Gator Bites
November 21, 2024
Principal's Corner
Wow Gators! It feels like we are running into Thanksgiving then December. There is so much learning happening in the second half of this quarter. I love seeing and hearing the Joy in our classrooms.
A Big shout out to 4 LA students who placed in the top three of their age group at the LPS Stride for either the 5K or 10K race! These amazing Gator Runners were fast and represented us well. Congratulations to Katelyn B, Maya F, Nina K, and Abigail K. Maybe we should call them “the Gator Gazelles!”
Since the next time we have a newsletter it will be December, remember to put the Art Show on your calendar for December 10 (grades 4-8). The talent our students have is amazing and the projects these older students do is impressive. Our student art always inspires me.
We WILL have school next Monday and Tuesday but no newsletter next week. I hope you all have a joyful Thanksgiving break. I am thankful for all of you! We have the best parent community, students, and staff as evidenced by the 400 people who came to the LASA glow party last Friday. Being with all of you fills my heart. Take care and be safe, Gators.
Upcoming Events
Pen and Quill Winners
1st Grade
Laney W, Hattie M
2nd Grade
Hunter H, Ginny F
3rd Grade
Riley E, Grace M
4th Grade
Jens S, Eliana C
5th Grade
Carolina G, Owen T
Thank You!
Congratulations all K-3 students for a JOB WELL DONE at your music performance Monday night! It was a wonderful evening of music, community and fun. Thank you Ms. Anderson for always organizing such a great performance.
Communications Director Wanted
LASA is looking for a replacement Communications & Technology Director to join the LASA Board. The position has the following duties:
1. Conduct all correspondence as directed by the LASA Board.
2. Manage LASA Website, Facebook page and manage email tool, Mail Chimp.
If you are interested please contact the LASA President at president@lasalittletonacademy.com
Glow Party Highlights
Yearbook Cover Contest
I Ski/Ride With LA Day!
After School Art Club for Grades K-5
Join us for a new after school art class hosted by the Createry Workshop Highlands Ranch!
Students will discover different art mediums each week! Each project will be adjusted to fit different age groups and artistic skills. This class is centered around a chosen base project where children will learn art concepts and design elements, learn how to use different materials, and have fun while creating!
8 Classes:
January 13, 27
February 3, 10, 24,
March 3, 10, 17
in the Art Room at Littleton Academy