The Current
March 15, 2019
In this Message:
- School Board Meeting – March 18
- LO Learning Levy
- LO Learns Community Events
- Register for the Bus for 2019-20
- Volunteer Info Session for TEALS
- Celebrate National Nutrition Month
- Kindergarten Registration – Deadline May 1
- Partnership with SMART
- "As One," Portland Opera
- "Listening to Young People" Conversation Night
- Weather Emergency Communications
- SafeOregon
- Subscribe to Lake Oswego Schools App
- What's New at Community School?
School Board Meeting – March 18
Monday, March 18, 2019
Legal Budget Committee Interviews – 4:00 p.m.
Contract Review Board – approx. 6:00 p.m. (immediately following Legal Budget Committee interviews)
School Board – Regular Session – approx. 6:15 p.m. (immediately following Contract Review Board)
District Administration Building – Board Room
2455 Country Club Road; LO
I. Legal Budget Committee Interviews – 4:00 p.m.
- Massene Mboup – 4:00 p.m.
- Cynthia Bauer – 4:15 p.m.
- Kabir Bhatia (via phone) – 4:30 p.m.
- Jennifer Scheurer – 4:45 p.m.
- Brian Gentry – 5:00 p.m.
- Gabe Weaver – 5:15 p.m.
- Jason Weber – 5:30 p.m.
II. CONTRACT REVIEW BOARD – Immediately following LBC Interviews (approx. 6:00 p.m.)
1.0 Call to Order
2.0 Delegated Authority Resolution (Action) Mr. Ketzler
3.0 Lakeridge Junior High GMP (Action) Mr. Vandenberg
4.0 Hallinan Design Services Contract (Action) Mr. Vandenberg
5.0 Adjournment
III. SCHOOL BOARD – REGULAR SESSION – Immediately following Contract Review Board (approx. 6:15 p.m.)
4.1 Human Resources Report (Action) Dr. Atherton
4.2 Approval of Minutes (Action) Chair Barman
· February 11, 2019 – Executive Session/Regular Session
· February 25, 2019 – Executive Session/Contract Review Board/Regular Session
4.3 Policy IKAB-AR – Student Progress Reporting to Parents (Action) Dr. Schiele
4.4 Policy JOA – Directory Information** (Action) Ms. Moses
4.5 DEI Committee Resignations (Action) Mr. Salerno Owens
5.1 January Financial Report (Info) Mr. Ketzler
5.2 Facilities Bond Agreed Upon Procedures Audit Report (Info) Mr. Ketzler
6.1 Superintendent’s Report (Info) Dr. Musick
6.2 Bond Accountability Committee Update (Info) Mr. Vandenberg
6.3 Bond Premium Allocation (Action) Mr. Vandenberg
6.4 Elementary and Middle Level STEM Lab Recommendation (Info) Dr. Schiele
6.5 Elementary and High School Science Adoption Recommendation (Info) Dr. Schiele
6.6 Middle Level Pilot Novel Request (Info) Dr. Schiele
6.7 Legal Budget Committee Appointments (Action) Mr. Ketzler
6.8 Policy GBC – Staff Ethics (1st Reading) Mr. Ketzler
6.9 Policy JFCG/JFCH/JFCI – Use of Tobacco Products, Alcohol, Drugs or Inhalant Delivery Systems** (1st Reading) Dr. Schiele
6.10 Policy KGC/GBK – Prohibited Use, Distribution or Sale of Tobacco Products and Inhalant Delivery Systems (1st Reading) Dr. Schiele
6.11 Policy IKF & IKF-AR – Graduation Requirements (2nd Reading/Review) Dr. Schiele
6.12 Food Pantry Discussion (Info) Chair Barman
6.13 OSBA Update on Revenue Reform (Info) Mrs. Hartman
6.14 Other Business (Info) Chair Barman
LO Learning Levy
On February 25, our School Board unanimously approved an enhanced local option levy request that will be going to local voters May 21. The ballot will include a measure to approve our local option levy at $1.64 per $1000 assessed value; a 25 cent increase over the current local option levy of $1.39. As you may know, our current levy is one of five funding streams that support our local schools. The five funding steams include the local option levy, the LO Schools Foundation, the construction excise tax, state funding, and the school construction bond. Of all of these, the levy is the only local voter-approved operational funding we receive dedicated to programming and personnel. The current levy comprises approximately 13% of the District’s overall operating revenues and pays for more than 80 teaching, licensed, and classified staff positions across the District. Levies are usually renewed every five years; our current levy was last renewed in November, 2013.
