Eagle Updates
February 2, 2025
REMINDER! Thursday and Friday are EARLY RELEASE DAYS!
In This Issue:
- From Mrs. Barry
- Book Fair
- MWE Calendar
PTA News:
- Auction Checklist
- Tips for Bidding
- PTA Meeting - February 12th
From Mrs. Barry
I was struck with the thought that this is why field trips are so important. They provide the opportunity for students to experience in real life what they only see in print or media. They get to apply what they've learned in a hands-on encounter. And even if they think they know it (like I did with George Washington), they might just be surprised and learn something new. Field trips are experiential learning at its best!
At Meadow Wood, we strive for our students to take 2 field trips per grade level each year. But field trips are expensive - not just in admission fees but also in transportation costs. Did you know that we can put 48 people on a bus for a field trip? We are charged $1.25 per mile per bus (plus $1.00 per toll), as well as $22 per hour per driver. To give you an idea of how that translates:
- A trip to Stratford - 2 hours - 2 buses = $136.25
- A trip to Oil Ranch (Hockley, Texas) - 5 1/2 hours - 3 buses = $735 (last year this cost us $608.50)
Again, these are ONLY transportation costs - this does not include any admission fees.
This is where YOU and our PTA comes in. PTA pays for one of the field trips for each grade level. Your generosity makes it possible for learning to come to life for our Eagles. This is just one of the many ways that your donations make a difference at MWE. As we approach our auction and gala, I wanted you to know how much I appreciate all the support PTA provides. Meadow Wood would not be able to provide these rich learning opportunities without a community that values these experiences!
MWE Calendar
Reminder: Every week we have T-2-4 Tuesday - students are encouraged to wear their favorite college or military shirt. Fridays are MWE Spirit Day! Wear your Eagle attire!
February 6
Early Dismissal/Parent Conferences - 12:00 Noon
Yuck Science Show
No lunch visitors!
Family Point is closed!
February 7
Early Dismissal/Parent Conferences - 12:00 Noon
No lunch visitors!
Family Point is closed!
February 8
MWE Gala & Auction
February 10-14
Random Acts of Kindness Week
Book Fair
February 10
1st grade Hands on Science
February 11
5th to 6th transition visit to SFMS
February 12
School Store
PTA meeting
February 13
Kinder Hands on Science
February 14
Classroom Parties
No lunch visitors, please!
February 17
February 18
3rd grade Hands on Science
February 19
2nd grade Hands on Science
February 20
4th grade Hands on Science
February 21
5th grade Hands on Science
February 25
CIT Meeting
February 27
Reading/Language Arts Practice STAAR (grades 3-5)
No visitors, please!
February 28
Go Texan Day
No lunch visitors, please!
All Things PTA
Lights, Camera, Auction! MWE PTA's spring gala and auction has finally arrived! Remember everyone can participate in the Silent Auction and purchase Sign and Go Parties even if you're not attending the gala on Saturday night. Bidding opens up this Wednesday, February 5th at 12:00 pm and closes Saturday, February 8th at 10:30 pm. See below for a helpful checklist and make sure to follow on IG @mweauction and visit onecau.se/mweauction for all the details.
Make sure you already have your One Cause bidding account created and credit card saved (onecau.se/mweauction) - some of these Sign and Go Parties will go fast on Wednesday! See below for some helpful tips when using One Cause.
Mark you calendars for our next PTA general meeting on Wednesday, February 12th at 8:05 am.
For additional information, go to our website: www.mwepta.com.
Follow us on Facebook (Meadow Wood Elementary PTA) and Instagram (#MWEPTA).