Westview Weekly
11-26 🦃
Important Dates
27-29 No School
28 Happy Thanksgiving
December 6 Family Literacy Night, 5:00-7:00
K-Kids Toy Drive for CRS
As the holiday season approaches, the Westview Kids in the Community (K-Kids) group is supporting a Toy Drive to benefit the CRS of Avon Lake. The CRS provides many resources for families in our community and helping families during December is an important role they play in Avon Lake. Thank you for any support you can provide to this community resource.
Family Literacy Night - Friday, 12-6
Join us at Westview for Family Literacy Night on Friday, December 6th, 5:00-7:00. This free event is a great opportunity to play games with your child and see how they are learning how to read. Please RSVP by Monday, December 2nd.
Student Coucil and the Service Worker Breakfast
Westview's Studnet Council held their annual Service Worker Breakfast today. Students made breakfast, served coffee, and presented some gifts to our local safety personnel. Students with family members that help keep communities safe past and present were also invited to join in the meal. Thank you to our Student Council for this wonderful event.
Retake Day is Monday, December 9th at Westview. Save time and preorder your photographs online by clicking on the "Order Online" button below.
School Gifts
Westview is always appreciative of all gifts given to staff members throughout the school year. Important information to know is the value of any gift given to a staff member may not be more than $25. Thank you for all you do to support your children and our partnership we have with families.
Westview Holiday Concerts
The Westview Holiday Concerts are scheduled for Thursday, December 19th at 9:30 and 1:30. Kindergarten, first, and second grade students will perform at 9:30. Choir members, third, and fourth grade stduents will perform at 1:30. Doors will open for guests to enter the gym at 9:15 and 1:15. Please fill in the middle of the rows as I anticipate both shows to have many family members in attendance.
Both shows will be live streamed for anyone unavailalbe to attend in person.