The Dolphin Dispatch
"HERE WE GROW" January 6th, 2024
Important Dates Ahead:
Important Dates Ahead:
1/06/25, Monday- Teacher Professional Development at New Brighton- no school in session
1/07/25, Tuesday- School begins- Welcome Back!
1/13- 1/16- Minimum Days for Kindergarten and TK due to afternoon assessments
Jan. 16th, 4-8 PM - Dine Out Fundraiser @ Yogurtland
January 20th, Monday- Martin Luther King Jr. Day- No School
Jan. 29th, 6-7:30 PM - HSC General Meeting
Jan. 31st, 5-7 PM - SCG Family Fun NIght @ the SC Roller Palladium
1/27- 1/30- Minimum Days this week for Student Conferences (only if requested by parent, or teacher outreach)
Daily Bell Schedule
SUESD Elementary Academic Calendar
TK/ Kinder Academic Calendar
Principal's Message
Happy New Years everyone!
Here we go 2025 and second half of the school year! It's been a restful, sunny, rainy, and restoring 2 weeks. SCG misses you and we look forward to seeing you and our lovely dolphins as we resume school this Tuesday!
Monday will be a District-Wide Professional Development Day focusing us on our Language Arts Practices and some primers on the use of AI within education.
We are back at it with a SCG Character assembly on GRATITUDE this Thursday, and our SAGE Assembly will focus on Energy and Matter.
Looking forward to many good things for SCG's programs and academics to share with you as we move together through the currents and trails of 2025!
Please read the important updates, exciting news, and need-to-know's about our school below.
In Partnership,
Principal Carlo Albano
Winter Concert Practice
Kelvin Student Survey Analysis and Next Steps. Go SCG Leaders!
Winter Concert
SCG Families
Snapshots, Links, and Upcoming Event Details
A few 2025 SCG SAGE Projects underway with more updates to come :
Winter/Spring: Native Bird Garden 2.0
Spring: Pollinator Data Collection Boxes
Spring: Native Bee Boxes Project in SAGE Garden
Compost Sifter Project- done, Garden Workday Leadership Composting Workshop- done, clothes swap part 1- done!
New Articles on the website:
1) 2024 in review- SCG's Top 10! Our most viewed and monumental Website Articles in Review
2) SCG recognized by County Supervisor Manu Koenig for Achieving Green School Certification
3) Upper Grades Create New Compost Sifters for the Living Classroom including video
4) Carlo Featured as the statewide Transformative CalHope Leader
SAGE Emblem Design Stickers of Winners Sofia and Wilder coming soon- Logo Emblem Design Winning Posters are on display in the library and the front office, all category winners in the display case by the front office.
Community Voice Gatherings and Input Survey
Your voice matters in SUESD! Our district is hosting a “Community Voice Gathering” at each one of our school sites. The purpose of these gatherings is to share current district priorities with you, answer your questions, and hear your opinions. The date for the Community Voice Gathering to be held here at our school is January 22nd, 6:30- 8pm. If you can’t make it to the one hosted at our school, please feel free to attend the same event hosted at one of the other schools in our district on the dates below. Finally, please fill out the survey linked here so that we can have multiple ways to get your input.
Please help to spread this awesome news to our community- free college money in CA! Feel free to copy and paste. Did you know that all students born July 1, 2022, are eligible for a free college account (a 529 Plan)? Also, some students born earlier than that are eligible for even larger amounts of college funding. It's easy to check eligibility on CalKids. If you have any questions please reach out to us so we can help you. Don't pass up the chance for free money for college! For your information:
Newborns: Up to $100
School-Aged Students: $500 for Low-Income, Foster, or Housing Challenged
- California SEL symposium- SCG is honored to be invited by CalHope to participate in leading a session with 4 of their student leaders, Counselor Sue Robinson, and Principal Carlo Albano to highlight their transformative work with their student leaders, student data analysis, and leading action steps to help their peers.
First and Second Thursday Assemblies of January- our focus on Character with our students focuses on Gratitude. Our SAGE Assembly this month will focus on January's theme of Energy and Matter.
Measure P Master Facilities Plans- new Field this summer, vital upgrades to follow- linked here.
- Home and School Club Calendar of Events- You make our community better! : )
TK/ Kinder Calendar (keep a copy at the ready to refer to TK/ K Families- there are some differences to the other grades).
Whole School Elementary Calendar- new families, note that all Fridays are Minimum Days with release times by lunch.
SCPL Library Offerings: Awesome reading programs, homework help and more!