Davis Richmond E-News
May 22, 2020
Dear Parents,
Summer vacation officially begins today for our students and families. We trust as report cards are posted on May 28th you will take the opportunity to reflect with your child on their learning and growth this year. They have come so far at school and at home! Thank you for your deeper partnership in education during these days of quarantine.
The staff of Davis Richmond wishes you a safe and happy summer, one filled with continued learning through reading, wondering, exploring, and writing. Look for those opportunities to have your students apply their newly learned skills in your everyday routines. Take time to read daily and to enjoy leisurely conversation afforded us by long summer nights.
Enjoy your additional family time! Be on the lookout for 2020-2021 School Year Plans as we get more guidance from our governmental and educational leaders at the state level and district level.
Denise Liechty and Lisa Simoncelli-Bulak
We will maintain office hours Monday - Friday from 8:00 - 3:00 throughout the summer. However, there will be times of working remotely. We ask that you please call ahead - there may be conflicts with vacations or meetings. Davis 331-228-2200 / Richmond 331-228-2800.
Registration paperwork is due June 5th. If you have not already submitted this paperwork, please do so as soon as possible so that we can determine needs for staff, classroom space and supplies for the coming year.
Grade Level Choice Boards to keep your child’s skills sharp while having fun throughout the summer have been shared by your classroom teacher and are attached here as well. Take time each day to do two activities and you will be ready to go in the fall.
Looking for a way to keep your child reading throughout the summer? Needing some fun ideas to do with books? Take the Summer Reading Bingo Challenge that was included with your Dandelion Art Project and is attached here. Students finishing 12 or more activities will receive a book and ribbon in the fall.
Summer Reading Bingo Board
5th Grade Clap Out Video
Please click here for our video to celebrate our 5th graders as they transition to middle school. We will miss you and wish you the best in middle school!
D303 has put together a wonderful website with additional learning activities. We hope your child is able to spend some time exploring these different activities throughout the summer. The link to the website can be found here. Have a wonderful summer!
For the school year 2020/2021, the SCHOOL FEES waiver will ONLY be a paper application since there is financial documentation required for income verification. Important to note, there will be no reduced fees next year. A family can only qualify for a free waiver of fees. The application will be located on the district website in July.
As for the FOOD WAIVERS, one application needs to be completed for each household. Please remember to include ALL family members that live in the household (even those not attending a school).
In July, ONLINE applications will be posted on the district website. In addition, paper applications will be available at the schools and the Administration Building as in years past. Unlike the school fees, families can qualify for Reduced.
- In July, D303 will be mailing the Free/Reduced applications to each household that had previously qualified for the program.
- The families that are directly certified by the State of Illinois for the 2020-2021 school year will receive FREE FOOD and their FEES will be WAIVED. If families qualify by the state, then they do NOT need to complete either application. They will receive an approval letter in the mail.
Questions pertaining to FEE WAIVERS - Sharon Wlezien 331-228-5417
Questions pertaining to FOOD WAIVERS - Patti Townsend 331-228-6529
As we move into the summer months, District 303 is extending our grab and go meal service at each of our 6 locations. As part of this communication, you will find an updated schedule of days when meals will be available for any student in the district who needs them.
From now until May 29, we will operate on the same schedule that we have used throughout the spring. However, we will not be serving meals on Monday, May 25 in observance of Memorial Day.
Beginning on June 1, we will operate on Mondays and Thursdays only. Students will receive three meals on Mondays and two meals on Thursdays. Please refer to the list below for specific locations and times of service.
Thompson Middle School, 705 W. Main Street
9:00 - 11:00 a.m. - Monday and Thursday
Anderson Elementary School, 35W071 Villa Marie Rd.
9:00 - 11:00 a.m. - Monday and Thursday
Wasco Elementary School, 4N782 School Street, Wasco
10:00 - 10:45 a.m - Monday and Thursday
A District 303 bus will deliver meals to the front of the school.
Cumberland Green Cooperative (1798 Cumberland Green-Office Lot near court #1)
11:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. - Monday and Thursday
A District bus will deliver meals to the office parking lot at 1798 Cumberland.
Prairie Point Apartments, 1820 Wessel Court
10:00 - 10:30 a.m.- Monday and Thursday
A District 303 bus will deliver meals to the park facing the road at the front entrance (Entrance nearest to Randall Road).
The Crossings, 1690 Covington
10:40 - 11:10 a.m. - Monday and Thursday.
A District 303 bus will deliver meals to the area near the clubhouse.
St. Charles Place, 15th Street and Indiana
11:20 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. - Monday and Thursday
A District 303 bus will deliver meals to an area in front of the apartment complex.
As we progress through the summer, we will send families additional information and reminders about the district’s meal service program.
We know there are many families whose circumstances have changed during this time. We have gathered a list of resources with links for easy access. If there is something you need beyond this, let us know and we will see what we can do to support you.
Dig Deeper! Summer Reading 2020
Join St. Charles Public Library this summer to read, investigate, and discover!
Thompson School Supplies for Next Year
The Thompson PTO has teamed up with School Tool Box to give incoming 6th graders the option of purchasing pre-packaged school supplies for next year. Place your order online and it will be delivered directly to your home address. You will have the option to customize your order by adding or removing items. Be sure to place your order early to allow plenty of time for your supplies to be shipped to your home before supply drop off day. Please use this link (https://schooltoolbox.com/school-supplies/) to place your order. Please see this flyer for more information.
School supply lists for next year can be found on the Thompson registration page by clicking here.
Wredling School Supplies for Next Year
Wredling Registration page - to locate WMS school supply lists, scroll to bottom right of registration page. Use these lists to shop on your own for supplies.
The SCHOOL TOOL BOX link for ordering pre-packaged school supplies for the 2020-2021school year is NOW up and running! It is your place to get one-stop-shopping and have your school supplies shipped directly to your home.
School Tool Box website - to order pre-packaged school supplies! Order early to ensure delivery before the first day of school. Enter Wredling Middle School in the search bar in the "Shop for prepackaged supplies" box.