Naumann Insider
May 17th
Calendar Items
May 22nd: CPHS Senior Grad Walk@1:15pm
May 23rd: End of Year Class Celebrations. Kinder & 5th Grade Graduations
May 24th: Early Release Day, Students Last Day of School
News from Ms. K
Dear Naumann families,
This school year has flown by! It seems like we were just planning spring activities and now we are in the home stretch. I have enjoyed meeting so many of you throughout the year and appreciate the support you have given the staff at Naumann.
As we move toward the close of the year, I want to acknowledge two staff members who are retiring - Ms. Fentress, 3rd grade teacher and Mrs. Parente, 1st grade teacher. Ms. Fentress is retiring after 39 years of working in education and 26 years at Naumann. Mrs. Parente is retiring after 30 years of working in education. We hope you will join us in wishing them well after dedicating their careers to working with students! Just one more week of school and then summer is here! We can tell that students are ready. We hope to see you at one or more of next week’s many activities and celebrations! Have a wonderful weekend! Shanita Kozlowski Principal
Yearbook Sales
We are almost sold out!
Don't forget to get your copy of the 2024 Naumann Yearbook!
You can buy them online at All yearbooks will be sold online only. No copies will be sold in person.
Order yours now before they are gone.
All pre-purchased yearbooks will be handed out the last week of school.
If you want to check if you have ordered a copy, just search your email for a receipt from Balfour. If you have any questions email Mrs. Sullivan.
Graduations & End of Year Celebrations
Graduations & End of Year Celebrations will be held on Thursday, May 23rd. If you plan to attend any events, please complete the RSVP form that can be found here.
Kinder Graduation Ceremony@9:00am-9:30am (doors open at 8:30)
Kinder Classroom Celebration@9:30am-10:00am
5th Grade Walk@10:45am-11:00am
5th Grade Graduation & Celebration@11:00am-11:30am
ESLE Parties@8-8:30am
1st Grade@8:00am-8:45am
2nd Grade@8:00am-8:45am
PreK 3 Morning Class@8:30am-9:00am
PreK 4@12:30pm-1:00pm
3rd Grade@12:30pm-1:15pm
PreK 3 Afternoon Class@1:00pm-1:30pm
4th Grade@1:45pm-2:30pm
2024-2025 New Student Registration & Returning Student Verification
For NEW students to LISD registration is now open for the upcoming school year. To begin the registration process, click here.
Leander ISD’s verification process requires families of returning students – for those who attended an LISD school in the 2023-24 school year – to verify and update information each school year. By replacing previous paper practices with an online process, the district is reducing paper waste, improving accuracy, increasing efficiency, and saving parents time.
Please click here to complete this process
Library News
Student Library Books were Due on May 13
All student library materials were due on Monday, May 13. If you still have library books at home, please send them in. Teachers will be alerted of books still checked out. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mrs. Jordan in the library:
Summer Book Check Out
Would you like your child to check out books from our Naumann Library to enjoy over the summer? Have I got a deal for you! Students will receive a permission slip to check out up to 10 books to read over the summer. Summer book check out will take place the last week of school. See permission slip for all of the details. Questions? Feel free to call or email Karen Jordan in the library.
Sora: Online Book Check Out
Did you know our district offers a way to check out books electronically? Sora is an online library for our LISD students. Students can check out 3 books at a time for up to 2 weeks. Books may be read on your family computer as well as downloaded to a portable device. Students can access Sora in Launchpad. I encourage you and your child to try checking out a book in Sora before the end of this school year. If you have any problems or difficulties doing so, Mrs. Jordan can help troubleshoot.
Clinic News
The end of the school year is near!
If your student has medication(s) in the clinic, they will need to be picked up before the last day of school, Friday, May 24th. The last day of school is an early release day, therefore medications must be picked up by 11 AM.
Medications may NOT be sent home with a student. Any medication(s) not picked up by the specified date and time will be disposed of after the last day of school.
For additional information please reach out to Nurse Lea at 512-570-5827 or
Senior Grad Walk
Senior Grad Walk, Wednesday, May 22nd@1:15pm.
Senior Class of 2024's Former Knights will walk the halls at Naumann one more time at 1:15 PM on Wednesday, May 22nd. Seniors should dress in school spirit wear (elementary, high school, collegiate, military, etc.) since they will not yet have their caps and gowns.
All visitors, including graduates, will need to bring their photo ID to check in with the front office.
Please allow time for parking and check-in. We will start promptly at 1:15.
Last Day of School, Friday May 24th
The last day of school will be Friday, May 24th.
School will dismiss at the following times:
10:15: PreK 3, ELE & ESLE
11:20: PreK 4 & Kinder
11:25: 1st Grade
11:30: 2nd-5th Grades
- No PreK3 PM classes
- PreK4-5th Grades: Bring a lunch or buy a sack lunch from the cafeteria
- No lunch visitors
- Students bring their yearbooks for signing time
PTA News
2024-25 School Supply Packs
Save time & money and order next year’s school supplies now! EPI school supply packs contain all the items and brands our teachers require. School supplies will be delivered directly to campus and placed in your child's classroom by Meet the Teacher Night. Please use the school ID “NAU001” when ordering. Deadline to order is May 21.
Lost & Found Items
Lost & Found items not claimed by May 23rd will be donated to the district's Clothes Closet.
If your student is missing items please remind them to check the Lost & Found area which is located in the cafeteria. Parents are also welcome to come in and check this area as well. Please bring your ID with you and check-in thru the office.
Referrals for Quest/GT Program
Referrals for Quest/GT Program:
Referrals for the Quest/GT program are now open. Anyone can refer a student. Elementary students referred for testing by August 16, 2024 will be screened to determine the need for additional GT Assessment and Identification. Those that qualify for additional screening will be notified by August 23, 2024 and will be assessed before Fall GT/Quest Services begin and parents will be notified. Students can only be tested one time per school year. Students can be referred for GT screening in the fall and the spring.
All kindergarten students are automatically screened in January.
Referral form link:
What is QUEST/GT?:
Screening and Identification process:
If you have any questions, please email our Quest teacher at
No Place for Hate
Our school has earned the No Place for Hate® designation for 2023-2024 school year!
We are so thankful for our Student Council members and everything our students have done to help our campus become a more inclusive and welcoming space.
Naumann Elementary
Location: 1201 Brighton Bend Lane, Cedar Park, TX, USA
Phone: 512-570-5800