Middle School Parent Night
Learn All That Twin Peaks K-8 Has to Offer!
Parent Information Night on January 23
Making the Right Choice for Middle School
Twin Peaks K-8 School is the right choice for middle school for a variety of reasons.
Twin Peaks K-8 is an award-winning school:
- “A” Letter Grade from the AZ State Board of Education
- Earned High Reliability School Level 1 and 2 Certification
- Awarded Level 4 PBIS AZ Achievement Award for Fidelity of Implementation of Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports
Research Supports the K-8 Model for Middle School Students
In her book, Middle School Matters, Phyllis Fagell reports, “There’s reason to believe the traditional middle school/junior high model isn’t ideal. Kids seem to learn and achieve more in schools with longer grade spans, whether the school serves grades K-8 or 6-12. In a study published in the Journal of Early Adolescence, researchers tracked 6,000 students from kindergarten through eighth grade. They concluded that starting a new school in sixth or seventh grade negatively impacts kids’ motivation and feelings about their academic ability.”
Exceptional Academic Offerings
Elective Choices
Twin Peaks offers a wide range of elective choices to provide enjoyment and exploration for our middle level learners. Students attend elective classes twice per day for 40-50 minutes. Our counselor will meet with students this spring to provide course selection opportunities. Parents will be informed and can help students choose electives.
Sports Program
Our school offers a variety of sports for students including Cross-Country, Flag Football, Volleyball, Soccer, Basketball, and Track.
Twin Peaks participates in the Northwest League, and students have the opportunity to compete in games and meets with other area middle schools.
Middle school is a wonderful time to get involved and try a new sport! All students are allowed to participate.
Tigers Have PRIDE
We have high expectations for our students and positive behavior is emphasized. Our school-wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Program focuses on the development and implementation of proactive procedures and practices to prevent problem behavior for all students and to improve school climate.
Students have middle school privileges and responsibilities. Comparable to other middle schools, our students have passing periods between classes. Chromebooks are assigned to individual students, and they are allowed to take these home. Students have ID badges and use these to access privileges such as our snack cart. We offer sports pep rallies and middle school specific evening events such as dances and other outings.
The hours for middle school students is 8:15am – 3:20pm Monday through Thursday and 8:15am – 1:40pm on Friday. We offer free after school tutoring twice a week from dismissal until 5:00pm. Our district provides an activity bus that departs at 5:00pm Monday through Thursday for students who live within the Twin Peaks school attendance boundaries. Fee based before and after school care is available from 6:00am to 6:00pm through Teen Extended Day. This program is similar to LEAP however geared to students in grades 6-8.
For all these reasons and more, Twin Peaks K-8 is the right choice for your middle school student. We look forward to partnering with you for your child’s continued education.
7995 W. Twin Peaks Road, Tucson, AZ 85743
(520) 579-4750 | maranausd.org/tpk8
At Twin Peaks K-8, we fill buckets, instill pride, and love learning.
MUSD, in collaboration with parents and community, will challenge all students to achieve academic and personal excellence in a rigorous, relevant and supportive learning environment.