus, String Cheese, and Crackers
Turkey and Cheese Sandwich
Sun Butter Sandwich w/ String Cheese
Assorted Fruit
1%, Skim or NF Chocolate Milk
Taco Seasoned Beef with Tortilla Chips
Ham and Cheese Sandwich
Spinach salad with Turkey
Green Beans
Sun Butter Sandwich w/ String Cheese
Assorted Fruit
1%, Skim or NF Chocolate Milk
Chicken Patty
Egg salad sandwich
Garden salad with grilled chicken
Sun Butter Sandwich w/ String Cheese
Assorted Fruit
1%, Skim or NF Chocolate Milk
Chicken with gravy and rice
Spinach salad with egg and cheese
Chicken Salad Sandwich
3 bean salad
Sun Butter Sandwich w/ String Cheese
Assorted Fruit
1%, Skim or NF Chocolate Milk
Turkey Sandwich
Sun Butter Sandwich w/ String Cheese
Assorted Fruit
1%, Skim or NF Chocolate Milk
Volunteers Welcome!
If you're interested in helping out with classroom preparation, supervising during lunch, or organizing games at recess, please contact Mrs. Wheeler at the office to participate. We appreciate any extra help!
Community Flyers
Manchester City Library Youth Calendar
Manchester City Library Youth Calendar Contd.
NH Hunger Solutions
333 Beech Street, Manchester, NH 03103
phone: (603)624-6314
website :