HES' Husky Herald
November 5th, 2021
Important Dates
November 1st - 15th: HES Apparel Online Store Open
November 8th - 23rd: Special ~ Health/Wellness (Please remember your sneakers!)
November 9th and 10th: Jeannie Connolly's Special Art Projects
November 11th: Veteran's Day - No School-Thank you for your service!
November 15th: Picture Retake Day (more information will be sent home next week)
November 24th - 26th: No School - Thanksgiving Recess
November 30th: Trimester 1 ends, report cards sent home Dec. 3rd
Message from Principal Nicole Pease
It was lovely to see so many parents coming and going on Tuesday for conferences.
Next week, Jeannie Connolly will be coming to HES to work with all classrooms on projects that integrate art into each grade level's curriculum. We are looking forward to seeing the final products!
I hope you have a fun filled weekend, don't forget to turn the clocks back Saturday Night! Nicole
HES Online Apparel Store
We are very excited to offer an opportunity for you to purchase t-shirts, sweatshirts, and fleeces with the HES logo! You can access the Blueberry Hill Design Works online apparel store by going to https://hes-fall-21.itemorder.com/sale. The store is open November 1st until midnight on Monday, November 15th.
All orders will be delivered to HES and can be picked up here (we will not be mailing orders). We will send an email to let you know once your order is ready for pick up.
Water Bottles & Reusable Utensils
In an effort to reduce our single plastic use, please remember to send in reusable utensils with your child for snacks and home lunches.
Do you have any extra water bottles or reusable utensils at home that you are not using and would be willing to donate to HES? If so, please send them in with your child and we will keep them in the classrooms to use as extras for those who forget theirs. Thank you!
First Friends Preschool with Ms. Jenn
Kindergarten with Mrs. Goodington
1st Grade with Miss Harrington
2nd Grade with Mrs. Shultz
3rd Grade with Mrs. LaCroix
Hello families! 3rd graders have been hard at work learning all about singular and plural nouns. We are reading the story "I Wanna Iguana" where a little boy hopes to get a new pet and is trying to persuade his mother to let him get it. The students are loving the fun illustrations and learning how to connect the pictures to the text and to their real lives! We are also learning how to tell time and are starting to talk about elapsed time. Any conversations around time at home (ex. dinner will be ready in 10 minutes, what time will it be ready?) are a great way to support this learning. We are diving deep into becoming bird researchers using the search engine Kiddle (Google designed for kids) and students are learning how to collect notes from different types of research resources. We are very excited to be doing Reading Buddies outdoors on Fridays with the 1st graders as well! As it is the first Friday of the month, students will be moving their desks to a new spot for the month!
4th Grade with Mrs. Nevins
Music with Mrs. Petrick
Eyes on Owls
More Halloween Fun!
Don't forget to check out the HES website.
Flyers for Local Activities and Events:
Information about Free Lunch and Milk
Contact Information
Email: npease@conval.edu
Website: https://hes.convalsd.net/
Location: 10 Elementary Lane, Hancock, NH, USA
Phone: 603-525-3303