Le Conte "Eagle News"
Week of September 23, 2024
Planned Parenthood (Spanish ONLY)
Topic #3: Diverse families (LGBTQ family acceptance)
Learn the tools to speak to your child about diverse families.
Join us on Wednesday, September 25, 2024 from 8:30 - 10:30 am.
Coffee with the Principal
Join us on Thursday, September 26, 2024 from 8:30 - 9:30 am,
or you can join us via Zoom, here is the link https://lausd.zoom.us/j/87207425819
Contact Glenda Garrido at (323) 308-1778 or glenda.garrido@lausd.net for more information.
LACER Flag Football Team
Our season begins for our LACER flag football team this year. Go Eagles!!!!
Our students have met the no Fails and 2.0 GPA requirement in their most recent report card. In addition, students must keep good behavior and attendance record to play.
Please contact Stephanie Hernandez at (213) 709-5557 or sh@LACERstars.org for more information.
Eagle Pride Dance
The Eagle Pride Dance with Bingo tickets is this Thursday, September 26, 2024 from 4:00 - 6:00 pm. Tickets are now on sale for $6. The price at the door will be $10. Tickets are being sold during Nutrition and Lunch in the Quad Stage.
Please contact Mr. Darce at miguel.darce@lausd.net for more information.
Ballroom Dancing
NEW class coming soon.......
The Ballroom Dancing class will be open to all students that want to participate.
Classes will meet Wednesdays and Thursdays after-school from 3:30 - 5:00 pm.
Please contact Ms. D'Ambra at (323) 308-1705 or agd6158@lausd.net for more information.
Reading Challenge 2.0
The reading challenge is on and it will end on December 13, 2024. The goal of the challenge is to foster a love for reading among all students and encourage sustained reading habits and family involvement in students' literacy development. Students, with input from their family members, will choose a book based on their lexile level and student interest to read during their free time. After finishing the book and completing an optional reflection activity, the student may turn in their book and check out another
selection at the school library or use the SORA app. This process will continue until students read up to six books throughout the fall semester.
Please contact Penelope Valdez at (323) 308-1731 or psv3143@lausd.net for more information.
LACER After-School Fundraiser
Do you want to run on behalf of the LACER after-school program?
You can collect donations for LACER and sign-up to run the LA Marathon for FREE!
Please contact Stephanie Hernandez at (213) 709-5557 or sh@LACERstars.org for more information.