Happy Fall!
October Parent Newsletter 2024
From The Principal's Desk...
We are a month in to a fantastic school year! Students are strengthening both academic and social skills. A couple ways to help your child be fully prepared to achieve all he/she can at school is to ensure he/she is getting enough restful sleep. Children 5-9 years old need 10-12 hours of sleep each night. We begin instruction at NOE at 7:55 am, so making sure your child is rested and at school on time to fully access the curriculum is another way to support the success of your child. Helping to facilitate independence is yet another way to help your child find success - practicing shoe tying at home with positive modeling and encouragement and practicing knowing phone numbers of trusted adults are things that can build that feeling of independence!
At North Ohio Elementary we are KiNd, RespOnsible, and RespEctful!
Celeste Shiffer, Principal
Important Dates
Dates to Prioritize
Tuesday, October 8 - PTO meeting. Join us!
Thursday, October 31 - Halloween (See info below)
Friday, November 1 - NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS, Professional Development for Staff
Our Century Club Reading Award Program running from September 9-May 9 this school year!
Save the date for our Holiday Concert - December 17 You will be treated to a morning show! More information to come!
Halloween At NOE
Halloween at NOE
*Morning festivities will be held in classrooms on October 31st.
*Students wear costumes to school - no blood, no weapons, no gore. Students must be able to get in/out of costumes as they will change to "regular" school clothes before lunch. It is easiest for children to have a costume OVER regular clothing.
*Classroom fun will be planned by the classroom teacher.
*Any treats coming to school must be pre-packaged and will be sent home with students to enjoy.
*Outside student costume parade at 9:30 am weather permitting with guests welcome to watch. If it rains, the parade will be cancelled.
PTO News
Math Minute
Cafeteria Menus
From Your Specialists
October Music
Hello NOE Families!
My name is Sarah Peterson, and I’m the new music teacher for North Ohio and South Maple Elementary. It’s been a great start to the school year, and I am so excited to be making music with these wonderful students. First, I’d like to tell you a little bit about me, and then I’ll give a small summary of what your student will be doing in music class.
I graduated from Michigan State University with a degree in Music Therapy and studied opera under the direction of Professor Meredith Zara. I have practiced music therapy and have performed throughout the Midwest for twenty-three years. Recently, I decided to change my focus to music education, and earned my teaching certificate! I am specialized in early childhood, so I am very excited to be working exclusively in K-3. I also enjoy vocal directing for Gaylord Community Productions and working in my gardens. My husband, Brian Peterson, teaches math at Gaylord Middle School, and we have two children. Lucy is an eighth grader, and Christopher is an 11th grader. Both are involved in the music programs at their school.
In my music classes, students are learning many important skills like how to make music as an individual and as a group. Each grade will be learning about the elements of music and participating in age-appropriate musical activities like playing instruments, moving to music, listening to music, singing, and writing music. Third graders will be learning how to play the recorder, and this year, North Ohio will have a Winter Concert, and South Maple will have a Spring Sing.
If you have any questions about the music program, please feel free to email me anytime!
Sarah Peterson
K-3 Music, petersons@gaylord.k12.mi.us
Basketball Info
Important Info
Links to previous NOE Newsletters
Links to Previous Newsletters
https://secure.smore.com/n/4anbc - September 2024