Henry Happenings
Summer Update - July 31, 2023

February 9, 2025
Principal Message
Happy Super Bowl!
We have a big favor to ask of you. If you have a new family member, grandparent, or caregiver coming to Henry to drop off or pick up your child, please educate them on our arrival and dismissal procedures. With our limited space and pretty specific procedures it helps for everyone to know what is expected. It can be stressful for someone new to come into our process unsure of what to do. Thanks in advance for your help to keep everyone safe!
Make sure to keep reading below for more information on: Girls on the Run registration, Notes from Nurse Munch, Yearbook Orders, Class of 2023 Hoodie Orders, PTO Culver's Night and more!
Dr. Jodi Oliver
Upcoming Dates
February 13 - Early Release, Dismissal at Henry 2:05 PM
February 14 - Yearbook Ordering Closes
February 14 - No School (Professional Development)
February 17 - No School (Presidents Day)
February 22 - District STEMFest at Southwest Middle School 10 AM
February 25 - Reader in Me Online Submission Deadline
February 25 - Spirit of Excellence Celebration at the Family Arena 6:45 PM
February 26 - 5th Grade Musical 6:30 PM
February 28 - Reader in Me Prize Distribution
March 3 - One School One Book / Read-A-Thon Begins
March 4 - PTO Tab Top Collection Day
March 6 - All-District Orchestra Concert at Family Arena 7:30 PM
March 11 - 3rd Grade Strings Concert 6:30 PM
March 13 - Spring Class Parties
March 14 to 21 - No School (Spring Break)
March 25 - Reader in Me Online Submission Deadline
March 28 - Reader in Me Prize Distribution
March 28 - Half Day, Dismissal at Henry 1:05 PM (Teacher Records Day)
Recent Henry Happenings Highlights
- Click HERE to order your 2024-25 yearbook. Deadline to order is Friday!
- Nominate a Teacher/Staff Member for a Bulldog Brag!
- Remember to Check Lost and Found for missing items.
Active Kids Needed!
Calling all active kids! Mr. Pettus and Mrs. Howren are looking to fill their PE bulletin board with NEW pictures of our Henry students. We want to see pictures of our Bulldogs showing off how they stay active, healthy and strong! Do you have a cool action shot playing your favorite sport, or ballet recital picture? Maybe you have a new picture of you in your latest team jersey. We want to highlight ALL of our Bulldogs in action! Please send in ONE picture of your child to Mrs.Howren or Mr. Pettus (you can send a picture or email one to us) and we will add you to our collage!
Pre-Order for a Longhorn Hoodie for the Class of 2032
West Middle PTO is holding a Pre-Order for a Longhorn Hoodie for the Class of 2032. Please see the flyer below on how 5th Grade families can purchase one or click here to order!
Notes from Nurse Munch
Cold and flu season has arrived. Most illnesses are caused by respiratory viruses and they can make children feel terrible! Here is some helpful information from the American Academy of Pediatrics on caring for respiratory illnesses at home, including information on when to see your doctor and when to stay home.
Also, make sure to check out February Nurse's Newsletter. Topics include:
- Managing Winter Asthma
- Avoiding Winter Health Issues
- Heart Health for Kids
- Promoting Good Oral Health Habits
- Getting a Good Nights Sleep
Granting Dreams Program Entries Due Friday
Parkway Alumni Association sponsors Dream Grants (up to $250) to help pay for extracurricular learning experiences and materials, or for free community resources, such as a job shadowing opportunity. Students are encouraged to submit requests that will help them expand their skills, gain knowledge or experience, or participate in school-related or community activities. Click here to learn more about the Granting Dreams Program and how to apply. The Granting Dreams application period ends on Feb. 14th.
Girl Scout Game/Puzzle Collection for Seniors Ends 2/21
Girls on the Run Registration Open Through Feb. 23rd
Interested in joining Girls on the Run? For students in grades 3-5, Girls on the Run inspires individuals of all abilities to recognize their unique strengths, while building a sense of connection in a team setting. Volunteer coaches facilitate lessons that blend physical activity with life skill development to enable team members to adapt to whatever comes their way. At the end of the season, the team completes a 5K together.
Program Dates at Henry: Tuesday and Thursday from 4 to 5:15 PM, starting the week of March 3rd and ending with a 5K Event on May 10th. Registration is currently open and ends February 23rd.
Please see the flyer for more information or register now! Questions, contact Kim Torrence at kimachappell@yahoo.com. Our team at Henry is also looking for GOTR coaches! If you are interested in learning more about coaching, please contact Kim Torrence.
Parkway School District Winter Weather Reminders
Parkway is committed to keeping students and staff safe during severe winter weather. We have now utilized all three planned snow days for the 2024-25 academic calendar. If severe weather requires the district to close in the future, we will conduct virtual learning days.
If schools close or dismiss early due to snow or ice, before- and after-school care will not be available, and activities will be canceled. Families will be notified via phone, text, email, local media, Parkway’s website, and social media.
As a reminder:
- Update your contact information in the Infinite Campus Parent Portal.
- Have a family plan for closings or delays.
- Ensure children are dressed warmly and arrange transportation if they walk to school
🐾 Henry PTO Corner 🐾
- ATTENTION KINDERGARTEN PARENTS: Please help us stock the lounge for the teachers/staff/administration. Kindergarten is responsible for the month of February. Please see the Sign Up Genius to sign up to bring items. You can drop off at the school office by the morning of Wednesday, February 19th. Thank you for being so thoughtful and generous for those taking care of our students!
- Culver’s Restaurant Night – 2/24 - 5-8pm - Culver’s of Manchester; 14444 Manchester Road, 63011 - Culver’s will donate 10% of sales from the evening to Henry Elementary PTO. No code needed. Please read below regarding Culver’s Restaurant Night Volunteers being sought.
- Culver’s Restaurant Night Volunteers - We have a Culver's "Share Night" (restaurant night) on Monday, February 24th. As part of Culver's “Share Night,” they require that we have 1 adult volunteer and 4 youth volunteers per hour for the duration of the event. As a volunteer, you will receive a Culver's apron and nametag, and then be responsible for delivering food to customers. (You will wash your hands and will need to continue to wash hands during your shift.) We recommend the youth volunteers be in grades 2-5 as they will be walking outside to deliver food to customers and will need to be able to find the correct car and number. If you have a student who is younger and wants to sign up, you can do that but you need to plan to stay and assist the student as well (even if the 1 adult volunteer is signed up for the hour). **PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT IF YOU SIGN UP THAT YOU KNOW FOR CERTAINTY YOU CAN ATTEND. Culver's is counting on the volunteers and it will be difficult to replace on short notice.** Please sign up on the link here. Sign ups are on a first come, first serve basis.
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Having trouble connecting to the Buzz Book and other information via the helpful red buttons at the bottom of this newsletter? At the top of the email, please click "View in browser". This will make the red buttons at the bottom of the newsletter clickable again.
You can also access the links here while SMORE works to update this feature.
Henry Elementary School
Email: joliver2@parkwayschools.net
Website: https://www.parkwayschools.net/Domain/15
Location: 700 Henry Avenue, Ballwin, MO, USA
Phone: 314-415-6350
Facebook: facebook.com/henryelementaryschool
Instagram: @pkwyhenrybulldogs