Weymouth High School
22-23 Template

Sunday Message - 4/10/2023 - Monday is a D Day
Principal's Message
Good Evening Weymouth High School Community,
We hope everyone enjoyed the holiday, whether it is Easter or Passover that you celebrate.
Report Cards
Your student’s report card for Quarter 3 is accessible on Aspen X2 at 3 pm on Monday 4/10. Directions to access report cards/progress reports in Aspen are below:
How to find your child’s report card
How to find your child’s Special Education progress report
If you are having any problems logging on to X2, please use this link for support. If you would like a printed copy of the report card, please contact Renee Vitello at 781-337-7500 ex 25126.
Senior Parent Information Night - 4/12/23
Join our senior Dean Torpey on Wednesday, April 12th at 6 pm, in the Auditorium. We will be providing information about the end of the year activities and graduation.
Honor Wall Applications - Due 4/14/23
The applications for the Honor Wall have been shared with students. The qualifications for the Scholar Wall and Leadership Wall are included in this link. Discuss with your child/ren and urge them to apply if they meet the criteria for the Honor Walls. Applications are due by April 14th.
Parent Council Meeting - 4/26/23
Our parent council meeting this month is virtual. We will be focusing on our Counseling Services. Here is the link to join us. April 26th at 7 pm
Parking stickers are required to park on campus. Students who do not have a sticker were issued warnings this past week. Students who do not have a sticker may be towed.
We will resume the Sunday Message on April 24th after vacation.
Have a good week,
Karen Monahan, Principal
Rebecca Paulhus, Associate Principal
Save the Date!
Be sure to add the upcoming events to your calendar.
Wednesday, 4/12 - Senior Parent Night - 6 - 7 pm - Auditorium
Wednesday, 4/12 - WHS School Council - 2:30 pm - Library
April 17 - April 21 - Spring Break
Wednesday, 4/26 - Parent Council Meeting - 7 pm - Virtual
Saturday, 4/29 - Jr. Prom
Tuesday, 5/9 - Diversity Summit - More information to follow.
Tuesday, 5/16 - International Festival - 5 - 8 pm - Chapman Middle School. More information to follow.
Announcements & Reminders
Town Wide Parent Council - April 11th
In lieu of a traditional meeting TWPC is inviting parents to attend this virtual event on anxiety. See this link for details.
Parking Reminder
- The Weymouth Police Department has received numerous parking complaints for those parking on Pleasant Street and Jordan Drive in the No Parking Zone during dismissal. There is ample parking on Pleasant Street beyond Jordan Drive near the General Store. Please adhere to the signage or risk being ticketed.
Community Service Opportunity
Weymouth Rotary and Weymouth Food Pantry Food Collection
- The Weymouth Rotary and Weymouth Food Pantry are looking for 20 student volunteers to assist in collecting food at Shaws to give to the Weymouth Food Pantry for distributions to families experiencing food insecurity.
- DATE: Saturday, April 15
- TIME: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm - divided into two hour shifts
- WHERE: Shaw's - 610 Middle Street, Weymouth, MA 02188
- Contact David Hicks @ 781/413-6286 (text preferred) with any questions
- Click on this LINK to register.
Town of Weymouth Clean-up Day - (15 Volunteers needed)
Please join members of the Weymouth community on Saturday, April 22, 9 am - 12 pm; for a town Clean-Up Day. Rain or Shine
Lunch will be provided for all volunteers from Noon until 1:30 pm at King Oak Hill Park
Locations vary - volunteers will be contacted with instructions on where to report.
Gloves, trash and yard waste bags will be available for pick-up between 8 - 9 am on Saturday, 4/22, at the Department of Public Works, 120 Winter Street, Weymouth, MA 02188, for all registered projects.
Community Service will consist of cleaning up trash and debris, as well as services requested by event coordinators.
Must submit Waiver of Liability. Print, fill out and upload on registration form.
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER: http://bit.ly/3zt2PRb
Senior Lawn Signs
Beginning on Monday, 3/27 through April 30th, lawn signs can be purchased for $25.
Click on this LINK to complete the order form. Completed forms and payment may be dropped off in the Gold Office to Ms. Fitzgerald or to Ms. Partridge in Room 3038. We accept Cash or Check (make payment to WHS DECA).