Community Nest
"Relationships are the agents of change." Dr. Bruce Perry
Week Ending September 20, 2024
Beginning this Fall, Basehor-Linwood elementary schools are implementing a new way of grading called "Standards-Referenced Grading."
Parents are invited to attend the informational meeting to learn more about this transition!
Wednesday, September 25th at 5:30PM at GRES
Standards-referenced grading (SRG) focuses only on reporting what students have learned and can do. In traditional grading, grades can be influenced by other factors and may not accurately reflect a student's actual understanding.
At the elementary level, behavior factors like social skills, completing assignments, and effort will be reported separately from academic grades. These factors are important for success in school and life, but they shouldn't affect a student's academic grade.
When using standards-referenced grading, teachers will use mastery scales and established grading practices. These practices will be reviewed each year to make sure they are effective and consistent in grading and reporting student learning.
Please check out the Standards Reference Report Cards site below to learn more about this.
This is being implemented DISTRICT WIDE in the elementary schools.
The Homecoming Parade is just around the corner on Thursday, October 10. Homecoming in Basehor is a very special time as the entire town comes together to celebrate. One of our favorite events is the HOMECOMING PARADE!
Any child that wants to ride on the float and participate must have an adult that agrees to walk in the parade as well. The route is not long. It begins at Holy Angels Catholic Church and goes straight down the center of town stopping at the high school. The route is exactly 1 mile and it goes by so quick with the crowd and kids having a blast cheering and throwing candy to the crowd. By having a responsible parent OR loved one walk in the parade with us, we can better ensure the safety at the end of the route, as well as bolster our group walking in the parade!
Please fill out this form if you are interested in participating in the parade. The more people we have, the better represented we are in the parade and community.
Dr. Springer will be speaking at the Hilltop Conference Center on Octoer 9 from 6 - 7:30 about early childhood brain, behavior, and learning. It is a free event if you are interested in attending, please sign up at the following link. Details are in the flyer.
Thank you all who purchased, sold to family and friends, volunteered and made our Trash Bags and Mums Fundraiser a success! It was so amazing to have so much support!
If you missed out on spirit wear, our vendor is kindly keeping it open for those who may have missed it. So go check out all the GH Gear and Bobcat pride on the PTO Facebook page!
We hope to see you all at Skate City this Wednesday from 6-8 PM (7838 Washington Ave., Kansas City, KS). It’s a fun evening for the entire family and Skate City kindly donates a portion of each admission to the PTO.
Mark your calendars for the Gray Hawk Float in the Basehor Homecoming Parade on October 10th. Please fill out the Google form in the Nest to participate! We will meet in the parking lot at Holy Angels to decorate the float and ride the route. Please bring a bag of candy for your student to toss along the parade route.
Gray Hawk Elementary School
Email: dspringer@usd458.org
Website: http://ghes.usd458.org/
Location: 16000 Garden Parkway, Basehor, KS, USA
Phone: (913) 662-7170
Twitter: @grayhawk458