Whitin Weekly
Week of January 4, 2023
Note from Principal DeMarco
Good Evening Whitin Families,
Happy New Year to our Whitin Families,
We look forward to welcoming the students back tomorrow and hope that everyone is well rested and enjoyed time with family and friends during the break.
Below you will find the MCAS schedule for this year. As people plan vacations and family events please keep in mind these dates.
The January PTO meeting is being held tomorrow, January 4th at 2:30PM
School Committee meeting is this Wednesday, January 4th.
The January School Council meeting will be held on Monday, January 23rd.
Students will be taking the winter Star assessments in reading and math next week. It is required that all students participated in this short screening so that we can track their progress from the beginning of the year. Students will be taking the assessments during their ELA and math classes. Each assessment takes on average about 30 minutes.
Have a great week and as always, do not hesitate to reach out to Mr. Roy or myself.
Leanne and Dan
School Nurse
Nurse Gerard is back from leave starting tomorrow. We are so glad to have him back.
Order the Whitin Warrior Yearbook
Yearbook ordering is available at:
School Code: 193452
PTO News
PTO meeting
Contact the PTO
email: whitinpto@uxbridge.k12.ma.us
Facebook: @whitinptoPTO News
Author Visit December 20th:
A huge thank you to the PTO for organizing the author event just before break. It was nothing short of amazing. Students in all grade levels were highly engaged and listening to the message from Kevin about reading, writing, drawing, creativity. Kids left inspired and energized. Truly an amazing event for our students.
Cookie Decorating Event
PTO is hosting a cookie decorating and winter movie event on Friday, January 20th. Students will be decorating coolies, enjoying hot cocoa while watching a winter movie. See flyer attached.
Standards and Curriculum information for Families
Extra Curricular Activities and Clubs
Yearbook Club, Girls Who Code and Newspaper Club: meet weekly in the library contact Ms. Roche for more details.
Student Council: open to any student in grades 5-7 meets on Thursdays in Ms. Marshall's room cmarshall@uxbridge.k12.ma.us
Cheer Club Wednesdays after school. Ms. Knauer cknauer@uxbridge.k12.ma.us
Math Club Tuesdays after school in the library Contact Tony Botelho antonebotelho@yahoo.com
Special Ed. Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC)
We are a volunteer group of family members of children with disabilities or special learning needs. We educate, support and exchange ideas and information with each other while collaborating with school professionals and administrators for the best educational experience and outcomes for our children.
We hope to see you at our meetings and events!
Whitin Intermediate School
Email: ldemarco@uxbridge.k12.ma.us
Website: uxbridgeschools.com
Location: 120 Granite Street, Uxbridge, MA, USA
Phone: 508-278-8640
Twitter: @UXBWhitin