BPS Parent News for 1:1 Students
Info for CURRENT 1st thru 11th gr families for 2024-25
End of Year Chromebook & Charger Collection
Damaged or unreturned chargers or damaged cases will incur a replacement fee which will be billed in the fee section of the Infinite Campus parent portal and available to pay in Revtrak.
Students have been instructed to complete a helpdesk ticket prior to turning in their Chromebook to report any damages or problems so it can be addressed over the summer. Students who do not report Chromebook problems or damages prior to leaving for the summer will receive their Chromebook back in the fall as is.
2024-25 Chromebook Insurance for 2nd - 12th grade
The $21 premium covers damages to a student's Chromebook for the entire school year. Vandalism and/or repeated negligence of care is not accidental therefore, is not covered by insurance. Repair costs will be assessed for damages caused by vandalism or negligence.
Families that have 3 or more students in the 1:1 program will have insurance capped at $63. Insurance must be paid for students to take devices home. Chromebook insurance will be available to purchase through the fees and payments in Infinite Campus at the beginning of August. Families experiencing hardship circumstances may contact the building principal to discuss financial assistance.
Chromebook Distribution for 2024-25
High School students will pick up their Chromebooks on their designated day during high school registration during the week of August 19th.
Junior High students will pick up their Chromebooks during BJHS Roundup scheduled for August 20, 21, and 22. The JHS will be sending a specific schedule to parents.
Grades 2-5 students will pick up their Chromebooks during scheduled times during school hours the week of Sept. 9th.
Summer Access for Students to Google Drive and Gmail
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Bedford Technology Department
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Website: bedfordlearnon.weebly.com
Phone: 734.850.6095
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