We are calling this year’s levy the “Learning Levy.” If passed, levy funds would be dedicated to staffing positions to support STEM, literacy, and social and emotional well-being. This levy, if passed, would fund an additional 20 licensed staff – giving us 100+ levy-supported teachers and staff across the District. These licensed staff would not only help maintain or reduce class sizes at our schools, but they would also support our progress toward individualized learning and social-emotional learning initiatives at each of our schools.
Each school has a parent who has volunteered to bring you additional information. Please reach out to your school volunteer listed below and visit www.losdschools.org/levy for more information.
Forest Hills, Bill Woodruff, bnwoodruff@gmail.com
Hallinan, Lisa Decker, lisamariedecker@gmail.com
Lake Grove, Salumeh Loesch, salumeh.loesch@gmail.com
Oak Creek, Ellen Lazaris, lazarisfamily@comcast.net
River Grove, Sara Pocklington, sarapocklington@hotmail.com
Westridge, Quinn Neiland, qpn@yahoo.com
Lakeridge Junior High, Sarah Howell, howell.family@hotmail.com
Lake Oswego Junior High, Neelam Gupta, neelamg@gmail.com
Lakeridge High School, Susan Stohl, sstohl2003@gmail.com
Lake Oswego High School, Liz Welsh, otis.meow@comcast.net
LO Learns Community Events
LO Learns community events are a chance to hear from the experts about what is happening in our schools that are supported by the local option levy. Please bring your neighbors and join us for our learning events.
Tuesday, April 9
7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Westridge Elementary School Library
3400 Royce Way; LO
Program: Social-Emotional and Mental Health in School
Guest speakers include school counselors Diana Grindea (K-5), Marcy Watts (6-8), and Lee Brown (9-12)
Saturday, April 20
11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Oak Creek Elementary
55 Kingsgate Rd; LO
Program: School Safety and SRO Duties
Guest speakers include School Resource Officer Bryan Sheldon and Dale Jorgensen, Lake Oswego's Chief of Police
Saturday, April 27
10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Forest Hill Elementary
1133 Andrews Rd; LO
Program: STEM/Computer Science in the 21st Century
Guest speakers are TOSAs Larry Zurcher and Chris Hesselbein
Register for the Bus for 2019-20
Registration is now open for bus transportation for the 2019-20 school year.
Please complete the registration form with as much detail as possible. This will help us create our routing schedule for the 2019-20 school year. Call the Transportation Department at 503-387-5078 with questions. Please note that this request does not guarantee transportation. Restrictions apply to students that are open enrolled or who live within the walk zone. Bus Registration Deadline is August 1, 2019.
Volunteer Info Session for TEALS
Computer Science Education Advocates: 70% of OR and SW WA High Schools Need Your Help. Volunteer to help a teacher teach computer science!
Are you a computer science professional who wants to help develop the next generation of Oregon techies? Come learn more about the Microsoft Philanthropies TEALS Program and how coding pros like you are changing lives as TEALS volunteers!
Computer science (CS) is a vital driver in today’s global innovation economy, but most U.S. high schools – including more than 75% of Oregon high schools – are unable to offer rigorous CS courses. Without CS in high schools, our students are missing out on essential computational skills that will help them succeed in any career they wish to pursue, and professional skills that could lead to an economically secure future.
TEALS seeks to change that reality. Our volunteers work directly with classroom teachers to help them build and grow their CS teaching capacity through yearlong support and training to inspire the next generation of innovators and computer scientists.
If you’re interested in learning more about the opportunity to help shape students’ career opportunities – all while having fun – come learn how TEALS might be the right fit for you!
TEALS Volunteer Info Luncheon
Monday, March 18 or Tuesday, March 19
11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
1414 NW Northrup St. #900
Portland, Oregon
Lunch provided by TEALS
Register here: https://bit.ly/2EwJfIk
If you can’t attend either of these options, you can still sign up to volunteer and/or help:
· Read the Frequently Asked Questions.
