St. Columba's Primary School
“Lord, inspire me to give my best and make good use of the talents you have given me.
Show me how to be positive in attitude, appreciating and valuing others,
always ready to encourage and give praise. Amen”
Dear Parents and Carers
In 2025, the way the Sacraments are celebrated in the Parish will change to some degree. The Sacraments are a Parish celebration and Fr Nino is moving to the model recommended by the Perth Arch Diocese. Reconciliation will stay the same, however, the First Eucharist and Confirmation will change. The First Eucharist will be celebrated over three weeks and families will nominate which Mass they are going to attend. Confirmation will be organised over two weekends. Each Year 6 class will attend a weekend Mass on the nominated date organised by the Parish. As the Sacraments are a Parish celebration, the Parish will organise the readers, singing, prayers of the faithful etc via the normal parish rosters. The dates will be sent out in Term 4 and information involving the Sacraments will be advised to families in Term 1 at teacher/parent nights.
Many thanks to Mrs Kang for organising Korean Day. It was an outstanding success and a great cultural immersion opportunity for our upper primary students. There was a significant amount of preparation and organising; our thanks to all the helpers that Mrs Kang organised. The day is one of the highlights of the year.
Tomorrow is our Athletics Carnival. Many thanks to Mr Chatt for getting everything organised and ready. I know as always that it will be a great day. Families will be able to take children home at the conclusion of the carnival. If you are organising for someone to collect your child, please email the school as to whom this will be. If we do not have written authority for a person other than immediate family to collect your child the school will be unable to release the child/ren and they will have to be collected at the conclusion of the school day.
In Week 2 of Term 4 the school disco will be held on Friday October 18. Please note that for the Years 1-6 sessions, only P&F Volunteers will be allowed into the undercover area where the disco is being held. Parents dropping off or picking up will be required to wait outside.
An interesting read in today’s newsletter insert from Michael Grosse around comparing children.
A reminder that school will conclude for Term 3 on Friday September 20 and resume in Term 4 on Monday October 7.
God bless and keep safe.
Allen McMahon
Important Dates
Friday 13 September
- St Columba's Athletics Carnival - PP-Y6 - 9am
- Science Week
Tuesday 17 September
- Liturgy - Y2 - 9am
- Thai Cultural Experience - Year 6
- Zoo Excursion - Year 1
- School garden veggie sale before school - Year 6 - outside library
Thursday 19 September
- Footy Colours Day (no gold coin)
Friday 20 September - Last day of term
- Kings Park Excursion - Year 3
- P&F Colour Fun Day
- Term 3 Ends
Monday 7 October
- Term 4 Begins
School Garden Veggies for Sale – Gold Coin Donation
Before school on Wednesday 18 September the fresh produce from the school garden will go on sale outside the library for a gold coin donation. We have fresh lettuce and parsley up for grabs. Our Year 6 leaders will man the stall with all proceeds going back into the garden. Don’t miss out!
Footy Colours Day – Thursday, 19 September
Students and staff are encouraged to come to school dressed in their favourite team’s footy colours in Week 10 on Thursday, 19 September. Please note no donation is required. We look forward to celebrating the footy finals together. Come on Lions!
P&F Colour Fun Day
- Kindy: Wednesday, 18 September in the Kindy playground – 2 pm onwards
- Pre-Primary: Friday, 20 September – 12.50 pm – 1.10 pm
- Year 1 - Year 6: Friday, 20 September – 1.20 pm onwards
Parents and Carer's and welcome to collect children once the Colour Fun Run is finished. You are not required to sign out at the office, however must inform the classroom teacher.
South Perth Young Writers Award
Congratulation to Vincent (Year 2) on winning first prize for his story ‘Slime Dog and the Bloop Genius’.
School Photos Re-Distribution
Dear Parents,
School Photos have arrived... again!
All reprints of family and individual student photos were distributed by classroom teachers yesterday.
Any students not at school on this date can collect their photos from their classroom teacher when they return to school.
In the event that you do not receive what you were expecting, please contact MSP Photography on (08) 9240 8000.
Canteen days
Please note:
- Confirming that canteen is closed all of this week
- Canteen will also be closed next Wednesday, 18 September
R U OK? Day – A Conversation Can Change a Life
Today, the 12th of September, is R U OK? Day.
R U OK? Day, our national day of action, is dedicated to reminding everyone that every day is the day to ask, “Are you OK?” and start a meaningful conversation whenever they spot the signs that someone they care about might be struggling with life.
You don't need to be an expert to reach out - just a good friend and a great listener.
Use these four steps and have a conversation that could change a life:
1. Ask R U OK?
2. Listen
3. Encourage action
4. Check in
Got a feeling that someone you know or care about it isn’t behaving as they normally would? Perhaps they seem out of sorts? More agitated or withdrawn? Or they’re just not themselves. Trust that gut instinct and act on it.
