Bach Bulletin
February 10, 2025
Important Dates
January 7: Enrollment begins for 25-26 (see details below)
February 13: First In District Transfer window and Open/Community Lotteries End
February 12: Student Count Day
February 12: PTO meeting, 6:30-7:30pm via Zoom, Meeting ID: 876 5896 0382
February 14-February 18: No School for Students
February 19: School Resumes
February 20: Forsythe Parent Orientation, 6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.
February 26: Bach Kindergarten Round up, 6:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.
February 27: Slauson Parent Orientation for Current 5th Graders, 6:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m.
March 3: Bach Art Night, 6:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m.
March13: Mobile dentist visits Bach
April 4: Bach Dance Night, 6:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m.
The Bach Office is open daily between 8:15 a.m. and 4:15 p.m. The main contact number is 734-994-1949. If you need to report your child’s absence, please email Bach@a2schools.org.
Bach Parent Information Hub
Please utilize the Bach Information Hub to find important daily information that will help answer frequently asked questions.
Black History Month
Bach School is celebrating Black History Month, honoring the trailblazers who paved the way and those who continue to inspire change every day.
Black History Month is an annual celebration of achievements by African Americans and a time for recognizing their central role in U.S. history. Also known as African American History Month, the event grew out of “Negro History Week,” the brainchild of noted historian Carter G. Woodson and other prominent African Americans. Since 1976, every U.S. president has officially designated the month of February as Black History Month. Other countries around the world, including Canada and the United Kingdom, also devote a month to celebrating Black history (history.com).
From the Art Room
Hello Bach friends,
This past week in art class, young fives and kindergarteners drew Valentine lollipops inspired by the fifth grade fundraiser, first graders learned to express different moods through heart emoji drawings, second graders learned about the artist Jim Dine, third graders learned how to create tints and shades using pastels, and fourth and fifth graders learned how to use paper weaving techniques to combine two separate drawings into a single abstract image.
Have a great week.
-Mrs. Alseri
NAAPID at Night
N.A.A.P.I.D. at Night, 3/10, 5:00-7:00 p.m. at Ypsilanti Community Middle School
(please share the flyer with the poster contest and save the date with staff and families)
NAAPID Poster Contest 2025.pdf This year’s theme is “Love, Guidance, Respect, and Compassion are the Greatest Gifts given to ALL Children”, entry deadline is 2/21
Count Day is Wednesday!
Count Day is Wednesday, February 12th. Please make sure your kids are here in school and on time to help us get an accurate count of our Bach Bengals. Thank you for your support!
Author Visit: Supriya Kelkar visits Bach
Schuler Books is thrilled to partner with Bach Elementary School and Supriya Kelkar to provide books for the author/illustrator's visit on February 27 for our March is Reading Month kickoff event! To ensure the books are available in time for the event, please place all orders by Sunday, February 16. Books will be signed and delivered to the students' classrooms after the author's visit. Click the Schuler Books order link for more details.
AAPS 2025-26 Enrollment
Neighborhood pre-enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year will open on Tuesday, January 7th. Students in grades Y5 through 12 who will be new to the AAPS district for the 2025-26 school year will be eligible to complete their pre-enrollment for their zoned school. Families can look up which school they are zoned for by accessing our Attendance Area by Street Directory.
January 7th through February 13th will be the first In-District Transfer window open for the year for grades Y5, 9, 10, and 11 (IB only at Huron). In-District transfers are for those who live in the Ann Arbor Public Schools attendance area but seeking enrollment in a school that is not their zoned neighborhood school. Additionally, January 7th through February 13th will be the ONLY application window for the Community High Lottery and Ann Arbor Open Lottery.
Information about additional In-District Transfer and Schools of Choice windows will be posted on the Enrollment page when available. Questions can be directed to enroll@a2schools.org.
Kindergarten Round-Up Schedule
AAPS will hold Kindergarten Round-Up events at schools across the district in February. Meet the staff, learn about the programs and the enrollment process and get answers to your questions. Learn more and see the full schedule here.
Mobile Dental Service Visits Bach/March 13
A mobile dental service will be visiting Bach Elementary on March 13 to provide on-site dental care for students. This service offers basic dental check-ups, cleanings, and screenings, making it easier for parents to ensure their child’s oral health without needing to leave school. Consent forms were sent home in backpacks last week.
