CH School News & More - 11.12.24
August 16th, 2024
Claypit Hill News and More
November 12, 2024
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
This past Monday, Claypit Hill’s School Council had the opportunity to meet. This is a group of ten who will gather six times this year with the goal of improving our school. As outlined in the Education Reform Act of 1993, the School Council is comprised of representatives from the parent body, the school staff, and the community at large. Elections are held to ensure that all parents and staff have a full opportunity for representation. The council has specific responsibilities that include, but are not limited to, examining the following topics:
Class size and impact on student achievement
School budget
School climate, safety, and discipline
Enhancement of parental involvement
This past week, the School Council approved Claypit Hill’s School Improvement Plan. This ambitious plan will help us to focus on forward-moving goals aimed at improving the quality of education at Claypit Hill. The action steps outlined in our plan will keep us on track. The district’s improvement plan has been approved by the Wayland Public School Committee. Our School Improvement Plan will be presented to the School Committee on November 20th. Our next Claypit Hill School Council meeting will be held on Monday, December 2nd at 1:00 p.m. All meetings are public and will be posted with the town clerk.
Our School Council Members are:
Marie Brigham, Principal
Jay Borikar, Parent
Glenn Davis, Parent
Andrea Fuller, Parent
Talia Hyatt, Boston Resident Parent
Larina Mehta, Parent
Katie Riffle, Parent
Meridith Palmer, Special Education Teacher
Katy Scarpulla, 5th Grade Teacher
Patricia Toohig Nardone, Community Member and TCW Director
Reaching out to a School Council Member is one way to communicate any questions or concerns you may have. Other ways to have your questions answered or your concerns addressed is by contacting your child’s teacher or any member of our leadership team. We will be happy to meet to answer any questions or address concerns.
Enjoy the week!
Marie, Kate, and Naomi
Super Wednesday Early Dismissal
This Wednesday, November 13 is a Super Early Release Wednesday. Dismissal is at 11:20. Grab and Go lunches are available.
Attendance Update
As you know, Claypit Hill is working to improve attendance this year as outlined in our School Improvement Plan. Last year, we had too many students with chronic absenteeism. We know our students learn best when they are in school. November 6th marked our 45th day of school which is the ¼ of the school year marker. At this point in the year, chronic absenteeism is down only slightly (-1.3%) and tardies have skyrocketed. This is due in part to our tight arrival window (just 15 minutes). You can help by:
Allowing your children to take the bus as often as possible
Ensure that your children are ready to hop out of the car the second you pull up to the unloading spot.
Insisting that your child, even our Kindergarten students, know how to unbuckle themselves. This is an important skill for all children to have for safety reasons.
Thank you for everything you are doing to help us meet our attendance goals this year.
Wayland MLK Luncheon
METCO Director, La Toya Rivers invites you to attend the annual Wayland METCO Luncheon. The luncheon is held in Boston. Last year, many Claypit Hill community members were in attendance. It is a spectacular afternoon of celebration and community building. Everyone member of our Claypit Hill Community is welcome! Please consider attending.
Claypit Hill Spirit Wear
This is the final week to order Claypit Hill spiritwear!
Orders can be placed online only through this link between now and Friday, Nov 15, and will be delivered in 3-4 weeks, just in time for the holidays! No orders will be accepted after the deadline. Choose from a hooded sweatshirt, dri-fit style tee, and long and short sleeve tees in several color options, all with a new Claypit Hill logo! Youth and adult sizing available.
If cost presents a hardship for your family, we are happy to help. Please reach out to Marie Brigham ( Any other questions, please reach out to Laura Mellen ( or Amanda Gale (
Picture Retake Day
For students who missed Picture Day in September or for families who would like to have a new picture taken, Hayward Photography will be returning to Claypit Hill School on Monday, November 18th.
PLEASE email your child’s classroom teacher if they should be photographed to ensure they are reminded. For retakes, students must bring in the complete picture package with the reason for the retake noted on the envelope.
Please contact with any questions.
MCAS Dates are Finalized
The MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) provides districts with a testing window. We have scheduled our assessments late in the window to provide for as much time for teaching and learning as possible before the assessments. As a result, there is little time provided for make up tests. It is imperative that travel not be scheduled during the MCAS testing days. Please support our school by planning accordingly.
3rd Grade
ELA - March 25th and March 27th
Math - May 13th and May 15th
4th Grade
ELA - April 3rd and April 8th
Math - May 19th and May 21st
5th Grade
ELA - April 1st and April 4th
Math - May 14th and May 16th
STE - April 30th and May 2nd
Gift Your Child
Active fundraising efforts are underway for just a couple more weeks, and we still have a ways to go. We are currently at 39% family participation–if you’ve been waiting to donate, now is your time!
Help support all that the PTO provides our school community by making a donation in any amount today!
See below for participation by grade–Kindergarten and Third Grade are tied with 43% of families participating. Help us reach our fundraising goal by making a donation to the Claypit PTO today.
Thank you to all of the families who have donated so far!
World's Fair
We’re looking for volunteers to help with the 2025 Wayland World’s Fair. This wonderful event brings the community together to celebrate cultures from around the world, and is coordinated by a team of volunteers from all 3 elementary schools. Please email if you’re interested to learn more or support this year’s event. Stay tuned, there will be an opportunity for families to signup to share a food, craft/activity/game or information from another country.
My Brother's Table
Upcoming Dates for Your Calendar
Monday, Nov. 18 - 3rd Grade Strings Informance, 6:30pm, Claypit Hill Gym
Tuesday, Nov 19 - 5th Grade Field Trip, Patriots Hall of Fame
Wednesday, Nov. 13 - Super Wednesday Early Release, Dismissal at 11:30
Thursday, Nov.21 - Grade 3 Field Trip - Plimoth Patuxet
Wednesday, Nov. 27 - Super Wednesday Early Release, Dismissal at 11:30
Thursday, Nov. 28 - Nov. 29 - Thanksgiving Recess
Tuesday, Dec. 10 - 4th Grade Town-wide Instrumental Concert, 6:30pm, High School Auditorium
Wednesday, Dec. 11 - 5th Grade Town-wide Instrumental Concert, 6:30pm, High School Auditorium
All School News
Moving forward this is where you will receive your all School News that was typically sent out on Wednesday's.
For this week's information about our School Committee, after school enrichments, community events, sports, fundraisers and more please click the orange box below to read this week's All Schools News.