By starting a conversation and commenting on the changes you’ve noticed, you could help that family member, friend or workmate open up. If they say they are not OK, you can follow the conversation steps below to show them they’re supported and help them find strategies to better manage the load. If they are OK, that person will know you’re someone who cares enough to ask.
Students explored R U OK? Day with their peers today in class and staff celebrated with morning tea and a “Kit Kat & Chit Chat”.
We all play an essential role in contributing to a culture that ensures all our school and community members feel safe and supported. Never underestimate the impact of a conversation; it could change a life.
Catholic School Parents Australia want to hear from you
Dear Parent and Carers
This 2024 survey is a follow up to a similar survey conducted by Catholic School Parents Australia (CSPA) in 2022, which was completed by 6,286 Australian Catholic school parents.
The parent views and experiences shared through the 2022 Parent Survey on Student Wellbeing and Learning, helped CSPA to advise the Australian Government, the National Catholic Education Commission (NCEC) and State, Territory and Diocesan Catholic Education Offices on key issues concerning parents with children and/or young people in Australian Catholic Schools. The 2022 survey clearly identified the concerns that many parents/carers have for their children’s wellbeing.
By completing the 2024 survey, you will be helping CSPA to continue reporting on existing and emerging affirmations/challenges, in relation to the wellbeing and learning of our school-aged children.
It is only by having your voice heard that you can make a difference and influence decisions. We have noticed that wellbeing is now high on the agenda for most of our school communities, for both staff and students and in many cases the wider community - this is a positive step forward for which we are most grateful.
To continue to inform the discussion please feel free to complete this current survey by clicking on the link or scanning the QR code: 2024 National Parent Survey
Siobhan Allen
Executive Director
Message from Hayley | P&F President
Hi everyone.
Woohoo the sunshine is here! We are on the home stretch, I hope everyone is keeping safe and well.
Just a couple of reminders:
1. Colour Fun Day is next Friday (last day of school) for years PP-6 and Wednesday for Kindys. You would have received an email with all the information. If you have any questions, please let your reps know.
2. School Disco (Kindy to year 6), Term 4. Get excited! The school disco is just around the corner. The children are going to be whisked away to an enchanted Forrest for a night to remember. More information is in this newsletter. We will be calling out for volunteers from each year group to help on the night.
3. Night in White - Don’t forget to get your RSVPs in so I can start locking in all the various bits and pieces required to make this night one to remember.
Have a fabulous week everyone.
Hayley Mitchell
P&F President
School Disco 2024 RSVP Form
The P&F are proud to present this year’s school disco, 'Enchanted Forest', taking place on Friday, 18 October, 2024 (Term 4, Week 2).
This year, we have split the disco into 3 sessions.
Session 1 Kindy and Pre-Primary: 4:45-5:30pm (1 parent/carer must attend to supervise their child)
Session 2 Years 1-3: 5:45-6:45pm (no parents/carer's inside the disco area, children are required to be signed in on arrival and are unable to leave until parents sign out at the end)
Session 3 Years 4-6: 7:00-8:30pm (no parents/carer's inside the disco area, children are required to be signed in on arrival and are unable to leave until parents sign out at the end).
Please RSVP your child/ren's attendance by Friday, 11 October by clicking the below link:
A separate RSVP is required for each child please to allow easy collation of the data.
There is no cost for this event.
We kindly ask you to include emergency contact details for the night.
There will be a food truck available on the night to purchase light refreshments and ice creams.
Please note, this is strictly a no alcohol event.
A reminder that from Year 1 upwards parents are NOT allowed to go into the disco area.
Please don’t hesitate to contact your P&F rep if you have any questions.
Scholastic Books
Cash payments are no longer accepted. Payments can be made by credit card - Visit scholastic.com.au/LOOP or download the LOOP app. Your order will be electronically linked to the rest of your school's order. You do not need to complete the order form.
𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐔𝟏𝟐 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬 - 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐫𝐲 𝐖𝐀𝐁𝐋
Do you have a girl born in 2014, 2015, 2016 or 2017 who loves basketball and would like to play at a higher level than domestic?
This FREE session is an opportunity to get exposure to WABL-level coaching and chat with our coaches to see if WABL is something your daughter would like to trial for.
Date: Wednesday 11 September
Venue: Belmont Oasis Leisure Centre
Time: 5.30pm to 6.30pm
Cost: Free
Register: https://www.playhq.com/basketball-wa/register/5309d0
School Term Dates for 2024
Term 3: Tuesday 16 July - Friday 20 September
Term 4: Monday 7 October - Friday 6 December
Pupil Free Days for 2024
Term 4: Monday 21 October
Sacrament Dates for 2024
Reconciliation: Saturday, 9 November at 10am