Summer Scoop
August 5, 2024

Message from Principal, Mr. Zeman
Hello Longwood Elementary families!
Mike Zeman here, your new principal. I am extremely excited to join this school community and to start the 2024-25 school year. This newsletter contains all of the information you need to start the year on the right track.
I want to invite you to the BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT on Tuesday, August 13th from 6-7:30 pm. This evening will give us a chance to get to know one another, enjoy some popsicles and help get us all excited for the new school year.
I am looking forward to a great year and have included my contact information as well. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions you may have. I may not always have every answer but can connect you with the best Longwood Staff expert.
Thank you and see you soon!
Mike Zeman
(630) 428-6789
Hello, Longwood Families!
We hope you are having a terrific summer.
August is here! We will share regular communication throughout the school year via our Weekly Preview newsletters. Please take a few minutes to read the newsletter each week to stay updated on school news and important events and information.
Mr. Munoz and his team did an incredible job preparing our school for the new year. It looks beautiful! Mrs. Jardines and Mrs. Meunier are very busy in the office finalizing registration for all of our families. We are finalizing class lists! Please complete this process as soon as possible in order to have your student included! Call the office at 630-428-6789 if we can assist you in any way.
Continue reading below for Important Start Up Information for the 2024-25 School Year.
Thank you for being a part of our Pride!
✨ 2024-2025 Important Information ✨
In order for your child to be added to a class list, registration must be finished. Please log into ParentVue to complete this today!
Classroom and Teacher Assignments will be posted in ParentVue on Monday, August 12th after 4:00pm.
Application Form English - Application Form Spanish
Complete and return to Mrs. Jardines in the main office.
Applications are no longer needed for Longwood. For the 2024-25 School Year, all Students receive free breakfast and free lunch daily! Menus will be posted HERE closer to the start of the school year. Monthly menus will be linked in the calendar section of our weekly newsletter, too. Yum!
Forms can be found HERE Schedule and complete your child's health exam and immunization requirements ASAP. Documents can be uploaded to ParentVue or dropped off in the main office. Avoid having your child excluded from school - all records must be on file by October 15th!
Grades K-5 can be found HERE. We are fortunate to receive a number of generous donations from our community partners. If we can assist your family by providing you with backpack(s) or school supplies, please call the office: (630)428-6789
Complete and return a Transportation Form for each student in your family. Return it to josabet_jardines@ipsd.org or to the Longwood Main Office. This information is critical in ensuring our students are safely supported during arrival and dismissal each day.
Our school's Arrival/Dismissal map and information can be found HERE.
Students should not arrive to Longwood before 8:50am. Staff begin supervision at 8:50am. Playground is CLOSED during arrival and dismissal. We have compiled a list of local programs with before and after school care for your convenience. Local Day Care Facilities If the program on this list is not housed at Longwood, the center provides transportation to our school.
School Supplies
Join Us! Back to School Night Tue, Aug 13th!
Teacher Meet & Greet!
First Day of School - August 22nd
Mon, 8/12: Class Assignments Available in ParentVue after 4:00pm
Tue, 8/13: Back to School Blacktop Party 6:00-7:30pm
AUGUST Breakfast/Lunch: Menus
Mon, 8/19: Teacher Meet & Greet 9:00-10:00am
Thu, 8/22: First Day of School! Doors Open 8:50am
Wed, 8/28: *Late Start Wednesday* Doors Open 9:00am
Mon, 9/2: No School - Labor Day
Wed, 9/4: *Late Start Wednesday* Doors Open 9:00am
Wed, 9/11: *Late Start Wednesday* Doors Open 9:00am
Tue, 9/17: Curriculum Night 6:00-7:30pm
Mon, 10/14: No School - Columbus/Indigenous Peoples' Day