Athens State University RIC
September 2024
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Region 2 Request Links
Remember, If you have specific professional learning needs please use the PD Request Form or if you need to reserve a learning space at the Regional Inservice Center or on the Athens State Campus, please use the Facility Reservations form.
Register for Professional Learning Sessions
Who May Attend
Any public school teacher, administrator, or board member may attend professional learning sessions hosted by an Alabama Regional Inservice Center (ARIC).
How to Register
Educators can register for sessions using PowerSchool Professional Learning accounts. All professional learning sessions have hyperlinked registration links. Look for the Register Here wording under each session. Contact district PowerSchool personnel or district technology administrators for assistance with accessing the platform. Retired educators no longer with a school district or without a local education agency (WOLEA) can send a support request to PLadmin@alsde.edu for support.
PowerSchool Credit
For your credit to show on your transcript, you need to complete the survey attached to the complete course. You can find this survey in your "Courses" tab in the "My Survey" section.
Please note, all session confirmations are sent to the email associated with PowerSchool accounts. Please verify contact information in PowerSchool (e.g. email addresses, phone number, etc.)
Professional Learning Locations
Athens State Regional Inservice Center
- Physical Location: 1115-A Hwy 31 South Athens, AL 35611
- Beside ServPro and across the highway from Moran Carpets.
- Regular Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Sandridge Student Center Ballroom
- Athens State University Campus
- 300 North Beaty Street Athens, 35611
- Front Entrance on the Hobbs Street side (Building # 4 on Map)
- Look for Hebrew the Bear Statue
Alabama Center for the Arts
- Downtown Decatur
- 133 2nd Ave. NE Decatur 35601
- Near Morgan County Courthouse
Athens State University Campus Map
Meet Our Crew
Clint Vandiver - AMSTI Director
Emily Byrd - AMSTI Assistant Director
Kathy Babbitt - AMSTI Administrative Assistant
Brad Lewis, Ed.D - ATH State RIC Director
Deepa Manandhar - RIC Program and Financial Assistant
Jennifer Priest, NBCT - ATIM Specialist
APLDS (Administrator) Professional Learning
- APLDS PD is for Building Level Principals and APs ONLY.
AMSTI Fall Updates
AMSTI Updates
- Director - Clint Vandiver
- Assistant Director - Emily Byrd
- Click HERE for AMSTI PD
National Board Certified Teachers Support
Next Cohort Meeting - September 17 @ 4:30 pm
North Cohort Meeting in Priceville
South Cohort Meeting at Cullman Primary
New Teacher Academy - Office of School Improvement
New Teacher Academy - Office of School Improvement
- Friday, October 4
- Classroom Management w/Dr. Layne Dillard: 8:30 - 11:30 am
- Small Group Instruction w/ Ardrinnia Strum: 12:30 - 3:30 pm
- Register HERE for Sessions 1 & 2
- Monday, November 4
- Problem Solving Team w/ Wendy Arnold: 8:30 - 11:30 am
- ACAP/DRC Resources w/Charissa Lambert: 12:30 - 3:30 pm
- Register HERE for Sessions 3 & 4
Textbook Adoption Presentations from Patrick Chappell of Publishers' Warehouse
- Three Opportunities for Zoom Presentations
- September 12 - Register HERE!
- Zoom Link for Thursday, September 12th , 8:30 to 10:00 am
- September 17 - Register HERE!
- Zoom Link for Tuesday, September 17th , 11:00 to 12:30 pm
- September 20 - Register HERE!
- Zoom Link for Friday, September 20th , 1:00 to 2:30 pm
TEAMS PD - Learning Blade
Science of Reading
Register for Science of Reading Sessions
Tuesday, September 10 (K-3 Only)
- Register for K- 3: AM Session 8:30 - 11:30 am
- Register for K-3: PM Session 12:30 - 3:30 pm
Wednesday, September 11 (4th - 6th Only)
- Register for 4th - 6th: AM Session 8:30 - 11:30 am
- Register for 4th - 6th: PM Session 12:30 - 3:30 pm
NO MORE SEATS - Sound Wall Training - October 2
- Intro. to Sound Walls
- Wednesday, October 2
- 8:30 am - 3:30 pm
- Presenter - Rhonda Ayers
- Register HERE!
Universal Literacy Screeners as a Tool for Families Video 2024
4th - 12th ELA PD with Charissa Lambert
Engaging Students in Reading Instruction in All Content Areas
- September 24
- 8:30 - 11:30 am
- 3 course hours
- Register HERE!
The Daily Grind to Prepare for the ACT Writing Exam
- September 24
- 12:30 - 3:30 pm
- 3 course hours
- Register HERE!
Text-Dependent Writing in ELA
- November 4
- 8:30 - 11:30 am
- 3 course hours
- Register HERE!
Integrating Media for Interactive Learning in Secondary ELA (Virtual Session)
- August 29: (3:30 - 5:00 pm)
- Offered by UNA Regional Inservice Center
- 1.5 hours
- Register HERE!
EL - Ellevation Platform + Strategies Fall Sessions
Schoology and PowerSchool
Schoology Overview and Passback Feature (Virtual)
- Virtual Session w/ Caitlyn Maddox
- August 22
- 9:00 - 11:00 am
PowerSchool PowerTeacher Pro (Virtual)
- Virtual Session w/Kendall Tankersley
- August 22
- 3:30 - 5:00 pm
Unified Insights: SRIPS & Portfolios - STUDENT PLANS
- Student Plans
- In Person Session w. Kendall Tankersley
- Tuesday, October 22
- 9:00 - 11:00 am
- Register HERE!
