Hi Everyone,
Something to think about on the journey, from Brian McLaren.
Thankyou for coming along to the meetings with teachers on Tuesday. This is a nice opportunity to meet your child’s teacher and get a sense of the journey ahead for 2023. Our thanks also, to our teachers who have invested a lot of time in getting ready for these sessions. Much appreciated!
Numero Club is already well underway and what a sight it is to see children so engaged in this timeless pursuit. Thanks to Peter Scutti who is the driving force behind Numero Club - it’s fun!
Have a great weekend
Friday 17 February
- Numero Club in the Library - 7:40am - 8:10am
2023 Student Free Days:
Monday March 6 West Australia Day
Tuesday March 7 (after Long Weekend)
Monday April 24
Tuesday April 25 ANZAC Day Public Holiday
Tuesday June 6
Monday July 17
Tuesday July 18
A lot of maintenance was done over the holidays:
We have had a big external repaint and the place looks fantastic
The two rooms next to Year 5 are now back in our possession and we have had those rooms painted. This is where Science now lives!
All classrooms and the Library have had their internal paintwork touched up. They look fresh and welcoming.
Ground works have been done and grassed areas and the Veritas Garden look great
The automatic doors to the new Siena Centre toilets - as well as the walls they were built into - have been replaced by the builders
The front doors to the school have been repaired - also by the builders
A major tree survey, followed by pruning has been done. This happens annually.
The Nature Play on the oval has been oiled to protect the timber
The area next to the hall is in the process of being cleaned up. Another big undertaking to improve the look of our school.
Still to come:
Fencing of the grassed area (STCA) in front of the re-acquired classrooms where Science is, thereby increasing play/breakout spaces
Replacing the gate and fencing to the Kindy entrance from the Siena Parking area
Cough Cough
The CEWA portal is being shut down. In future instances if your child is away from school with Covid, please tell us when you report their absence.
We have had to send several children home with gastro. Generally, it runs through many members of the class, it is so contagious.
If your child contracts gastro, please keep them home until the are completely well.
Thank you.
Making Jesus Real
Everly Colliton, one of our students, raised $400 for Dandelions WA! Everly ran a bake sale during the holidays to raise funds to provide lunchboxes, backpacks and water bottles for children who sadly do not have any of these things. This is a wonderful act of kindness. Well done Everly, and thank you!!!
Important Information
All emails are to be sent to admin@hrs.wa.edu.au and they will be forwarded to the respective teachers to address. This protocol has been in place for a number of years.
We want our school to remain safe, happy and open and need your cooperation.
If your child is unwell during the night or in the morning please do not send them to school. If you are called to collect your child but cannot pick them up you will need to make sure we have a phone number for someone else we can contact to come and collect them.
If your child will not be attending school on certain days please email admin@hrs.wa.edu stating day/time/reason and if it is for one term or the whole year as this needs to be entered into SEQTA.
School Fees & Health Care Card
School fees will be sent to all families via email in the next couple of weeks, we will advise once this has been sent.
If you hold a current Health Care Card, please complete the form below and send by email to admin@hrs.wa.edu.au and bring your card in for photocopying.
Form and current Health Care Card must be provided to the Office to receive discount.
It has been wonderful to welcome everyone back to the library! Spare Library Bags have been loaned to some students for their first lesson, particularly in the younger years. Please wash and return these with your child’s books next week. If your child forgets their library books on their borrowing day, they are most welcome to swap them at lunchtimes on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday.
Numero is back on Friday mornings from 7.40am. Chess and Book Club lists will be posted shortly. As always, please keep an eye in the newsletter and on the library whiteboard for any up to date information.
Happy Reading!
Mrs Butson
“A children’s story that can only be enjoyed by children is not a good children’s story in the slightest.” — C.S. Lewis
I hope everyone has settled into Term 1 well. 2D will start their Feelings and Friends journey next Friday, Week 3. Parent updates will be sent home via seesaw so you know what we are covering. Year 4 parents must have their Seasons For Growth consent forms returned in Week 4 if they wish their child to participate. Groups will be set up according to demand and further information will then be sent home to parents. Year 6’s start their Council Group journey next Friday, Week 3. I am so looking forward to working with these wonderful students this year!
Last Tuesday was Safer Internet Day. This is a great resource for parents to support their children with internet safety and a timely reminder to check in with them about internet usage. Safer Internet Day
Have a great term!
Holly Butson
Book Club
Bookclub has kicked off for 2023 with the new look catalogues going out this week. Check out the catalogues over the weekend and order if you wish to.
Please note: There's a quicker turnaround this time.
**Orders close 13 February 2023**
Tory Tracey
Online Ordering: https://quickcliq.com.au/
Monday 13 Feb - R. Summers, J. Elphick
Wednesday 15 Feb - B. Radalj, C. Irdi
Friday 17 Feb - L. Chiappini, R. Maio, J. Brown
Leanna 0414 953 958
The wonderful ladies in the P&F have been working super hard to make the Parent Sundowner a memorable one.
So please refer to the Seesaw message you would’ve received yesterday, with all the info you’ll need for the night.
Hope to see you all there!!
Rose &
The P&F Team xx
Please go to the School website www.hrs.wa.edu.au and follow the Families Link on the top right of the page.
- Five days a week during term time
- Vacation Care during school holidays.
- Available for children attending Kindy through to Year Six
Our Lady of the Rosary Parish
Parish Office - 9446 2055
Father Peter Hoang OP - 0412 445 199
Australian Girls Choir Open Day
Look no further than the Australian Girls Choir (AGC) because we encourage, challenge and inspire girls as they learn to sing, dance and perform. School aged girls are invited to come along to our Open Day on Saturday February 25 to try our fun and inclusive classes and learn more about being part of the AGC! Please visit our website to register to attend our free Open Day: https://ausgirlschoir.com.au/joinagc
2023 Winter Netball Season
Do you have a son or daughter who is interested in playing Netball this season? Winter registrations will be opening to all children in Years 2 - 6 on Monday 13th February 2023. Details for registration can be found on the Club's facebook page:
All registrations are made online. Simply click on the relevant link for your child. Boys and girls are eligible to play netball. Trainings occur at school and the season commences in May and runs until August.
If you have any queries please contact Narelle Foster at netballhr@gmail.com
Thank you
Narelle Foster
Holy Rosary Netball Club
Holy Rosary School
Email: admin@hrs.wa.edu.au
Website: hrs.wa.edu.au
Location: 35 Williamstown Road, Doubleview WA, Australia
Phone: (08)9203 4500