24-25 DCIS Peek of the Week
May 6 - 10, 2024
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**Buy Your 2024-25 DCIS School Themed T-Shirt
This summer we are excited to offer free continuing education
opportunities to students via our Canvas Learning Management System.
These self-paced courses were designed to help K-6 students boost skills
in Math and English Language Arts through practice and review lessons,
as well as offer support in Character Education. Students can complete
an entire 8-week course, or just the lessons in which they need more
practice. They can also work above or below grade level. Progress is
not monitored by classroom teachers, but a suggested pacing is
included each week. Click here for a short video about these courses.
To gain access to these resources and enroll your student in these online
learning opportunities, please visit the websites below for the
appropriate class.
K-3rd ELA and Math: https://deercreekschools.instructure.com/enroll/K8AB6W
4th-6th ELA and Math: https://deercreekschools.instructure.com/enroll/764R77
K-2nd Character Education: https://deercreekschools.instructure.com/enroll/G4PYCK
3rd-5th Character Education: https://deercreekschools.instructure.com/enroll/M37MG3
*Note: Students will not be able to view a list of or communicate with other students enrolled in the
summer courses. These courses are merely intended to provide review and support materials that
students can use to prevent summer learning loss and prepare for the next grade level. Students
enrolled in these courses will not have direct contact with a classroom teacher.
Step 1: Select your Electives - TODAY using the Google Form Below!
Step 2: 2024-25 Online Registration for ALL Deer Creek Students Opens April 1st. All families must officially register their students for the upcoming school year.
Step 3: Proof of Residency -- July/Aug 2024: All Deer Creek families must submit proof that they reside in the school district in order to attend DC schools.
Once all 3 steps are complete, students will be able to pick up their schedules in August to start the new school year!
PTO Officers
DCIS would like to welcome our 24-25 PTO Officers :
President - Koshia Silver
VP - Alicia Cahill
Treasurer - Lindsay Merhib
Secretary - Karla Selle
Thank you for volunteering! We are looking forward to a great year.
7th Grade Honors Math
The Optional Summer Honors Course is open to everyone and is designed to help you understand the priority standards that are taught during 6th grade math. In Canvas, activities are included in modules to help you master those skills. The activities include instructional videos, notes, and IXL lessons. Mastering the sixth grade priority standards will help you be successful in honors (7th grade) math.
You must complete the modules in the order they are presented. A recommended timeline is given on the Canvas homepage. The 7th Grade Math entrance assessment will be given July 25th and 26th at DCIS at 9:00 AM.
To enroll in the Canvas course email MICHAELSTONE@DCSOK.ORG the following information...
Name of Student
Student School Email
Parent Name
Parent Email
You MUST Sign-Up by May 26th.
*You can check enrollments beginning May 29th. Students will receive an invitation to accept enrollment via email.
*Parents will be signed up as an "Observer" in the class.
*The IXL Practice Course will go live on June 1st. At that time you will be able to access the lessons.
Placement in the honors class will be based upon the following information…
Current Math teacher recommendation
Completion of Summer IXL Assignments (Optional)
A score of Advanced on the OSTP
IXL End Of Year Snapshot 650 or higher
5th grade year : 90% or higher overall Math Grade
Pass the 7th grade math placement exam with a 90%. (This test will be given the first of August - look for an email this summer)
*Completion of Summer Assignments (optional) - These assignments will be open for any student who would like to try and get into the advanced 7th grade math class. These lessons are optional but are a great resource provided by our 6th grade math teachers in order to help you pass our 7th Grade Math Placement Exam.
*Pass the 7th grade math placement entrance exam with a 90%. This test will be given on July 25 and 26th (choose either day - same test is given on both days) at 9:00 AM in the DCIS Cafeteria.
Students will be placed by DCIS staff according to these prerequisites and you will be notified in August.
**Buy Your Chromebook Cover
**Purchase your 6th grade Novels NOW.
**Buy your DCIS Agenda - This is a REQUIRED school supply item
Save The Dates
SAVE THE DATES! - (More info will be provided at a later date)
Schedule Pick-Up and Meet the Teacher
Wednesday, August 14th, 8:30am - 2:20pm
First Day of School - LATE START
August 27 - 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Parent Orientation
If we are moving out of the district this summer, do we need to participate in the Course Selection?
If you are 100% sure that you are moving out of our district, then no, you do not need to complete any of the forms for course selection. However, please email blythemcguffee@dcsok.org or conniegreenhagen@dcsok.org to notify us that you are not returning so that we can withdraw your child from our system after the last day of school in May and send records to your next school.
Deer Creek Communication
Click HERE to make sure you are getting all information from DCIS.
Main: 715-9850
Attendance: 715-9851
Fax: 359-3163
Edmond, OK 73012
If you need help at anytime during the course selection process, please reach out to any of us!
Sherri Verble sherriverble@dcsok.org
Asst. Principal
Makenzie Gurss makenziegurss@dcsok.org
Mandy Hayward mandyhayward@dcsok.org
Gina Burrell ginaburrell@dcsok.org
All teacher and staff emails follow the pattern of firstandlastname@dcsok.org