Unified Insights: SRIPS & Portfolios - INTERVENTIONS
- Interventions
- In Person Session w. Kendall Tankersley
- Tuesday, October 22
- 1:00 - 3:00 pm
- Register HERE!
ATOT Training for Teachers
A Closer Look at the ACTS & the Dimensions of Alabama Teacher Observation Tool
- Wednesday, September 11
- Time: 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM
- Format: In Person
- Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room A)
- 1115 Hwy 31 S. Athens, AL 35611
- Facilitator: Barry Wiginton, ALSDE-ATGP Support Specialist
- Clock Hours: 6 Hours
- Register HERE
Alabama Council For the Social Studies
Principals, APs, and District Administrators
Alabama Principal Act Overview (Virtual)
- Monday, August 12
- Time: 1:00 - 2:30 pm
- Format: Virtual
- Facilitator: Brad Lewis, Athens State University RIC Director
- Register HERE!
ATOT Scoring Rubric: Removing the Guesswork When Rating Instructional Practices
- CANCELED - Tuesday, August 13
- Time: 8:30 - 11:30 AM
- Format: In Person
- Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room C)
- 1115 Hwy 31 S. Athens, AL 35611
- Facilitator: Barry Wiginton, ALSDE-ATGP Support Specialist
- Clock Hours: 3 Hours
- Register HERE
- APLDS State Approved PD
Alabama's Teacher Observation Tool: An Overview for New Administrators
- Tuesday, August 20
- Time: 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM
- Format: In Person
- Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room A)
- 1115 Hwy 31 S. Athens, AL 35611
- Facilitator: Barry Wiginton, ALSDE-ATGP Support Specialist
- Clock Hours: 6 Hours
- Register HERE
- APLDS Approved PD
Navigating ACIP: Strategies for Effective Implementation
- Tuesday, September 3
- Time: 8:30 - 11:30 am
- Format: In Person
- Location: Athens State Ballroom
- Facilitator: Dr. Layne Dillard, OSI Regional Specialist
- Clock Hours: 3 Hours
- Register HERE
- APLDS Approved PD
Collaborative Work-Time: Enhancing School Improvement Plans with ALSDE Support
- Tuesday, September 3
- Time: 12:30 - 3:30 pm
- Format: In Person
- Location: Athens State Ballroom
- Facilitator: Dr. Layne Dillard, OSI Regional Specialist
- Clock Hours: 3 Hours
- Register HERE
- APLDS Approved PD
AI PLU for Administrators
Powerful Learning Network (PLN) 2024-2025
Deadline to Register your PLN Team - August 16!
A+ Best Practices Center
Powerful Learning Network (PLN)
2024-2025 Schedule
Virtual Meeting Date:
- Wednesday, September 4 - Kickoff
Face-to-Face Meeting Dates:
- Thursday, October 24
- Thursday, December 12
- Thursday, February 20, 2025
Alabama Veterans Museum
100 Pryor St. W
Athens, AL 35611
For more information, contact Dr. Brad Lewis brad.lewis@athens.edu.
*The cost to attend is $550 per person for the whole year.
- Both PLUs and CEUs are offered for PLN participants.
- We'll share PSPL Registration Info. later this summer.
- Our Focus Text is School Culture Rewired by Todd Whitaker and Steve Gruenert
Peer Coaching Workshops - A+ Best Practices Center
- Peer Coaching Registration
- Contact Dakota Punzel for more Information at dakota@aplusala.org or (205) 908-0059
Social Studies
2024 James Madison Memorial Graduate Fellowship
- The Foundation pays up to $24,000 per fellow to be used in obtaining a Master’s Degree in American History, Political Science, or Government from an accredited university.
- Deadline to Apply: Saturday, March 9, 2025
- For more information, contact Brad Lewis Brad.Lewis@athens.edu, James Madison Fellowship Class of 2005
The Alabama Social Studies Chronicle - September
Office of School Improvement Updates
Region 2 EL Specialist: Robin Stutts rstutts@alsde.edu
- EL Quarterly Newsletter
- Alabama ELLevation Education Link- https://ellevationeducation.com/district/alabama
- Virtual ELLevation Training Links - ELLevation Virtual Training Links
- AMTESOL Conference Link-Registration: https://www.amtesol.org/registration
- World Languages Newsletter: https://sway.office.com/mBGTFFbn0olsRz7W?ref=Link&loc=play
PREP Resources
PREP - Emergency Certificates, Long-Term Subs, and New Teacher On-Demand Training.
Counselors and PowerSchool SIS Staff
ALSDE Department Websites and Region 2 Specialists Contacts
Region 2 - RIC
Assistant Director - Emily Byrd
Science in Motion
Assistant Director - Emily Byrd
Ken Kirby - Regional Literacy Leadership Specialist (RLLS)
Kimberly Hargett - RLLS: Limestone, Hartselle, & Morgan.
Kim Goodwin - RLSS: Blount, Cullman City & Co. & Oneonta
Melissa Penley - RLSS: Athens City & Lawrence Co.
Tracie Howard - RLSS
Angela Richardson - RLSS
Christy Lockhart - Region 2 Math Specialist
- Dr. Brad Lewis - RIC Director (256) 233-6574 Brad.Lewis@athens.edu
- Deepa Manandhar - Program & Financial Assistant (256) 233-6576 Deepa.Manandhar@athens.edu
- Physical Location: 1115-A Hwy 31 Athens, AL