Tiger Tales
September 2023
Welcome to 2023-2024 School Year!
Stevenson Families,
School is almost here! We are excited to have families come to individual teacher/family orientation sessions either Aug 31 or Sept 5. If you don't have a time, see the link below.
2023-2024 is going to be one of our best years yet. We will continue to provide engaging, rigorous and relevant learning experiences while also implementing new literacy curriculum that we believe will increase students' growth. We are excited to embark on this journey.
On September 27th from 5-7 pm, we will host our big welcome back family event. This fun-filled evening will be a time for our entire school community to connect and enjoy activities from The Works Museum. If you are a returning Stevenson family, there will be new engineering activities and take home items this year. Please see more details below.
I look forward to seeing you soon. If you have any questions, please call our office at 763-502-5302 or call me at 763-502-5301.
Veronica Mathison
Stevenson Elementary Principal
First Day of School
First Day of School for Students: Wednesday, September 6th
See the Full District Calendar Here .
School Hours
Student arrival begins 8:55 a.m.
Free breakfast is served 8:55 a.m. - 9:10 a.m.
School day starts at 9:10 a.m.
Dismissal is 3:45 p.m.
Student Drop-Off or Pick-Up
The front lot is for buses only from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm.
To keep all children safe, please:
Drive slow and please be patient, the first week will be slower
Only drop off/pick up from curb
Please stay in your vehicle, staff will help with opening doors
Move forward immediately after dropping off/picking-up to move traffic
If you want to walk child in, park in a parking space on the north side
If you would like to walk your child to the front door, please park on the north side or at the train station. We understand many kindergarten families may want to do this the first couple days and we welcome you to do so.
2023-2024 School Attendance Information
It is the responsibility of the student’s parent or guardian to ensure that their student is attending school, to inform the school in the event of a student absence, and to work cooperatively with the school to solve any attendance problems that may arise.
Examples of UNEXCUSED Absences
Overslept / Alarm Failure
Missed the bus / Car trouble
Staying home to babysit
Needed at home
Shopping / Errands
Examples of EXCUSED Absences
Illness (ex. strep throat, fever)
Please note: After 10 or more days of excused illness absences, students will be required to present a provider note for ongoing absences
Medical, dental or orthodontic treatment or counseling appointment
Physical emergency condition such as a fire or floor
Family Emergencies
Religious Holidays
Death or Funeral of immediate family member or close friend
School attendance is directly related to success in academic work, benefits students socially, provides opportunity for important communications between teachers and students, and establishes regular habits of dependability important to the future of the student.
Please contact our school social worker with any questions!
Cait Ostman, MSW, LICSW
Phone: 763.502.5310
Email: caitlin.ostman@fridley.k12.mn.us
Text: 612.424.0478
Strengthen Our Community by Volunteering!
There are always opportunities at Stevenson with field trips, classroom teacher projects, Parent Teacher Organization, and school events to help our school.
All volunteers must fill out the volunteer application and clear a background check through human resources. All information is confidential and at no cost to our volunteers.
We highly suggest adults complete the volunteer process at the beginning of the year to be ready at a moments notice for any event!
Please note-All volunteers must re-apply this year even if you have previously been cleared as a volunteer.
This year, the transportation department will not require previously enrolled families to fill out our Transportation Request Form unless they fall under one of these four categories:
- They are new to the district
- Their address has changed since the last day of school (June 9th, 2023)
- They require a different drop off or pick up location including a daycare. If your student needs transportation from a daycare, please fill out the daycare information on the form
- They are entering Fridley Preschool
If any of these conditions apply to your student(s), please make sure to fill out the form so that we may ensure you get transportation right away in the fall. Please only fill out one form per student.
This form must be completed by Friday, August 11th in order to get transportation started on the first day of school.
For any submissions thereafter transportation will start on Wednesday the 20th of September.
The reason we do this is so that the bus and van drivers will have sufficient time to learn their routes before school starts, and any changes that may happen in the first 2 weeks of the school year. We appreciate your patience in this practice as it leads to a much safer and efficient route.
Transportation will email you with stop information when your stop is set up and student is assigned
This year, we want to modify as little as possible compared to 2022-2023. For most students, bus stops and times will be the same.
Your student's transportation information will be available via the Campus Parent Portal on the Fridley Schools website starting August 21st. You may find the link to the Campus Parent portal here.
The Fridley Public Schools website has some great transportation information under the transportation department tab. You can access that here.
Transportation - Fridley Public Schools
Transportation - Fridley Public Schools
It also includes the activity bus request form.
Please feel free to call the transportation department with any questions at (763) 502-5151 or email us at transportation@fridley.k12.mn.us
Thank you and have a great rest of your summer!
Campus Parent Portal
Nutritional Services Updates and Changes
Welcome back families and students. We are looking forward to having you back in the café for breakfast and lunch daily. We hope that your students enjoy our new menu items along with their favorite items.
Completion of Application for Educational Benefits
The Application for Educational Benefits still needs to be completed even with the Minnesota Free School Meals Program. The school district will be mailing households a post card in mid-August encouraging families to complete the application. A copy of the paper applications are available in the schools’ main office or on the District Website at https://www.fridleyschools.org/about-us/departments/nutritional-services/meal-applications Applications can also be completed online at https://fridleymn.infinitecampus.org/campus/portal/parents/fridley.jsp (you will need your Parent Portal username and password). If you do not have a Parent Portal username and password, please contact Kathy Backstrom at 763-502-5021 or your School Main Office. An Application for Educational Benefits must be completed every year. If your family receives SNAP benefits or if you received Direct Certification letter from the district, you do not need to complete an application. If your income has changed due to job loss or change, please complete an application. These applications also help the district receive additional funding for support staff and teachers. As a household, you may also be eligible for discounted internet services, reduced activity or athletic fees including Park and Rec and reduced metro transit fares. When completing the application, please include all people living in the household including infants or young children, college students, and older adults who may be living with you.
Minnesota Free School Meals Program
The Minnesota Free School Meals Program provides state reimbursement to schools that participate in the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program. Students can have one reimbursable breakfast and one reimbursable lunch at no cost at school.
For an interactive student menus including food allergy information can be found at https://family.titank12.com/menu/PLUZN8 . If you would like to print a monthly menu, those can be found at https://www.fridleyschools.org/about-us/departments/nutritional-services/lunch-breakfast-menus We are continuing to prepare more items from scratch, incorporate more locally sourced items, taste testing new cultural dishes and asking for student engagement.
See more information here.
R.L. Stevenson Elementary
Email: Veronica.mathison@fridley.k12.mn.us
Website: https://sites.google.com/isd14.org/stevensone-learning/home
Location: 6080 East River Road, Fridley, MN, USA
Phone: 7635025300