Week of Feb. 10, 2025
24 - LMS Fine Arts Night 4:30-6:30 PM
25 - Band Pre-LGPE Performance @ NFHS
26 - FFA Competiton @ Pickens County HS
27 - All State Band Performance in Athens, GA
28 - All missing Q3 assignments due to teachers
Georgia Milestone Testing
Our Spring Georgia Milestones Assessment testing window takes place after Spring Break. The Georgia Milestones Assessment is a comprehensive assessment system spanning grades 3 through high school.
Georgia Milestones is an online assessment designed to measure and provide information about how well students are mastering the state adopted content standards in the four core content areas. Importantly, Georgia Milestones is designed to provide students with critical information about their own achievement and readiness for their next level of learning.
The EOG/EOC tests will be administered based on the following schedule.
For questions or concerns regarding test administration, please contact Ashley Starr at 770-781-4889.
LMS Spring Fieldtrips
We are thrilled to announce our Spring Field Trips!
8th Grade: On May 19th, students will enjoy a full day of fun in Chattanooga, exploring Rock City, visiting the Tennessee Aquarium, and taking a riverboat cruise.
7th Grade: On April 17th, students will experience a behind-the-scenes tour of Truist Park followed by a visit to the Georgia Aquarium.
6th Grade: On May 15th, students will visit Zoo Atlanta and enjoy a behind-the-scenes tour of Mercedes-Benz Stadium.
To register your student(s), please visit School Pay. There, you will find important information, including trip dates, details, payment amounts, due dates, and eligibility requirements.
Please note: The first payment is due by January 31st, and late payments will not be accepted. If you are unable to make the first payment by this deadline, please contact Jennifer Kelley at jekelley@forsyth.k12.ga.us.
We look forward to creating wonderful memories with our students this spring!
Community News
A Message from Nurse Sommer
Rising 7th Grade Immunization Requirement for 2025-2026
Before starting the 2025-2026 school year; Per Georgia law, all public-school students born on or after January 1, 2002, and entering, advancing, or transferring into 7th grade in Georgia need proof of an adolescent pertussis (whooping cough) booster vaccination (Tdap) given on or after their 7th birthday and an adolescent meningococcal vaccination (MCV4) given on or after their 10th birthday. Proof of both vaccinations must be documented on the Georgia Immunization Certificate (Form 3231) by the first day of school for all 7th graders.
Where can a student get vaccinated?
Children should visit their health care provider or local health department to get their Tdap or meningococcal vaccination.
Once I confirm my student has received these immunizations, how do I let the school know?
The school nurse has access to the Georgia Registry of Immunizations and will be able to see when your student’s vaccinations are updated in the system. You are also welcome to email or call the school nurse at soberkrom@forsyth.k12.ga.us 770-781-4889 ext. 290120.
Please click here: 7th grade Immunization information for more information regarding 7th grade required immunizations.
Chick Fil A Chicken Biscuits
Eat Mor Chikin! Chick Fil A chicken biscuits are sold every Thursday morning in the car rider line starting at 8:00 AM! They are $5 each while supplies last.
What's Happening with PTSO?
Our PTSO needs your help! We're looking for volunteers to support upcoming school events. Whether you can spare an hour or a whole day, your time and talents are valuable. Please consider signing up to help with duty free lunches and Chick Fil A biscuit sales. Click the links below to volunteer!
Staff Shout outs
Has a Liberty staff member helped make your student's transition back to school a positive experience? Please shout them out HERE. Positive words of affirmation from our community mean so much to us!