Gahanna Lincoln High School
A Message from Mrs. Williams
I’m excited to announce a new addition to our weekly newsletter, called "Inside the Classroom." Starting this week, we’ll be highlighting the engaging activities, projects, and lessons happening across our school. Each edition will give you a closer look at what students are learning, exploring, and creating every day. From hands-on experiments to collaborative group projects and everything in between, "Inside the Classroom" will showcase the inspiring work our students and teachers do together.
We look forward to sharing these moments with you and celebrating the growth, creativity, and excitement of our school community!
Go Lions!
Veterans Day Ceremony
Thursday, November 7 at 9:00am
We invite all families to join us in honoring our veterans at our annual Veterans Day Ceremony on Thursday, November 7 at 9:00am. The event will take place at our Veterans Memorial in front of our school.
This special event will bring our school community together to pay tribute to the brave men and women who have served our country. During the ceremony, students will lead us in patriotic songs, share reflections on the meaning of service, and present thoughtful tributes to veterans.
We warmly welcome any family members who are veterans to attend so we can recognize their service as part of our program. Thank you for helping us teach our students the importance of honoring those who have dedicated themselves to protecting our freedoms.
Reminder: No School for Students on Friday, November 8
Just a quick note to let families know that there will be no school for students on Friday, November 8 due to a scheduled staff professional development day. Our teachers and staff will be engaged in important training and collaborative planning sessions to continue enhancing the learning experience for all our students. Thank you for your support, and enjoy the long weekend!
Inside the Classroom
Exploring Our Snacking Habits Through Data Science
In our Data Science math course, a full-year journey into the art and science of data, students dive into collecting, analyzing, and creatively interpreting information. This course challenges students to think critically about data in all its forms, merging quantitative reasoning, statistics, and computer science. Data science is about finding meaningful patterns, asking thoughtful questions, and drawing insights that help us understand the past, present, and future.
In a recent inquiry unit, students embarked on a fascinating project that combined data collection, analysis, and creativity. Each student tracked their own snacking habits, collecting detailed data on the types of snacks they chose, and created eye-catching infographics to illustrate their findings.
The goal? To answer a thought-provoking essential question: What do our snacking habits reveal about us? Through their infographics, students explored trends, made observations, and shared insights about how their choices reflect their nutritional priorities, preferences, and perhaps even the influence of their daily routines. Look through these vibrant visuals to see the personal and collective stories that emerged from their snacking data!
PASS Room Calendar
Our PASS (Positive Academic Support Solution) Room is now open after school! It is open Monday - Thursday from 3:40 PM - 5:00 PM, and is located in the ASC Lab (H163A). The PASS Room is operated by GLHS teachers who are ready and willing to provide academic support on assignments.
National Honor Society (NHS)
Please be advised that the requirements for National Honor Society (NHS) membership have been updated for the 2025-2026 school year. To be eligible for consideration, students must now meet the following criteria:
- Cumulative GPA of 3.5 or above
- Completion of 10 service hours: These hours can be earned through various community service activities and will need to be signed by adults supervising the activities who are NOT related to the applicant
- Completion of the NHS application: The application will be made available to eligible students in January.
Please note: Grades will be run in January 2025. Students who meet the GPA requirement will receive an email invitation to complete the NHS application and report service hours.
If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs.Gleek at gleeka@gjps.org.
Gahanna Lincoln Athletics uses an online platform to sell tickets for all home athletic events. Click the button below to purchase GLHS Athletics Tickets.
Upcoming School Events
Mark Your Calendar
November 8 Staff Professional Development No School for Students
November 27-29 Thanksgiving Break
Dec. 23, 2024-Jan. 2, 2025 Winter Break - No School
Jan. 3, 2025 Staff Work Day - No School
Jan. 20, 2025 Martin Luther King Day - No School
Feb. 14, 2025 Staff Professional Development No School for Students
Feb. 17, 2025 Presidents Day - No School
Mar. 10, 2025 Staff Work Day - No School
Mar. 31-April 4, 2025 Spring Break - No School
April 18, 2025 Comp Day - No School
May 2, 2025 Staff Professional Development No School for Students
May 23, 2025 Last Day of School for Students
May 24, 2025 Class of 2025 Commencement
Gahanna, OH 43230
(614) 478-5500