If you have any questions please visit: https://www.myschooldentist.com/Default.aspx
Erica Brenner, RN MSN
AAPS School Nurse
Library News
In Library this month we will be focusing on the importance of having a healthy media balance, encouraging students to look for opportunities where they can take breaks from their devices. We will brainstorm activities that are fun to do individually, with friends, and as a family that are device-free. Y5-K students are learning how to regulate their emotions when asked to transition from an online activity to an offline one with the Pause, Breathe, and Finish Up strategy, 1st-2nd graders will sing along to the Balance is Important song, and 3rd-5th graders are thoughtfully considering what their media balance looks like. Here are a few family resources to help continue these important conversations of media balance as a family: Y5-2 Family Conversation Starter , 3-5 Family Conversation Starter, and Ways to Help Kids Balance Their Media Lives.
Forsythe Parent Orientation
Hello Future Forsythe Parents and Guardians,
This school year is passing quickly and we have already started to plan for next year. Before you know it, your 5th grade child will be entering 6th grade and starting their middle school experience. Leaving elementary school and moving to middle school can be both challenging and exciting for students and parents. At Forsythe, we are committed to making this transition a positive experience for both you and your child.
We will be hosting a Parent Orientation Night for 5th grade families on Thursday, February 20, from 6:00 – 8:00 pm. The program will start in the Forsythe auditorium. During the orientation, families will receive an overview of the middle school program, as well as information about the 6th grade curriculum and co-curricular opportunities for students. There will also be time for questions and answers. We hope you will join us.
If you have questions, please email Ms. Morris, next year’s 6th grade counselor, at morrisr@aaps.k12.mi.us or contact the school at (734) 994 - 1985.
We look forward to seeing you on Thursday, February 20.
Angela Newing
Andrew Face
Assistant Principal
Rita Morris
6th Grade Counselor
morrisr@aaps.k12.mi.usBach Orientation Dates for Slauson Middle School
For Parents
Date: February 27, 2025
Time: 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM (Parents Only)
This orientation will provide an overview of our middle school program, covering topics such as the 6th-grade experience, curriculum, classroom expectations, and co-curricular opportunities.
For Students:
March 3rd - March 7th, 2025
Slauson counselors will visit feeder elementary schools to introduce students to 6th-grade course options, schedules, and school culture. Course selection sheets will be shared electronically with parents after classroom visits, and forms are due by April 1, 2025.
Thursday, May 1, 2025
Feeder 5th graders and approved SOC/IDT students will visit Slauson for student orientation. Students will tour the building, learn about course offerings, and meet teachers and staff. Transportation will be provided by AAPS for feeder school students. IDT/SOC students must arrange their own transportation.
August 2025
Incoming 6th-grade registration will take place in August. Parents must complete the AAPS InfoSnap pre-registration before attending in-person registration. Students will receive schedules, locker assignments, and yearbook photos during this event.
If you have any questions or concerns about these events, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I look forward to working together to make this transition smooth and exciting for everyone involved!
Thank you so much for your time and support!
Best regards,
Stacy Kissel (she/her)
8th Grade School Counselor
Slauson Middle School
It’s Okay to Ask for Help!
Care Solace is AAPS’s free Mental Health Care Coordination Service. Care Solace is available 24/7/365 to connect students, staff, and their families to mental health, substance abuse, and ABA service providers. Using Care Solace is easy!
Call 888-515-0595 any time. Multilingual support is available 24/7/365. A dedicated Care Companion will help you every step of the way to research options, secure appointments and follow up with you to make sure it's a good fit.
Search anonymously by visiting caresolace.com/aaps
Contact your student’s counselor, social worker or principal and they will submit a referral on your behalf.
Learn more about Care Solace here. Information is also available in Arabic, Mandarin and Spanish.
Contact Us
Email: iveyc@aaps.k12.mi.us
Website: https://www.a2schools.org/bach
Location: 600 W. Jefferson Street
Phone: 734-994-1949
Facebook: facebook.com/BachPTO
Twitter: @A2BachSchool