· Watch the online volunteer session and apply at tealsk12.org/volunteers
· Forward this info to people you know who might be interested to let them know about the information session.
If you have questions, please contact Helen Henry, (Helen@TEALSk12.org) PNW TEALS Senior Regional Manager, for more information.
Celebrate National Nutrition Month
LOSD's Food Service staff and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends the following ways to celebrate National Nutrition Month:
· Eat breakfast
· Make half your plate fruits and vegetables
· Watch portion sizes
· Be active
· Reduce added sugars
· Drink more water
· Enact family meal times
· Eat seafood twice a week
· Experiment with plant-based meals
· Make an effort to reduce food waste
Find out more at https://www.eatright.org/food/resources/national-nutrition-month/nnm-handouts-and-tipsheets-for-families-and-communities
Kindergarten Registration – Deadline May 1
- Lottery Deadline: May 1, 2019
- Lottery Tier 1: Siblings currently attending the same resident school will be given priority and will not go into the lottery but MUST register by the May 1 deadline
- Lottery Tier 2: Age-eligible registrations received by May 1, 2019
- Lottery Tier 3: All registrations (including sibling and early admission) received after May 1, 2019, are subject to availability
- Lottery Date: May 8, 2019
- Lottery Notification Date: May 10, 2019
Partnership with SMART
Oak Creek Elementary is excited to partner with Start Making A Reader Today (SMART), the nationally-recognized Oregon nonprofit providing one-on-one reading support and books to PreK through third-grade kids.
The SMART program at Oak Creek Elementary is the first in the Lake Oswego School District. SMART partners with Oregon schools that have a high proportion of historically underserved kids. While Lake Oswego is affluent compared to much of the state, Oak Creek is designated as a Title I school, serving a high proportion of students from economically disadvantaged households.
Focused on getting kids excited about books and reading, SMART will serve 25 kindergarten students at Oak Creek this year. We hope you will consider making a gift to support the program at Oak Creek and schools across Oregon. A gift of just $40 provides a year’s worth of books for a child in SMART to keep and build their personal library, and a gift of $325 provides a full year of SMART for one child. Email Nathan Buck at nbuck@getsmartoregon.org, or call 971-634-1607, or visit getSMARToregon.org/donate to learn more about how you can make a difference in the lives of Oregon kids.
"As One" Portland Opera Production
"Listening to Young People" Conversation Night
When: May 1, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m.
Where: River Grove Elementary School, 5850 McEwan Road; LO
Who is invited: All Lake Oswego community members
*Childcare and food will be provided
What does it look like when adults really listen to young people? Cultural beliefs about young people perpetuate myths that cause harm, especially when combined with laws that control their physical and emotional autonomy and limit their ability to participate in public life. Young people experiencing marginalization for any reason—race, gender, sexuality, ability—also have the added layer of not being taken seriously because of their age, yet the history of social justice movements in the United States is deeply connected to young people’s agency, autonomy, and power. Join Oregon Humanities Conversation Project facilitator Emily Squires, and the River Grove Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Team for a conversation that asks folks to explore their own beliefs about what it means to be young, and to reflect on their individual relationship to power as it relates to age.
Website link:
Weather Emergency Communications
If parents are ever concerned about a student’s well-being, feel free to reach out to your principal. It is important to keep your lines of communication open and maintain strong partnerships between students, families, staff, and other resources.
SafeOregon also is an effective way to report a tip regarding safety threats or potential acts of violence to our students or schools.
(Students should also know that intentionally providing a false report is a serious offense.)
Subscribe to Lake Oswego Schools App
What's New at Community School?
The LOSD Community School offers enrichment and athletic programs and activities for students of all ages, including robotics, STEM, arts, language, and theater.
Lake Oswego School District
Email: info@loswego.k12.or.us
Website: https://www.losdschools.org
Location: 2455 Country Club Road, Lake Oswego, OR, USA
Phone: (503) 534-2000
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Christine Moses, Communications Director at Christine.Moses@loswego.k12.or.us
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