Redwing News
September Edition
Reminders from the Office
Please see the below practices that are in place to keep students present and safe:
- Students involved in athletics and activities must be in school ALL DAY to be eligible for practice and/or competition. Doctor appointments, funerals, college visits, and school events will be excused. All other absences would need prior administrative approval.
- Doordash or other similar food delivery is not permitted during the school day.
- We are a closed campus. Students are not permitted to leave for lunch. Students will be marked absent for a minimum of one full class period if they leave the building.
- Please check out the bottom of the newsletter with links for Seniors, Career Information, and Parent Resources.
Registering to Vote
- Students that turn 18 on or before 11/5/24 are eligible to vote in the general election. Registering to vote can be completed here.
- Students that are 16-17 may preregister to vote at any point in time to make their registration automatic at the age of 18. That process can be completed here.
- A representative from the Clinton County Clerk's Office will be here during Seminar and Lunches on 10/8/24 to help guide students through these processes. Students will need to bring a photo ID if they wish to participate.
For questions about registering to vote, please contact your local clerk.
Upcoming Dates and Events
10/1/24: College Night at CCRESA (Details Below)
10/2/24: Student Count Day
10/3/24: Online Safety & Sextortion Assembly (Alternative Schedule)
10/4/24: Hall of Fame Game & Reception
10/8/24: Parent Teacher Conferences 5-8pm
10/9/24: Parent Teacher Conferences 3-6pm
10/11/24: No Classes for Students.
10/24/24: College Night at LCC (Details found here)
11/1/24: No Classes for Students
11/21-11/22: 1st Trimester Exams Early Release
5/29/25: Class of 2025 Commencement
Parking Lot Reminders
Just a few reminders about our parking lots:
- Work, in the form of seal coating, on our parking lots will be continuing throughout the fall.
- Painting of any kind will not be permitted.
- Going forward painting will be treated as vandalism and may carry school, legal, and financial consequences.
- For further information, please see the below letter sent to families on 9/20/24.
NEW Parent Information Sessions & Conference Sign Up
Families can sign up for conferences with their child’s teachers here.
Conferences will be held virtually Tuesday 10/8 from 5-8pm and Wednesday 10/9 from 3-6pm. Teachers that have to adjust their times will send a direct message to families. Please use signup.com (link above and below) to choose an appointment slot for your child's teachers. Attached is a document with connection information for all teachers. Connection information can also be found through signup.com. Families who are unable to connect virtually are able to have an in-person conference, but it must be scheduled and arranged with the individual instructors. Signups will close at 3pm on Monday 10/7.
Again, go to https://signup.com/go/ZNTGYze to sign up for conferences.
In addition to traditional conferences, SJHS is excited to offer some informal parenting information sessions on a variety of topics. There is no need to RSVP, merely join using the links on the attached schedule. Topics including Vaping, Preparing for Next Steps, Parenting "Need to Knows", and Attendance. Sessions will be brief and informal with opportunities for questions and interaction. See the attachment for details and connection information for these sessions.
Online Safety Presentation and Sextortion Presentation
On Thursday October 3, FBI Special Agent Christopher Rodolico will present information to our students on sextortion and online safety. Special Agent Rodolico presented this information to our parents and community in January of '23 at SJHS.
What is Sextortion? Sextortion is a serious crime that occurs when a victim is threatened or blackmailed into providing sexual imagery. Sextortion also occurs when someone threatens to distribute private and sensitive material if they are not provided compensation. Youth can be targeted for sextortion by strangers domestically and abroad who do this professionally, by peers, or by others they may know.
Law enforcement is also seeing extortion occur when a person gets social leverage over a youth, like information that may be embarrassing or cause social conflicts, and using that to extort them as well. It's not just sexual imagery or materials that cause conditions for our youth to be extorted online.
Why now? The FBI and our local law enforcement agencies are seeing a huge increase in the online targeting of our youth. More specifically, our youth are being targeted for extortion based on their online activities. We are partnering with law enforcement to educate students to recognize, prevent and protect themselves from being exploited.
Please follow the links for more information:
Full FBI Presentation on Sextortion (57 mins)
If you have questions or would prefer that your child not attend this important safety presentation, please contact the main office at 989-227-4100
Yearbook Information for Seniors
Senior Portraits are due by November 1. Your photographer should email them to www.sjwingsyearbook@gmail.com. Sending a photo from your phone does not work. Portraits must meet publishing guidelines outlined on our school's yearbook page.
If you have not had senior photos taken that meet publication guidelines, there are two final opportunities offered at the school by local photographers. Sign up at the links below if you are interested. Prices for each are outlined in the photographer's sign up.
Iryshe Photography on Oct. 3: https://signup.com/go/trUfGnm
Ortman on Oct. 4: https://signup.com/go/QKHkGvd
Senior Recognition Advertisements are a great way to recognize your senior with meaningful baby pictures and senior photos, while leaving them with a special message from you. Ordering for the 2025 senior recognition ads can be found on Jostens.com
Speaking of Seniors...
The counselors have prepared this document for need-to-know information for Seniors and their Families.
Buying a Yearbook
When do you have to order your yearbook by?
If you haven't already ordered your book, you may want to soon. The earlier you can purchase one the cheaper they are. You can order your yearbook at a $5 discount by using YRBK5 at checkout (until the code hits its limit of 300 buyers). Jostens automatically turns on personalization, but you can turn it off if you prefer not to have it or would like to save money. You can order your book here.
Homecoming Fun
Homecoming Court
Freshman Homecoming Representatives: Max Wardin, Savannah Butler
Sophomore Homecoming Representatives: Aidan Wirth, Rachel Kirk
Junior Homecoming Representatives: Nic Hiner, Kelseigh Schalow
Senior Homecoming Representatives: Emma Arts, Charlie Boak, Sylvia Bunn, Ramiah Caroland,
Taylor Cook, Gabe D'Valentine, Isabelle Kosto, Joe Sklapsky, Ty Wardin, Cole Wardin, Honorary Senior Representative Tryston Bancroft
Grand Marshall(s): Dave Koenigsknecht
Honorary Redwing(s): Vicki & Kevin Schafer
Special Guest: Jayci Simon
Photos Courtesy of SJPS, more found here.
Additional Photos Courtesy of Ortman Productions, more found here.
Positivity Project
Each week, during Monday's seminar students will be experiencing brief grade specific lessons through a character education program called, "The Positivity Project".
The Positivity Project (P2) is dedicated to empowering students to build positive relationships and become their best selves. Positive psychology’s 24 character strengths serve as its foundation. Ranging from bravery and perseverance to integrity and gratitude, the character strengths are classified and described in the 800-page book Character Strengths and Virtues. These strengths aren’t about ignoring the negative. Instead, they help us overcome life’s inevitable adversities.
Families are encouraged to follow along with the below calendar as we explore these strengths that are present in all of us. P2 for Families is a great resource that allows families to do that. The password is "p2".
P2 Calendar
SEP 16–20: Curiosity
SEP 23–27: Teamwork
SEP 30–OCT 4: Open-Mindedness
OCT 14–18: Integrity
OCT 21–25: Creativity
NOV 4–8: Bravery