Essex Elementary Extra
Edition: December 2-6, 2024
"December is the time for remembering the past and reaching toward the future."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Wow, December (and it's much brisker weather!) certainly arrived quickly! We hope you and your families had a wonderful Thanksgiving break, and it is hard to believe that winter break is a mere two and a half weeks away! With the abbreviated school week, I thought I'd send this out a day early with some helpful reminders:
- First trimester report cards are going home in backpacks this afternoon!
- Tomorrow, Thurs 12/5, is an early release dismissal at 11:45am
- Friday, 12/6, there is no school for students.
- Guardian-Teacher Conferences are Thursday afternoon and Friday--- this a great opportunity to connect with your child's teacher and discuss their progress and goals!
- We hope to see you at our Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, 12/7 from 8-11am!
Chilly Days and Warm Smiles!
Vocab Parade Recap
Students showed off their vocabulary skills right before break! Feel free to watch (or rewatch!) the parade here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15Y3fawQbuLwpoVm_IsBQi4rQVUMwfR8k/view?usp=sharing
PickUp Patrol in Action!
We are well on our way of rolling out PickUp Patrol--- our new and easier way to change your child's dismissal plans. This morning, I resent a welcome email with your registration link to all guardians who have not yet signed up. If you did not see it, please check your junk/spam folders! Registration links expire after 48 hours--- if you miss the window, please reach out to Maggie and she can resend you the link.
Clickable Information
What's Cookin'?
Important Events
Wednesday, December 4, 2024: Trimester 1 Report Cards Go Home
Thursday, December 5, 2024: Early Release at 11:45/ Conferences
Friday, December 6, 2024: No school for students/ Conferences
Wednesday, December 11, 2024: Early Release at 11:45
Thursday, December 12, 2024: Elementary Winter Concert: MSHS Auditorium at 6:00pm
Friday, December 20, 2024: Last Day of School before Winter Break
Open Door Mobile Market
- Open Door will run its mobile market at Essex Elementary on the third Wednesday of each month from 2:45-3:30
- This resource is available to anyone in the community!
Cape Ann Kids Holiday Fund
The Cape Ann Kids Holiday Fund supports children in our community by providing gifts for local families. Please click here for information on how to donate and how to apply for support.
Eastern Essex Regional Public Health Coalition
The Eastern Essex Regional Public Health Coalition (EERPH) was formed by an agreement between Hamilton, Wenham, Essex, and Rockport, and exists to improve the ability of local health departments to meet state legislated requirements for public health services. EERPHC staff, consisting of a regional social worker and Regional Public Health Nurse, assess and help provide needed public health nursing, mental health education and support, and social services in the community. Residents are welcome to reach out directly to EERPHC for support.